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Neo Politan Warn Request


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Your In-game: Zayn
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148654009
The player's name in-game: Neo Politan
The player's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:0:65611362
What did the player do: Might've broken fear rp, not sure if pulling gun on an officer who has his tazer directed on the player is fear rp, but did break NLR as he tried shooting me randomly after dying.
Evidence (REQUIRED): https://youtu.be/2YY8qcnkKDI
I would like him to be warned. I did not have the evidence uploaded in time and the mod was no longer in game when it was, hence why I am making the report.
Edited by Zayn


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also the staff member handled it in game already

+/- support

Tazer is nonlethal so why so he have to fearrp it? I'm not so sure about NLR though it hard to see if he attempted to shoot you cuz it looked he fighting someone else. He did admit 2 blocks away so


Edited by Fame
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also the staff member handled it in game already


idk if i can reply to my own reports but it was not handled in game, the player called an admin with no report and wasted our time talking about it really, i hadn't had the proof uploaded when it happened so there was no proof yet


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