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Noshow's 501st Legion Vice Commander Application


Should I become a 501st Vice Commander  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become a 501st Vice Commander

    • Yes, Please Explain Below.
    • No, Please Explain Below.

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
501st Colonel ARCLT Hammer 58


2. What Regiment are you applying for?
501st Legion


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

There is many reasons why I want to become a Vice Commander for the 501st Legion, those reasons being assisting the current command team, help organize fun activities for the 501st, help improve 501st, create more opportunities for 501st, work with other battalions more, and assist of improving the 501st’s reputation. 


Assisting The Current Command Team - There are many ways that I could assist the current command team, but the main way that I would do it is doing whatever the other command members would ask of me. I would also do the activities that command members do such as updating documents, making documents, roster updates, handling punishments, being a role-model and more.

Organizing Fun Activities - Organizing fun activities is something that I could easily do and I already have been doing for the 501st. Hosting unique and fun simulations for the 501st which give people things to do and a reason to get on the server instead of just messing around with other people and causing issues which then lead to larger head-aches. 


Creating more Opportunities - Being in the 501st I have heard many things that people such as the Sub-Division leads or Certification Leads want/need. As a command member I could work with the other members of 501st command in implementing these changes on a balanced scale adding more fun, enjoyment and opportunities to their subdivisions and the 501st Legion.


Working with Other Battalions - This goes along with the Reason below, but I think working with other battalions is very important. There are many reasons that this is important with that being improving battalion relations and making 501st an even more chill place for people to have fun and follow the rules at the same time. Larger activities are also generally more fun and give members of both battalions more fun things to do which leads to better activity and better relationships between battalions. 


Improving 501st’s Relations - After being in 4-5 battalions I have seen that many interactions with the 501st most of the time end negatively which even I myself am guilty of. I think being a role-model as people are going to follow what Higher Ranking members do, if a Private sees a 2LT acting a certain way they are going to think it's alright to act that way and they should. I think relationships between battalions is very important for what I said above and being a good role-model is also important for not only your battalion, but the server as a whole.



4. How much game time do you have on the server?

I have spent 3,626:10 hours on the Server and have been actively playing Gaminglight for around 1 year in total.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

There are many main purposes of a Commander for a Branch; some of those reasons are infrastructure reasons such as updating documents, creating documents, and doing roster updates. A Second Purpose of a Commander/Vice Commander is to run their battalion, this could be by hosting fun activities for their battalion such as Missions, Trainings, and Simulations as well as adding fun and unique opportunities to their battalion such as New Jobs, Sub Divisions, Certifications and more. The Third purpose of a Commander is keeping their battalion in an orderly fashion. This could be through being a role-model for their lower ranks, issuing punishments, teaching people guidelines and how to act and those sorts of things that will make them avoid trouble. The Final and Fourth reason of a Commander is to be a role model, this could be for their battalion, for server wide as I said before if a Lower Rank sees a Higher Rank doing stuff they are going to copy it as clearly their actions got them somewhere. I think being a role-model is the most important as people judge the battalion of their higher ranks, people act as higher ranks doing and overall just being a good public image people and follow. 


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

Why I should be trusted to become a Vice Commander is for a multitude of reasons, those reasons are my Staff Rank, my Gamemaster Rank and my prior Roleplay Ranks. All of which I have reached a reasonable rank that people would trust me to hold the position of Vice Commander. 


Staff Experience/Rank - I have been a member of Imperial JMT for a multiple months and have made my way up to Lead Admin, I have been trusted by SMT to hold not only JMT positions but applied for Forums Diplomat and was trusted with those responsibilities. For a FiveM Server with around 40,000 people I was an Admin, a part of the Training Team and Internal Affairs Team where I trained and punished staff. I believe with my current position in Gaminglight and my prior experience that makes me a good person to be trusted as a Vice Commander.


Gamemaster Experience/Rank - Alongside Staff and JMT I am currently the Assistant Head Gamemaster a role which could be compared to Vice Commander in leadership and responsibility bases. As the Assistant Head Gamemaster assists with implementing changes to Gamemaster, hand out punishments, count quota and be basically the Vice Commander of Gameasters. Another Garrys Mod Clone Wars server trusted me with the rank of Event Manager, in which I was basically the management assistant of the Event Planning Team. I also worked with striking people, implementing changes, and promoting people. Before I came back to Gaminglight in the summer of 2022 I was a Gamemaster VII which the current HGM Team trusted me in to train other Gamemasters and host large scale events for 90+ people. My final two experience were as a Senior Gamemaster and Head Event Planner these servers never really took off or got past 20 people, but while in those positions I completely formed the team getting around 10 people, made documents for the team, managed the team by myself and pushed changes to make it more fun for the Game Masters and Players. In all 4 of these positions I was trusted to hold a rank responsible for things that Battalion Vice Commanders do.


Prior Roleplay Ranks - I will first being with Garry's Mod, I was the Imperial Commando Vice Commander for around a week or two before I had to resign due to things going in my life such as sports and qualifying for states and I didn’t want to hold the position with others being ready and/or moving up. I was Also a Death Trooper Lieutenant Colonel under Shadow and the Seeker Vice Lead under Salt. I worked with them making a few small changes but before anything major I transferred to Imperial Commandos and ranked up to Sev. My most relevant position to this application is that I am currently a Colonel within the 501st and a ARC LT, which I have been trusted to do tryouts for people and even promote up to higher ranks. My final experience I was trusted with on Gaminglight was Royal Guard Senior Honor Guard as one of the few officers under Zabuza, Heda and Icey and Shadow Guard Officer with only Kiar as another SHGO. All of these positions stated I have been trusted with on Gaminglight which had a few responsibilities like 501st Vice Commander. Outside of Gaminglight I was Warrant Officer 3rd Class Kit Fisto where I ran Doom's unit without any other Officers or Command present and still managed to have 20 people in the battalion and kept good activity. In FiveM I held multiple positions, the most important position I held was San Andreas Fire Chief, in this Department I managed to keep activity going and got around 200 people in the Department, in this position I had no-one above me but Network Staff and the Server’s Head Admins. I made many documents in these positions such as SOPs, Vehicle Guidelines, Training Documents and more,, balanced High Command Activity and Normal Shift Activity as well I implemented many changes that people heavily enjoyed. I promoted people to positions of high responsibility, was able to punish everyone within the department and basically everything. More less important positions I was trusted to hold were ACRP Governor [20 People Max Server], BCSO Sheriff, USMS Captain & FPS Director, and LSPD Captain. In all of these positions I was trusted by the people above me to be placed in these positions and run the Battalions/Departments in the way that they needed to strive and do their best. 


7. How often can you be Online? :
I am on almost every day and have only taken a 12 day LOA in the 9 months I have been back at Gaminglight, I am always available and Discord and actively check it when I am not at my computer.




8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
I have a singular warning from 11/12/2020, 8:47:12 PM for RDM | Fail RP.


Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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This guy is a minge so he would fit right in with the rest of em. 
+ Support
(Does his job staff wise and RP wise, has good past experience being command, would be just fine)

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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- Been a Command Member before.
- Extremely active.
- Is able to make events out of the RP he or others start (like the one yesterday with me, you and Zabuza) which is hard to come by in most people.
- Very easy to communicate with and is friendly (when he wants to be)
- He's JMT and AHGM, so I'd say he's pretty well trusted so I wouldn't see why he wouldn't be trusted to be a Command Member (again)
- 501st would be lucky to have Noshow as a Vice Commander with the amount of creativity he has.



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-Support what Recron said you fit for this rank

+Nice App

                                                                                                                 Your One can Only

                                                                              Pyke Enforcer

                                                                          Pyke Expert Saboteur

                                                                         Purge HVY SGT [SS34]

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Noshow I like you and all and I think your a really cool guy with lots to offer. But you have done this before where you went for IC VCMDR, got accepted and left within a couple weeks. While I did the same still I don't want that to happen again and I want to be able to trust you because I know you can do good work. But it is a fear of mine the situation will happen again and 501st will lose a VCMDR.

Current Ranks: The Eighth Brother
Former Ranks: SCP RP: Former CI 2LT l  l Former D5 2LT l Former Senior Moderator l Former RRH Guardian Juliet 7 Level 100 Gang
Imperial RP: Former DT 1SGT l Former IF Senior Agent l Former Naval Commander 
Police RP: Former Police CPL l Former SRT PVT l Worst Police RP PVPER

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On 8/18/2024 at 1:20 PM, Reeses said:

But you have done this before where you went for IC VCMDR, got accepted and left within a couple weeks

-supporting someone for something you did and then got a second chance for is crazy. Yeah he did do that in IC but there were way different circumstances. 
Also you shouldn't be -supporting applications based on something that "might" happen rather his recent conduct and behavior. 

+ Support

Good CHoise

Edited by Cool Guy Antonoff

《 Antonoff 

[ Ex. Shock Commander and Chief ]

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+ Support 

This man has so much dedication to the 501st and he is nothing but supportive and fun to the people in the 501st and I dont know anyone else that deserves this position more than him.

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-he does  his job fr

 current- DT WO V07GM Current Staff-SNRMOD
 former-Royal Guard XII Carol 501st HVYL Carol 501ST LTCOL Carol ST 2LT Carol Tank CPT Carol/Shore AL Carol DT M36 DT CPT OV0 Staff/GM team Former-MOD GM IIx2


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Even though he banned me off teamspeak.

This is great guy but also takes job serious why you ban me fr. Anyways Jaeger is MID

Forner Senior Commander
Former Sovereign Better than Zabuza
Creater of Saber Guard
Creator of Fleet Intel

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  • Head Admin

Reach out to HCOM for command training!

| ImperialRP |

Current | High Inquisitor | Head Admin | Forums Diplomat | ImperialRP SMT
Former Sovereign Protector Senior Commander

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