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False Warn Report Craig Davdson

Craig Davidson

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Your In-game: Craig Davidson

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90401120
The admin's name in-game: Craig Davidson
The admin's steam name (If you know it): unificationjuly
What warning did you receive: FailRP
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/jswwta
Why do you think this warn was false:  i was the warning admin so what happened was i was in a  sit for an incident that happened 30 minutes before I gave lee 30 minutes to upload the evidence and to send it to me or face a warning for failrp we both agreed and I returned them I warned him and he came back 5 minuted earlier with the evidence that should yobo was in the wrong
so I am asking if you could remove the warn from a staff perspective
Any extra information:
this was my fault, not lees so ill will take the punishment nessosery
i warned kim yo unbrella corp and his steam id was STEAM_0:1:13399109
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