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Adding presidents assistant


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What you want to see? - a roll called presidents assistant added

Why should we add it? - because there's so many people out there asking to be the presidents assistan or presidents daughter

What are the advantages of having this?  It would add more roleplay

Who is it mainly for? - everyone

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Edited by Velvet Yuki
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+ Support

I have seen many occurances when people rp as the president’s family member and such. I do believe that having a specific job for it would make RP better.

+ Support

I have seen many occurances when people rp as the president’s family member and such. I do believe that having a specific job for it would make RP better.

+ Support

I have seen many occurances when people rp as the president’s family member and such. I do believe that having a specific job for it would make RP better.

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+/- support

+I often see family members/ assistants ming such as a president that allowed his VP to make meth adding this role would help to stop this.

-Not all presidents want to deal with an assistant/ family member because of past experiences.

An overall good idea just needs to be streamlined into a final idea of either assistant or family member.

Gaminglights Original Rapper


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