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Leonard Church

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Alright so I'm writing this at 3:02 am at night and I'm pissed off so I'm probably gonna have a yelling competition with my bird or something but honestly lets be real can people not have opinions on other people anymore, like this is a roleplay server but its nothing like real life because the people that come here to gain power and feel better about themselves get triggered at every little thing that's said about them. Like wtf? its roleplay people in real life are way harsher and this is seen in lots of cases, but I'm not saying you can outright bully people but the rule should be loosened up a little bit. I'm not allowed to say I don't like someone's personality without someone calling staff diss or saying Wait I'm reloading this is unfair you tushy and them to scream player diss. although they didn't pursue it why call it in the first place it's so unbelievably stupid. I think that the people that are power hungry and always put others down to boost themselves are way too spoiled with these rules and a new player can get something on his permanent record for something so small because these players decided to pursue it and get him/her warned. That can ruin someone's chances for everything, in reality, I'm not a very kind person and I have a history to say a lot of bad stuff, but it's normally not that bad or being used to make a point and these people are having their perfect little bubble popped. I'm not saying you should be allowed to go around cursing but the rules should be re-evaluated and redone because at their current state I think they are totally messed up. (MY OPINION BTW NOT DISS PLS NO WARNINGS)


Ps: If your that guy who calls diss for being called a water bottle please don't bother leaving a reply I want to talk to people with similar or opposing views, and I'm open to having my mind changed BTW.


Ps Ps: Instead of talking about how the font hurts your eyes just MSG WHAT FONT YOU WANT ME TO MAKE IT It's on Arial now happy?

Edited by Leonard Church
Anime Police
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Ok I have to say this THAT FONT OMG… 

ok but know I kinda understand what your saying some people need to know it’s a semi serious rp. I have been told I can get a little triggered at situations which we all do but to my knowledge it’s not a normal thing if it is pm please so I know to fix it. But sometimes you just gotta say ok whatever instead of taking everything to heart. 


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