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Lag Reduction by less vehicles

Andrew / Commander Cody

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So there is always a lot of lag in the server. So what I recommend is that every two players there should be one vehicle. Like a ratio of 2:1. This could lower the lag and give better communication because the passenger can do the calls while the driver only has to focus on driving. It would lower the lag because there would be less sirens and lights all going on at the same time because there is almost always at least one government vehicle with their sirens on.

Do you think this could reduce the lag? I believe it could. 




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I don't think this should be a absolute rule that cannot be broken, but maybe an optional one that is heavily recommended.

I do kinda agree, and I encourage everyone to try and carpool with other department members to reduce lag. (In RP).

Edited by [SuperiorServers.co] Bill Nye
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