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PK's Medical Corps Vice Commander Application


MC PK for VCMDR?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. MC PK for VCMDR?

    • Yes Sir
    • No Sir
  2. 2. Is ketchup a smoothie?

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :



2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Vice Commander of Medical Corps


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

Passion. Passion is a great force of attraction, and what do you know? I got a lot of passion for the medical corps. A single man in the right place at the right time makes all the difference. Cheesy, I know, but hear me out. Everything I want to do, I want to do in my own way. In a unique way. I’m not a two-pump-chump though. Sustainment is everything. I don’t need, nor do I even desire to radically change things in the medical corps. At the moment I type this, the medical corps is actually doing pretty well. I’d rather focus my attention on sustaining this forward momentum, and maybe even amplify its power. Yet, power is nothing unless it’s overwhelming, and unfortunately I don’t have enough strength to move the Great Wall of China. Not by myself anyways. Let me help you, help me. 


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

468 hours according to the tracker. I joined about two months ago, on June 9th of 2024. To make it transparent though, I’m fairly certain most of those hours are AFK exp farming. I believe I’ve totalled around at least one week of actual active game time, which is still 168 hours, give or take. Nothing to shake a stick at. 


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

I am the designated fall man for when things go wrong in a branch. Jokes aside, realistically, a role model. A leader. The person you look up to for advice. As a commander, it’s your responsibility to teach your senior enlisted, who will then teach your junior enlisted, so on and so forth (This applies mostly to Platoon SGT's and not Officers but considering numbers, it is what it is). The better you perform at the top, the better your peers will be. In this case, I refer to peers as everybody related to me. Yes, I would be at the top of the food chain, but I refuse to refer to my juniors as my inferiors. A little respect goes a long way to your relatability and your longevity as a leader. Also, as a side note, gmod is a video game that appeals to the youth, nevermind the fact that it’s star wars RP. I don’t need to go swinging around my massive ego to put down people who are not as old/experienced as me. For the less fun side, I’d also attempt to coordinate resources and people with other battalions as a commander. Logistics are a boring, yet necessary part of the military, and I’d assume for here too. Information desemination is the best way to put down any unrest that might appear. Nobody likes their time being wasted, but everybody appreciates information. Even if that information is a simple, “I don’t know, but I will get back to you with an answer ASAP”. Honesty is the best policy. (Also roster updates, but that’s a given and doesn’t need to be mentioned).


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

Questions and curiosity. Let me explain. How many times have you come across a situation where somebody is telling you something, and you THINK you understand, but due to an honest mistake, you didn’t understand? Quite frankly, maybe you understood that you didn’t understand, but you were too afraid to ask questions in an attempt to not look dumb? Well, I genuinely don’t care if I look dumb. I’m deathly afraid of looking incompetent though. It does not matter if I am dumb, so long as I fully understand the situation. How many questions will it take me to get to understanding? As many as it takes, and I pray to God if you can be patient with me, I will understand everything you are putting down. My understanding of information and the ability to absorb it to at least my short-term memory is of the utmost importance to my ability to be a commander. As a commander, it’s my responsibility to be transparent. I am dumb, but hell if I am not reliable. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by being a commander, and by golly I’m going to give that benefit to my peers.


7. How often can you be Online? :

As a current active duty service member in the US Army, I cannot answer this question with any stability. The only thing I can promise is that I am 90% of the time able to answer questions on my phone via discord in a timely manner. I do try my best to get on the server as time allows. 

To quote one of my Commanders in BCT, “Always give your 120%, even if you only feel 90%”. 

Afterwards, a Drill Sgt showed up and PT'd the absolute snot out of us. I'll never forget that moment. Anyways, I might not be on as much as others can, considering the IRL job and the eye gouging hours, but every time I do - even if I am at my lowest - I give 120% on my effort to roleplay.

If I had to guestimate, I’d probably be able to get on at least 4 days of the week for at least an hour or two, though this is highly subject to change. 


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


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-Passionate & Dedicated to Medical
-Promising Application

Some time ago, I held a passive dedicated to medical in which there were none on. PK and another MC Yamira hopped on and made the event possible and enjoyable RP for medical. Through these gestures, PK's enjoyment for medical is clear in which I would love to see him on the command team.

Good luck PK!

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+ Support

- I have seen this man grow through medical. His attention to detail and his want to make medical better is amazing. He is by far the best (Next to Yamira) person when it come to roleplay. Not only is he very detailed with what he does, but almost never breaks character. He would make an amazing vice commander. 


o7 PK best of luck!!!!





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