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Eternity E's Moderator App


Should i be moderator   

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be moderator

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1.     What is your in-game name?: Eternity E


2.     What is your steam name?: eternityagar


3.     What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:0:181785233


4.     Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have recently completed my 2 months as Donor Mod on GamingLight which has given me a clear line of experience which I have been able to learn and still learning every day.


5.     What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 19/11/17 (UK DATE)


6.     What date did you make your forums account? 29/12/17 (UK DATE)


7.     Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+


8.     How many warns do you have on the server? 6


9.     Have you donated? Yes.


10.  What rank are you applying for? Moderator


11.  Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/8889-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Read and Understood.


12.  Timezone: GMT


13.  Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A


14.  Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I deserve to be a Moderator as have been playing on GamingLight for many months now and spent 2 months learning how to act in staff situations, meeting new people and making sure to keep active on the forums with the community! I have learnt so much about being staff and all the hard work that needs to be put into this. This makes me want to push even harder to making GamingLight a friendly environment for any new welcoming players! When dealing with staff sits, I am very calm and able to give a good perception on both sides of the stories before making a judgement while also trying to make the players happy and understand what they have done wrong. I try my best to give a positive and happy experience when playing on GamingLight and I wish to further push these goals making GamingLight outstanding. During sits I am always calm and give each player time to talk about their sides. I have met so many other staff members and have learnt all about them and working with them, so the players can have a fun time playing! I will always enjoy being part of the staff team to make the community fair. GamingLight will always be the best server for entertaining the community and good staff members are part of it! All in all, I am a very fun person to be around and will always try for the best quality staff can give during my time on GamingLight.


15.  How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would bring them to me on a roof, avoiding any sort of other role playing that may be happening in the area. I would check logs or get proof if this has happened. If this is true, I would jail them (If they caused any more problems in the sit) then explain to them that GamingLight is a friendly server and should be respectfully treated…Once explained, I will make sure they understand not to make the mistake again, and I will give them a warning and get an Admin+ (If any are on) to anti-minge them for 10,000 seconds.






Edited by EternityAgar

PoliceRP Manager

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-Good application 

-Low warns



Police RP|SNR Trooper Henry 1T85|SWAT CPL|Henry XR04|SGT Henry|Moderator|Support Staff|Forum Diplomat|BSI PI Henry 1I-70|SSSA Henry XS12| NSA Agent 4D29

StarwarsRP|Acolyte|ST PVT 9999|



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