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SassiGames - False warn appeal

[AWOL] Jojo

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Your In-game: Jojo Umbrella Corp


Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68504929


The admin's name in-game: SassiGames


The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] twitch.tv/whoisxsi 


What warning did you receive: Murdering in a non secluded area


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):



Why do you think this warn was false: I've been told by MANY staff members that If I am ontop of the hosptial roof murdering then it isn't violating the MOTD. I am in a secluded area (In both mine and several other players and staff) and people would normally not see me. People usually murder me in the middle of the street from hospital and staff keep saying it's okay.


Any extra information:

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I was told by the admin who reported the sit (Closeman) that murdering someone from the top of a roof with CERT & SWAT around would be a breach of murder rules. I guess having the person murdering in a secluded area would be fine. But I am not 100% certain, should this warn appeal be accepted I will change my opinion on this!

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-Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

-Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

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-Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

-Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

The purpose of the murderer job is to murder, you don’t need an actual reason. I’ve seen staff shoot from hospital roof and staff saying it is allowed since the murderer is in a secluded area and usually won’t be found. I might be wrong but I thought the entire point of the roof was to shoot from there.

I’d love if Nolan or somebody like that says if it is allowed or not.

Edited by [AWOL] Jojo
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-Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

-Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 


Simply cause you are alone on the roof doesn't mean it's in a secluded area. 

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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