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Just causaly driving around in my FBI car around tacobell area. And im getting a call from other officers "shots fired shots fired" and i hear the panic button beeping. I say my callsign and respond to the panic button. I put my lights on code 3 and the sirens on there are 2 cars infront of me. 2 sierra pickup trucks. i try to avoid hitting them but i brake cause there just standing still on the road, I accedantly give 1 car a small bumb on its right side. Then i noticed that the driver (watcher as job) came out of the car while i was trying to move around it. He grabbed a shot gun and just started shooting my car and there im. An FBI officer that got killed again for accendently hitting his car and you wanna know the fun part. The day before he RDMed  me twice and you wanna know what the ADMIN said he said "sorry but i cant do anything hes a higher up so i cant warn him but i will talk to him" i accept the fact that you cant warn  a higher up. Well then it should be fair that people that people like S5 Cliff hanger should read the rules again and learn to Rp in that sort if situation. And i hope that other higher ups can improve the server by removing this kind of people from the admin rank since they dont follow the rules correctly as a admin. 

Greetings Joe 

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