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FBI Crime Scene


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If FBI say crime scene PD will block it off and PD will call FBI to investigate bases after raids, also for any CIVs you will be AOS if you go passed the line so let’s make this clear don’t call staff if PD has told you to leave it’s good for u to obey them. 

Staff will say FBI can investigate after crime is over so don’t call staff they’ll say the same as me (it’s a RP server so RP), also this will save time and make staff able to deal with more serious matters. 

TAC units can also call FBI for agents to look at a crime it’s FBI job to investigate, also by making a scene will end up on you getting warned so follow the rules and help out when u can.

also you can call for an investigation if you are arrested but this can only be done if there is FBI SA+ active, this means there will be a court case if there is a judge active so don’t waste FBI and PD time it’s also a crime.

-FBI SSA Jack Sull KGB23

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1 hour ago, -Unknown- said:

why would you be warned for interrupting a crime scene? its an RP punishment, not OOC Staff Punishment 

Some people tend to prop block or shout down mic at us then call staff then it turns in to a shouting contest ? and people tend to minge at scene and then staff are called by us 

1 hour ago, Jeff Junior said:

dosent Higcommand of pd aprove first?


No PD high command and FBI high command are different it is our job to investigate and make a case, also it help prove someone innocent or guilty of alleged crime if u get me. 

This also stops false arrests in the long run ?

1 hour ago, PhenixBoy300 said:

odd flex, but ok

Not flexing I’ll try harder next time ?, also making it clear to peps so they understand we are only helping them and doing our job ?

Edited by jackrhyssull
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