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Pull's Staff Report


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Your In-Game Name:Snr Trooper Anderson

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:158444304

Staff member's In-Game Name:Pull

What did they do? Pretty much my buddy got in a staff sit, and i was there with him, because it was in an RP area, so he physguns me away, keep in mind i dont hear him 

say anything, so i walk back down, because its an rp area, he physguns me again, now i am not sure if he told me to go away or not, but i did not hear him

so i went back down there and he physguned me on a roof, and he said that i should not be down there, that its a sit, and i said that its in an rp

area and to take it to a roof, he ignored me and told me that he is a high ranking in state and that he would talk to snookie for some reason?,

so he physguned me down and i said ( you should know how to do a staff), what i meant to say was ( you should know how to do a staff sit)

but i got warned for say that,   just saying, train staff better.

Evidence (REQUIRED):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1442623322

What do you think is an acceptable punishment?a talking to, because this is fucking stupid

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3 hours ago, Nimo said:

So you change your name to this in TS http://prntscr.com/k73iag http://prntscr.com/k73ikp

You also got banned by Zeeptin so I don't think this will be accepted for your actions http://prntscr.com/k73jh9

1. i got really mad last night and i have a bad temper issue, 2. i said i was Sorry to Zeeptin and for disrespecting that staff member like that, and he said we was cool in the end, so for anyone reading , i am sorry..                      ( I also know how it feels to be disrespected so i will be personnel going and saying sorry to pull.)

Just forget this, i was super heated, i am too toxic, if any forum diplomat is look at this please delete it. thanks, and sorry again.

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