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Marquis de Johnathan Wick Underboss Application


Should Johnathan Wick become an Underboss?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this Opposition Folder be elevated to the rank of Underboss?

    • Ye
    • Naur

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

John Wick; Full Name: Johnerthaningtonisoniusathan (Johnathanius) "Wick" Moses Joestar-Browning


2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Not a regiment, but the Great Pyke Syndicate, under The High Table, everything is under the High Table.


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

The main goal is to lead my Pyke brothers to fold all racially motivated opposition on this clearly criminal/Dark RP server and not space 1942 rp server. Also to spread "aggressive pacifism" as the racially motivated folk call it and pressure them through RP not to mess with Pyke, but also realize to release the stick up their sphincter and to have fun with us and obviously buy spice.

I want Pyke to follow the CORE 4:

1. Create eye contact

2. Share a smile

3. Speak with an enthusiastic tone

4. Stay connected to make it inter-personal

Everyday, all day, with everyone


I want the Pyke to embody these 4 principles:

To create and maintain a clean and safe atmosphere for customers

To give go the second mile; conduct swift and correct service

To give genuine care and hospitality

Saying "My Pleasure," in response when conducting our services


When dealing with an unfortunate incident, Pyke must use the HEARD Model:

Hear - Hear what the customer has to say and actively listen and empathize with them
Evaluate - After hearing about their situation, figure out what should be done next
Apologize - The least courtesy to show that it was unfortunate that they had to experience that
Resolve - Conduct the correct corresponding action to fix the situation swiftly
Delight - Follow up with coupons, extra "Entrees," or "Sides," and a "My Pleasure"

All must follow the CORE 4 while conducting activities under the HEARD Model

We always treat the customers with honor, dignity, and respect. We do this to create raving fans: customers who pay full price, comes often, and tells us & others about the Pyke Syndicate. 

Operational Excellence: Taste, Speed, Attentiveness & Courteousness, Cleanliness


Our Criminal Purpose is to: "To glorify the Spice Gods by being a faithful steward of what we are responsible with and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with The Pyke Syndicate.”


I remembered after being the senior commander overseer of Pyke and enjoying it so much and working with Frost, developing the new culture of Pyke. I couldn't understand why people didn't want to play it or didn't find it fun and I used the experience I had from playing CI on GL SCP to advance the progress and capabilities of Pyke.

Spice Refiner -> RnD, Saboteur -> EOI/E4, Enforcer Droid -> Praxedes Fist: Apollo. People from SCP are probably bruhing now about how many similar things were pushed here lmao while their server is glassed. I remember Frost disliking whenever I had an inspiration from 40k or SCP, because Frost was an OG Star Wars guy and his second favorite thing is Halo. But CI was half the server despite being one branch and was raid focused entirely and promotions and etc were based on raids performance/PvP and raid leadership. Pyke by the time I joined was dying and was thought about being a tier job and prior was filled of similar sweatlords. I realized something was clealy wrong. CI was able to be that way because they had infrastructure to be the main enemies since SCP didn't have NPCs really. While criminal factions in Star Wars RP is really unheard of as they focus on imperials and PvE encounters. People join CI interested in CI lore usually while people don't really join Imperial RP because they always wanted to be a Pyke after watching Book of Boba and Clone wars, they'd rather be the clone troopers or mandalorians that fold pyke. It was when Pyke was low player count and me overseeing it as a senior commander with Frost's help that I was allowed to remake Pyke in my image. We don't have hotshot and longshot because we don't have armory restrictions...because it doesn't matter lmao. We focused more into the business RP and drew inspiration from Mafia/Yakuza while acting and speaking like hoodrats that do cult-like actions for Spice Gods. Fuck, we've put way more thought and lore than what Disney have ever added for Pyke! It's the greatest mix of fun!

People still op on it to this day. I took the energy of judgement and the -isms that people projected into it, making the new Pyke RP -> Hood RP. I used all the knowledge of growing up in Chiraq and Atlanta to RP. I listened to so much rap and stuff and I remember Zap being the only IPO that would constantly want to guard me and follow me in my schizo memes around the ISD. Some opposition like Baja and other folk think it's shit RP and reflects my adult behavior, but it's just me channeling the energy of my neighbors. Did you know that Glorbnob's controversial actions as Pyke Boss was him acting as a character?!?! 😱 WAIT!!! PEOPLE RP IN A RP SERVER?!?!? Pyke was the only battalion that I could truly play the character I wanted to be. I remember being a high admiral helping out with Pyke so much in small RP stuff as a super admin and whatnot, but not wanting to overstep my boundaries as opposed to the Governor. Honestly it was to the point in which people were wondering why I wasn't the Governor. I honestly should've went that route, but one could only imagine. I would've wanted to be on instead of hating my life on the server actually. Hindsight is always 20/20. I just keep remembering Resin say that if I wasn't naval high command, I would've most likely stuck with high command. 

I have been named as "The Flame," That Lit The Spark by my fellow Pyke, leading to the rise of Turquos and Glorbnob. Turquos, The Reviver and Glorbnob, The Gangster. But there were characters like Fobum, The Mediator and Green, "The "Underboss"". The Book of Glorbnob shows this. When I came back to the server, my only goal was to make sure that the baby that I helped raise wasn't going to die. I originally wanted to just chill on the server occasionally and do IRL, but when I saw Pyke kinda go through a down era, I wanted to help and have fun as it was the only fun I actually had. As Right Hand, I became colloquially known as "The Marquis," in reference to the title present in John Wick 4 for the main villain. The whole Wick name was to show that I was back with a vengeance. Against the people I hate, had beef in, and only came back to have fun.

People don't know why I stuck with ST for first time around and it was because there were a bunch of dudes there that RPed as STs and didn't walk around as super gmod master sweatlords, but cared for the small RP we got and being marginalized against other battalions like purge and 501st. It was the only battalion I felt like I could meme and chill, but people looked down for having fun. I remember memeing with Tank at GCC while many players didn't even really explore Tat. Idk maybe I have a thing for joining battalions that are underdogs and looked down upon or low pop. I wanted to join Pyke as I played as CI on SCP, but I remember the Pykes being super toxic dudes during PvP tourney and tat town stuff and just PvP sweatlords that said questionable words. But around the moment Pyke was dying, I decided to put my cursed witchcraft into play. I remember people hating how I called people ops and slid on the ops with my blickies while I listened to rap music. But those who found it funny joined in the fun. I remember praying hoping for an underboss, and thinking Cold would do it, but he never did and left. Now he's dedicating himself to being super op on DT and I will never live it down for eternity as long as Cold/CO2/Current SV02 exists on the server. When Turquos started to exist in Pyke, I remember being high command wanting and making sure and checking in to make sure he didn't leave and would help Pyke. I am so happy to see Glorb take after and the members that helped that many of them unfortunately aren't still around.

But today, we have a different set of Pyke. We have Green and p0d who are cool ass dudes. Wolverine, Darkness, Saturn, Flame, Jerry, Kyal, Venus, Zap, and Rudolph helping out so much in Pyke as well to name a few. I couldn't have asked for a better crew around me. We play games like Fallout 76 and Bloons TD6 while maintaining activity on server which boosts morale and increases retention on server to prevent burnout and improve teamwork. I know a bunch of Pyke play other games not mentioned out of the server while maintaining activity in GL! Whenever I get angry, p0d is the only one I can talk to and he understands and feeds this energy and is able to relate. I remember Green and Glorb would tell me to chill out or tell me not to do said action in-game, but p0d actually understands my vibes lmao. Reason why I even went back to GM just to help guide him. The reason why I didn't apply underboss first time was to finally give him a chance to be in a leadership position. Now the reason why I want to help is to help him create his own legacy. He is in the first time in the recent memory that Pyke had the most going for it up to this point and his whole goal is not to fuck it up. I am still Glorb's right hand and will be if he become Governor. But p0d is a different level of homie fr. Turquavious Johnsen is still my GOAT basketball player/gas station dude ever in my heart tho.

I fucking love my stupid ass Pyke brothers to death ONSpiceGod!


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

Unfortunately 14 weeks | 2,701 hours

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

First and mainly but apparently hard is to be active. Then communicate with vice commanders, but if they are wack, roast the high command that promoted them (duh). Make NEW Docs and keep UP-TO-DATE docs along with communicating with some wack third party called a high command that may op on us or help us and gain clout for our advancements for their promotion. Also to teach and encourage the vice commanders and officers to take over once a commander moves up versus leaving them to die. But also we don't move up really at all in Pyke so they have all the time in the world. 

My steps to being active is to:

1. Make friends with people in said battalion; No Oppositional behavioral folk promoted

2. Not poach players to another random Garry's Mod Imperial RP server or nuke documents or rosters like Icey or that irrelevant naval guy recently

3. Have fun with the crew and always rather be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6; Stay strapped on these streets.

After that impossible task of being active,

1. Don't spam 50 million doc approval requests for the sake of doing something and showing that I am doing doc changes.

2. Not cry about other battalions and stuff they have really because honestly it doesn't matter and the reason why they want changes to conduct more racially motivated violence. 

3. Realize that superficial changes with jobs, docs, and models will not change inactivity and lack of RP in a battalion

4. Realize that this a Gmod RP server meant for fun and isn't my job, but rather a hobby.

5. Counter the racism we deal with on a daily basis through a plethora of T-4s.

All of this is meant to lead the members into many schizophrenic brainrot shenanigans and promote activity and funny memes in the name of the spice gods. Afterwards deal with racially motivated oppositions. Through the humbling and meme shenanigans, we can promote activity through actively listening to our members and receive feedback to create even more awesome RP experiences. These experiences cause more activity and encourages people to automatically hit quota by existing and wanting to be with their friends. Wouldn't everyone love that?


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I may or not have been a high command member at one point and in a similar leadership role for DT and Pyke for a small bit in the past year, no biggie. Didn't cause like an insane player count or change the culture of any battalion or something crazy. 

I'd rather do command quota than officer quota. That's also a huge reason. The reason why when I returned to the server as Pyke compared to any other battalion is because it was literally me having fun. When I got back and did DT stuff or Shock things, I got reminded of how aids sims are and bruh missions and trainings. Pyke was where I did things because I thought it was funny and enjoyable. Going back to an imperial higher up position is like being a masochist and gmod master type shit fr. The past bit, there were so many times in which I was thinking this doesn't help me on my quota or what's needed from me but would help activity in Pyke or on the server. I currently feel a disconnect in me wanting to play and do more vs doing arbitrary task for arbitrary reasons. I know this is crazy, but I will play more with a lower quota. 😱 HOW?!?! It's because I WILL JOIN TO HAVE FUN. WHAT THE FUCKKK?!?! Having fun in a Gmod server?!? Impossible, need to gmod master and grind every sim and training and no life for Zeeptin headass. 

Being command in the server is less about being a crazy ass leader/manager, but more about a good team player who encourages RP FIRST. Everything comes after that. The doc work BS, the bruh drama, the WL or weapon balancing etc. A lot of command members in the past, don't realize that and think that some sweatlord changes will fix their battalion in fact it won't

I want to focus my energy into having fun in a gmod server. I know, that's impossible, but listen here. Me focusing on having fun, will inspire people to get on and will increase retention and numbers from Pyke. Loggings will happen regardless if I make RP. 😮 WAIT WHAT!!! You're telling me that if I become active the battalion will exist!?!?!? 😱

I will channel my energy into making as many horrible shenanigans such as Glorbius Maximus Prime did before. 


7. How often can you be Online? :

Last week, I'd say okay, but I could do more as of now, I can do way more. And I will prove it in addition to work and working out. I'm not going to bitch about it in discord or in game about work hours or nothing, because I assume others already do it.

I recently got a new job with a bunch of hours along with me getting back into actual bodybuilding training again along with "Hybrid" training. I realized that the reason why I had trouble with activity last week or two wasn't because of work, but rather my sleep. I started to fix it to be able to play on this great gmod server. I decided to man the fuck up and grind on everything in life after the bruh happened to me last year. 

Instead of being a bitch and like resigning or whatnot or cry in general that I get money, i'm instead using the power of time management with being a grown ass adult, balancing hobbies, school, work and other things I'm pursuing. I'm not going to cry flex about getting so many hours that I would voluntary do for irl job for future things and op on ppl on server. Fucking crazy I know, you gmod master reading this. I schedule time to go outside and just chill and time to look at different things.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

Unfortunately I don't have any. My GOAT Turquavious Johnsen is leading me by two warnings and 2 bans 😭 . im back keanu reeves GIF



Currently: Pyke Right Hand "Marquis" JSR | Overseer of Saboteur
Former: High Admiral "WR Senior Commander Any%" JohnDT Commander TP9|UN0|SCO | First Grand Saboteur Alpha | EpsilonAHGM | ST VCMDR for 10 minutes | Shock CSM | K2S1 STRM Lead SC47|Whiskey 01 | Nu-7 SSGT | CI SGMSuper Administrator | DT 2LT TP9

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This man is one of the best commanders I have ever seen. He takes care of his people first, and the mission second. He insures he leaves things better than how he found it. Has made the server so much better and full of life with his presences. 

He has a unwavering loyalty to pyke and enjoys the role very much. Have someone in that position who loves what they do will only ever do good.

+1 You wont regret promoting this man.

Mans an OP FR FR

| Admin | GMVI| DT SV02 |MC CPL ShadowYerah |Apprentice III ShadowYerah|

|SK ENG SGT Shadow 071|DT XY7|DT S71|Purge Yerah|DT SN03|Vick The Door Tech|


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-Fully Committed to Pyke
-Former High Command, ST Command, and DT Command
-Helped in Pykes development
-Amazing Application

John used to be on of my best friends on the server, and while we don't really talk nowadays, it would be great to see him helping out pyke.

Good luck John!

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+Support just give him it right now.


that was an absolute masterclass of an application 


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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This man is an OG pyke who helped me when I was on my way up, he deserves this position more than anyone

-support wrong color format

First Ever Retired Pyke High Command, Turquos

First Ever Pure Criminal Governor, Turquos

First Ever Criminal Senior Commander, Turquos

Ex. Pyke Boss, Reviver of Pyke, Naval Ensign Joe

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- Active
- Previous HICOM Experience
- Really Great and Fun guy
- Knows what he's doing an is Very Good at it

One of the best people I have met on the server. Although he is my opposition he still is deep down Senior Commander John. SPICE FOR THE SPICE GODS


                   Shock ERUO Major Banana Jr|DT VCMDR CO2/DT MAJ SC01/DT 2LT SN03/DT 2LT CO2/DT NCO CO2x3|Shadow Guard/Saber Guard/ Senior Honor Guard Cold| IC DME SSGT Cold|Pyke Enforcer SR Cold|ISB:IA Operative Cold

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 current- DT WO V07GM Current Staff-SNRMOD
 former-Royal Guard XII Carol 501st HVYL Carol 501ST LTCOL Carol ST 2LT Carol Tank CPT Carol/Shore AL Carol DT M36 DT CPT OV0 Staff/GM team Former-MOD GM IIx2


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