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Steve's Second Warn Appeal

[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Your In-game: Steve the Russian 


Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874


The admin's name in-game: Nandy VL


The admin's steam name (If you know it): It was so long ago, I don't, I'm sorry! 


What warning did you receive: FailRP 


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/ea552a6c1247d392795889f7f71ff7f2 (Older photo, 1 warning is gone)


Why do you think this warn was false: Now, I must start off by clarifying I do not have any video evidence of this sit happening. Nandy VL was a very unjust admin who had warned many players including myself for false reasons. Now, this warning I recieved was FailRP. The "FailRP" I had commited was shooting at a person who had stolen my car. Nandy had dragged me up saying I could not do this, and Chicken had been the person who had stolen my car. I have no problem with Chicken, but keep in mind, the VL was around back then. Nandy had been a member of the VL and therefore had been overall biased with Chicken because Chicken was his boss. I personally don't mind Chicken, but Nandy did not once listen to my side of the story, and when I had asked where the rule was where it said I couldn't shoot someone who stole my car, he said it doesn't matter if it's not in there, it's still a rule. Now, I had never managed to hit Chicken, because I had a very bad shot back then. Please, I ask that whoever responds to this post does not immediatley -Support this because of the lack of evidence, as Nandy was reported before for things such as this. Thank you for reading this warn appeal, and have a nice day everyone! -Steve


Any extra information: Nandy was a very biased and abusive staff member who was removed from the staff team

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