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Slumped's Unfair ban appeal

Slumped Asf

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Steam Name: Slumped Asf

Ingame Name: Slumped Asf

SteamID: 76561198382239787

Ban Length: 5k years 

Admin that Banned you: Gaur

Reason for Ban: Exploitation?

Dispute: Apparent ally I join the server during some hacker hacking the server with tickets or something and I get brought by some guy named Willie and this guy is all like "You're gonna get banned for what you have done we have logs of you hacking the server" I said " No I did not exploit and asked for proof of the logs  and got kicked by the guy from 3 warn spams So I join back and he brings me again and try to warn me to ban I am pleading for a due process asking where the logs and evidence and he denies it saying " We know it is you " I keep asking for proof and he shows none and then I got kicked so I join back and  this time an admin comes on I would of tried to appeal the ban during the sit but Guar did not take me to sit instead of I was blindsided with a ban out of no where I would like you guys to train these guys on how to check logs properly and be more professional  I am a long time member in my eyes with a couple of months on my name in this server I am appalled that they would think I did it  I would show proof that I did not do it but I have no idea how I can prove it  if anyone could tell me in the comments that would be great thank you

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-support Sorry to deliever bad news but we got screenshots of everything

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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The length of the ban is due to the fact of it being a perm ban and the perm ban option does not work.

I had mutiple members of the server and a staff member saying that you were ticketing mass amounts of players at one time. (Exploitation) And that all the tickets appeared with YOUR name on them.


The whole server saw your name on those tickets, and you made this comment. 


To confirm your Ajit, I looked up your SteamID and you profile name is "Ajit"



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Due to the fact that this situation may seem biased it is in fact not. Fortunately, upon the exploitation of Gaming Light's ticket system one critical error was left out. This error was the fact that the assailant named Slumped/Slumped Asf/Roc Pile/Ajit left his or her name in the corresponding slot of the ticket issuer. The use of the ticket only works if there is a player to sign off and issue the tickets, in this case, the ticket issuer was the above complainant. Major -Support

Edited by Willie
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I did not I never even met you in game and that was a joke about net neutrality and I need more proof because that says disconnected player and not ajit

Those screenshots prove nothing but someone is hacking the server I would like these screenshots that prove I did an exploit when I dont even exploit 

Luckily I recorded my screen during this prove it here is the video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CtTSCdSbdA as you can see I did nothing wrong

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honestly bugger off you have no intent to play on gaminglight,s servers nor do we want you here

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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I did not I never even met you in game and that was a joke about net neutrality and I need more proof because that says disconnected player and not ajit

Those screenshots prove nothing but someone is hacking the server I would like these screenshots that prove I did an exploit when I dont even exploit 

Luckily I recorded my screen during this prove it here is the video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CtTSCdSbdA as you can see I did nothing wrong




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