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Stumpy's Support application


Should I become part of the support team?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes or No

    • Yes
    • No

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In-Game Name: Stumpy

Steam Name:(GL)Stumpy


Are you a Moderator+? Yes I am a Moderator in PoliceRP

How often are you on TeamSpeak? when I am on my computer 

Do you have a working quality mic? yes I have a working mic

What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time

Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+)

I want to join support because I want to make the community even better by helping people in their needs. I want to make sure that when people need help I will be the one to be their as quickly as possible. I want to make the community grow and make the community a good community to be in. I felt like I got a lot of experience as a staff member and I feel like I can help out more by becoming a support member. I see a lot of support on but, there is people in support room waiting for like 10 minutes. So I want to be the one to help those people in their needs. This helps me feel good on helping out not only the community but making people happy. I was a previous support member on another server. I was the lead in support and feel like I want to carry it on into this beautiful community. I can help the community grow because when I help people they have good feelings with the community of gaminglight and might tell their friends to try it out. It will help me on staff because I want to help the community more. I feel like me being a staff member I had a lot of good experience on helping out other people and want to help out more on making the community grow and helping others to make sure that their day is good. I have friends that are in support and they tell me all about how good support is for you. I got interested in joining support and want to be part of the big family.

How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I am active and want to show positivity to others not only on teamspeak but towards others in the community. I  want to fulfill others needs of help so that they can go on with their day. I can help them with whatever they need help with. For example, if they need help with the website, or need tags, in-game support etc... I will work to my best ability to help anyone that is in need of help. I would love to inform people how forums works and so on. I would kindly accept to become of the support staff team.

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? What I first would do is move them down to a support channel and greet them by saying "Hi, my name is Stumpy and I am part of the gaminglight support team. How may I help you today" Than I will help them with whatever question/problem they have. Once it is resolved I would say "thankyou for let me help you today, I hope your question/problem is resolved and have a nice day!" Than I would move them down to the support completed room.

Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I have read and agree to all terms of the gaminglight support team

Edited by Stumpy
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