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BLAZPLAYZ Permanant Ban Request


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Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514
The player's name in-game:BLAZPLAYZ
The player's steam ID: (If you know it): STEAM_0:1:169395723
What did the player do: MLTAP, MNITRP, Constantly Stealing Gov't Vic's, Been warned 13 times TODAY, Massive Mingery
Evidence (REQUIRED):
Myan and JMS can testisy that the situation below did occur
I checked Plogs and sure enough you see him CONSTANTLY leaving and joining
I think other people also have screenchots/vids of his minging
What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanant Ban
Any extra information: He Ltaped just now after copbaiting, breaking fear rp, stealing my PD car, so I got an admin. He recconnected as we were in a sit and the admin brought him. He imediantly got into my PD car again and when I grabbed it, he LTAPed AGAIN
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