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an apology


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Hi guys. My name is dpy. I go by blue yuki. I’m the co-leader of the Yukis. I understand tha there has been a lot of criticism involving us as a family lately. Calls for us to be nerfed, reports and all of that, so I can understand the disdain for us. However, I’ve aways viewed the GL policeRP server as somewhat biased towards the police. Now that valks is gone, there is less of a bias towards police, and some organizations have begun to resurface, us yukis included. However, the yukis, myself especially, are somewhat hotheaded when addressing the police. This is attributed towards the perceived targeting towards us. The upper management is pushing the server forwards through this change. However, things are bumpy. Myself and Steven are going to try and push our yukis to RP more situations out, so gunfights don’t happen every ten minutes. So, this is an apology for the hotheadedness I have been displaying towards government officials. I hope we can progress forwards and look towards a happy medium between government classes and criminal classes! Hope you all can forgive me for my part in it.


dpy/ blue yuki

Edited by Dopey
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i would like to end this but what happen last night was the last straw between us i still want to end it but you guys wont stop and only . way we stop you is by gas and then you start to complain

but i want to end this with the yukis we dont need shoot out every 5 minutes

i get 3 a day by police im not playing any more so we need to stop fighting we scaring players 

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i would like to end this but what happen last night was the last straw between us i still want to end it but you guys wont stop and only . way we stop you is by gas and then you start to complain

but i want to end this with the yukis we dont need shoot out every 5 minutes

i get 3 a day by police im not playing any more so we need to stop fighting we scaring players 

gas is another topic Jake. Now my choice is to continue to RP with first response. I was not invloved with that decision and will continue to rp with everyone

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gas is another topic Jake. Now my choice is to continue to RP with first response. I was not invloved with that decision and will continue to rp with everyone

i mean stopping the beef on police they did nothing besides point guns and swat i saying all that not nesary i dont care if you dont rp with us we strong your class strong  but we just out numbered 

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This is an apology there is already a staff report on this. Can we please keep the report info on the report and the apology info on the apology. 



Would the yukis be willing to host another meeting today or tomorrow to go over things. Last meeting was suppose to bring some peace back and I feel like it has only gotten worse for both sides. This whole thing in general is breakin into a police subculture sort of deal where yukis are always going to defend yukis no matter what, and Pd will only defend pd no matter what. 

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This is an apology there is already a staff report on this. Can we please keep the report info on the report and the apology info on the apology. 



Would the yukis be willing to host another meeting today or tomorrow to go over things. Last meeting was suppose to bring some peace back and I feel like it has only gotten worse for both sides. This whole thing in general is breakin into a police subculture sort of deal where yukis are always going to defend yukis no matter what, and Pd will only defend pd no matter what. 

We are scheduling one with management its going to involve PD and Criminals. Im writing a list of my grievances and right now im on page three and im doing single lined format 



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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We are scheduling one with management its going to involve PD and Criminals. Im writing a list of my grievances and right now im on page three and im doing single lined format 

would you be willing to have one before that, SMT should really only have to get involved as a last resort, and I don’t think we are at that point right now. We could still save some with Command help 

Edited by Injoker
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would you be willing to have one before that, SMT should really only have to get involved as a last resort, and I don’t think we are at that point right now. We could still save some with Command help 

IDK ill talk with blue because the this point I'm tired of talking I've been doing it for the past week and half I'm waiting on my #2 as this isn't just my decision its every yukis as a whole because we are a family and they mean the world to me 

that cert i have error invisible that was garry i think 

delete your post I deleted mine bby



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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I would like to specify this to everyone. Myself and other members of Management believe in balance completely and whole heartedly. There is no bias within Management with what side gets what to completely devastate the opposing faction. We also believe in preserving roleplay on the server, to do this we have placed in several policies, and there are more to come in the future. It can be very taxing on us when two factions have conflict, and thus we try to resolve it to the best of our ability. It does not matter what faction you play, what server you play, at the end of the day, we are all proud to be members of Gaminglight, we are a community. I ask everyone to remember that, instead of going against each other, let's work together to improve servers and roll out updates everyone enjoys.

Kind regards,

Toxic - Senior Management Team

toxic I agree with you and at the end of the day I'm in debt to the management team 



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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I would like to specify this to everyone. Myself and other members of Management believe in balance completely and whole heartedly. There is no bias within Management with what side gets what to completely devastate the opposing faction. We also believe in preserving roleplay on the server, to do this we have placed in several policies, and there are more to come in the future. It can be very taxing on us when two factions have conflict, and thus we try to resolve it to the best of our ability. It does not matter what faction you play, what server you play, at the end of the day, we are all proud to be members of Gaminglight, we are a community. I ask everyone to remember that, instead of going against each other, let's work together to improve servers and roll out updates everyone enjoys.

Kind regards,

Toxic - Senior Management Team

it’s also nessessary to point out they are trying to balance it with the weapons. FBI SAIC/SSA now spawn with the ak47 over the MP5, SGTs+ now spawn with the M4A1-S (which is a pea shooter if you don’t head shot but still a massive improvement from Glock)  and every department that doesn’t spawn with 100(+) armor has the ability to get it for free if they wait 1 minute at pd. 

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tbh i don't mind gas as it is like the only advantage you guys have i have no problems at all fk i haven't had one shoot out today and the pd actually saved my life when i was about too get kidnapped , well  i got the kill but they made  him look at them and i came behind him with a chainsaw 


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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