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Daft Punk - False Warn Appeal

Not Daft

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*Yes I realise im appealing a warn for myself and because I was dumb and stupid enough to warn myself it probably will stay*

Your In-game: Daftcoops

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60544212
The admin's name in-game: lil daft
The admin's steam name (If you know it): GL Gavink what a noob name amiright?
What warning did you receive: 2 for respawning with EMS online, 1 for failrp
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Will upload the screenshots along w/ my other ones for all my appeals
Why do you think this warn was false: For the EMS ones, for the day there was this bug where if you left clicked it respawned you which it shouldnt but technically I respawned w/ EMS online (I didnt wait the 3 mins), so I warned my self on both occasions with a stupid message to follow it. This is me as the warning staff saying its false. The other one is that I false kidnapped the first time so I did it again before cooldown which at the time i thought was a broken rule so i warned myself, which is also false
Any extra information: that staff rlly needs a demoted
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