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CERT SGT Bobby Yukitery 1CT54 - Player Report


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3 hours ago, snookiebear said:


You and your family decided that it would be okay to minge around with a situation that doesn't involve with you at all. The situation that was involved in that room involved Tumblr/Rhenic/Arius and had nothing to with Roleplay VL or even the VL family in member. Impeding an on going investigation is an AOS offense. The fact that you decided to trap an FBI into a corner is where the harassment comes in.

@ 0:51 - You were trying to contact an admin and said "TELL SRT TO GO AWAY". First of all, Bobby is not SRT, he's CERT. Second of all. CERT doesn't have to go away. We were in the middle of an investigation in that property and you and your family was causing a problem outside of the owner's property.

Bobby's use of non-lethal force was justifiable. You were non compliant. You didn't listen to our orders to back off/leave the area. Basically you were refusing to leave and causing a nuisance so therefore non-lethal was used.

Now, where's the full video of this incidence? Why did you decide to cut off the part where I told everyone outside to back off and leave? Not only myself, but others told you to leave as well. Where's the ending to this video? The ending of this video shows where yall were just harassing and following us around after being told to stop as we were transporting the suspects to jail.  I'd like to see the evidence of the full video.

  1. You were told multiple times to leave the area by the government officials around you including myself
  2. You were aware that you were in an active crime scene

Honestly, you and your family were minging and just copbaiting. All you had to was to go away and leave the crime scene. Instead of just standing there causing a nuisance to the FBI and the other government around. For the punishment of Bobby, removal/demotion is not necessary as I do not think he did anything wrong.




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3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

You were trying to contact an admin and said "TELL SRT TO GO AWAY". First of all, Bobby is not SRT, he's CERT


3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

Second of all. CERT doesn't have to go away. We were in the middle of an investigation in that property and you and your family was causing a problem outside of the owner's property.

Did not know CERT investigated situations as their point is to be a tactical unit, not a detective but ok... Would consider taking their armor away and making them come after the fact to investigate maybe that would fit the job better?

3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

Bobby's use of non-lethal force was justifiable

Because pointing it at me and telling me to turn around is not a thing

3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

You were non compliant. You didn't listen to our orders to back off

Look at the video mate that's exactly what I did.

3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

leave the area

It's a public place the crime as you said "The situation that was involved in that room involved Tumblr/Rhenic/Arius" may I quote again "that room"

3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

Now, where's the full video of this incidence? Why did you decide to cut off the part where I told everyone outside to back off and leave? Not only myself, but others told you to leave as well. Where's the ending to this video? The ending of this video shows where yall were just harassing and following us around after being told to stop as we were transporting the suspects to jail.  I'd like to see the evidence of the full video.

I cut off shadowplay to make sure I had the video saved. I don't like to overfill my drive so I save the video and stop the recording when I see it to be fit. I use OBS as well but that tends to lag and come out with bad quality. In this case, I was using shadowplay as it was recommended to me by a good friend. If you have any evidence you would like to bring to the table that would be great apart from that this is all we have ?

3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

You were told multiple times to leave the area by the government officials around you including myself

I was not in the apartment

3 hours ago, snookiebear said:

You were aware that you were in an active crime scene

I was not in the apartment



@logan4131 ^

2 hours ago, WreckedInRuinz said:

You guys were kinda cop baiting at that point where you were threatening to kill them and you were being a minge.


evidence please.

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4 hours ago, Dan Yukiteru said:

The Video is actually edited the end of the video gives more detail into what actually happend i warned them several times snookie was downstairs and came up at the end of the video which is cut out so technically its false evidence and snookie is the decision maker to this post really because its not a rule breach or a SOP breach so its really up to him as its a demotion request really

I would like to leave it up for SMT to deal with this as this can be a case of Conflict of Interest. We all know you are well known within the community and with your CoC. I would like a non-biased opinion about the situation.

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1 hour ago, Roleplaygod said:

I would like to leave it up for SMT to deal with this as this can be a case of Conflict of Interest. We all know you are well known within the community and with your CoC. I would like a non-biased opinion about the situation.

my COL is far from biased  

Edited by Dan Yukiteru

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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