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ST Sub Classes

[HRP] Curry

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What do you want to see? - More ST Sub classes. This would consist of stuff like Scout Troopers which would wield the Scout pistol and sniper. Possibly also add in AT Troopers which would consist of a scout pistol and rocket launcher. Also CQB Troopers (Close Quarter Combat Troopers). These troopers would wield a Shotgun and Thermal Detonators.

Why should we add it? - You should add this cause like most battalions they have their own sub classes. I feel like the ST's should have some more options for the people who choose to stay within ST for a decently long time. This would also allow others who join to want to stay and help make the branch grow and serious. Of course we would make sure these classes you have to work for rank wise. CQB troopers and AT Troopers being higher than SGT because of the weapons they wield. Then probably Scouts CPL like the Heavy Troopers are. This change within the ST Sub Classes would also allow for more power in force whenever we go out on missions. Since we have a decent amount of Guarding Battalions. We have Medics. We have IQ. Then we have our Recon/Specialized battalion IC.

What are the advantages of having this? - Once again as stated above this would help us out in the battle field if we are in tough situations. You see the IC doing a lot of this work but I feel like if trained properly and gained the rank the ST's can help them out and achieve our goal in the end. It also could possibly take a lot of stress off other battalions and possibly keep our numbers in ST pretty decent.  

Who is it mainly for? - Storm Troopers (ST)

Links to any content - N/A


Extra Info: Please do not say we are ST and shouldn't have this much. We try our best to keep our troopers strict and up to the best standards. We don't tolerate much mingery and make sure they do what they are supposed to in the best orderly fashion there is. If we do get this and these jobs are being abused trust me we will take immediate action upon them. Thank You.

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