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Prop Unblacklisted (Plate 1x2) - Accepted

[GL] My Pet named Steve

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What you want to see? - The plate 1x2 in the general section of the Q menu props be unblacklisted

Why should we add it? - Helps people who want to build bases and was a super useful prop

What are the advantages of having this? - Gives people more options for base building and I see no reason for the blacklist

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone, mainly base builders

Links to any content - In the Q menu General Prop section, the 1x2 plate

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5 hours ago, [GL] Joe Mama said:


  • While I would really like to see this prop unblacklisted, I'm sure there was a good reason for it being blacklisted in the first place


PoliceRP: Former PD LT.

ImperialRP: Starkiller, former 8th Brother, StarFighter Vice Marshall, 501st CPT, and Admin.

MilitaryRP: Captain Price, former USAF Lieutenant Colonel.
JVS:  Former Darth Vader

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