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Adding back staff ratio again


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this is very needed in many time we have come down to 1 or 2 staff on when their are 80+ players on when lots of sits come in


but I suggest when their are a lot of staff calls you can get on but when their are 80 players on and no sits you have 4 staff members doing nothing

maybe make it so it would go off the calls and not how many people are on the server 

Edited by JMS
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On 10/24/2018 at 4:53 PM, gamikzone said:


- I Don't think we need staff ratio back due to the fact that it caused more issues than it solved.

- We had staff team members leaving the staff team because every time they connected to the server they had to jump on staff due to being under ratio.

- When there is a influx of staff calls I usually step in and help out or let other staff members know to get on for 10 minutes or so.

- Our staff members should be trusted enough to get on staff when needed or when they are requested to.

- Some days there will be 40-50 people on the server with maybe one call every 15 minutes.

- We need to focus on staff members activity first before we can decide on what we should do next.


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  • It could help get more staff on duty because nowadays staff members would just focus on roleplaying instead of staffing.
  • Players wouldn't have to wait a while to get a staff member to get to them.
  • Nowadays staff members would pretend to be AFK and wait for other staff members to get on. If we have the ratio, this would reduce fake AFK staff members.
  • If the server is under ratio, staff members who just got on the server would have to be forced to get on duty.
  • Staff calls are usually calm when there is more than 50+ players online. If we added it back, there's not really any use to having a lot of staff members on duty when there is not a lot of staff calls.

Overall, I would be perfectly fine if they added it back. However, I think there would be some downsides if we added the ratio back. If we did added it back, maybe we should increase the amount of staff members needed per amount of players, I'd say like 1 staff / 30 players.

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