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Russian Mafia


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So recently we’ve had a few run ins with the Russian mafia which have cost many Officers their lives. I have a few questions about these guys first why is the Russian mafia in Rockford Illinois, how do they fit 50 guys in one house, and are they communist? Either way this group should be dealt with Drone strikes, Napalm, Tactical ding-dong ditches, and sending pizza to their address and have them pay for it. They seem to dislike things such as Capitalism, EMS, Police, anyone without a Russian accent, tactical units, and the United States of America anthem.The group seems to like Joseph Stalin, Joseph Stalin’s mustache, the USSR National Anthem, and AK’s. Please report any Russian mafia activity to your nearest FBI or BSI agent, do not approach any Russian mafia members they are extremely dangerous.


Edited by Winter
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The Bureau Of Special Investigations has taken a keen eye to the Markov Family and have noticed the reproductive nature to kill many officers and tactical team members. We are not launching a full scale investigation as of now but however due note that we have watched and we have learned information about this family including several details that include but are not limited too they have a constant sway of members but there is a total of 5 members that we know of that are permanent due to an interrogation with a Confidential Informant. The Bureau Of Special Investigations may launch a full scale Investigation if the family seems to continue to be a reoccurring issue.


Out Of Character Response

So basically its a bunch of SMT and normal members we dont know as of now if they are trying to make an actual family that requires an actual investigation. Any attempt to actually rp a situation has resulted in a failure or mingy players. However if it becomes an actual family with actual members then BSI will role play this situation out. But in all honesty they really arent the most concerning gang/family currently inside Rockford


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