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Key Card Changes

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What do you want to see?:
1. Add expiration time limits to ID's. Example, when you join the sever your ID card will have an hour or so before it expires, if it is expired it will read as an invalid ID.
2. A section in the datapad for Shock to issue new ID's after a troopers' ID expires.
3. A tool or datapad section that would allow a shock trooper to scan a players ID showing either Valid or Invalid weather it is expired or a fake ID.
4. Ways for pyke to purchase an fake Imperial IDs or ship boarding passes that would show up in the Imperial ID system as valid.

Why should we add it?:
This adds more RP to ID checks and prevents innocent troopers from being harassed just because a shock trooper rolled a low number in an ID check.

What are the advantages of having this?: 
As I said it adds more RP and gives a real reason for pyke to be afraid of ID checks as well as other criminals

Who is it mainly for?:
The whole server really but Shock, ISB:IA, SO and Criminals

Links to any content:

《 Antonoff 

[ Ex. Shock Commander and Chief ]

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if this is for event jobs then +1 but if its for all jobs i feel like itll be a pain

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

  -ARCL COL Tavo,ARCL COL Fordo, and am also currently IC SGM Kujo

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+/- support
I think it's an interesting idea, but I just see too many flaws with it.
1. Having the ID expire every hour just sounds annoying, no one wants to stop whatever it is they're doing to go hunt down a shock/other enforcement branch every hour.
2. What happens if there's an ID check and your ID is expired? Do you get sent to jail? Jailing someone for something they didn't do just sounds unfun.


| Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos |

| Shadow Guard VII Stage (2020) || Shadow Guard Lead Ren Blackstar (2023-2024)|

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+ Cool Concept
+ Adds Roleplay

- Would be very Annoying to redo every hour maybe 4-5 Hours after they get on an Imperial Job

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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+/- support
+would add to the RP a lot
-As noshow said it would be annoying and should be spaced out more.


 current- DT WO V07GM Current Staff-SNRMOD
 former-Royal Guard XII Carol 501st HVYL Carol 501ST LTCOL Carol ST 2LT Carol Tank CPT Carol/Shore AL Carol DT M36 DT CPT OV0 Staff/GM team Former-MOD GM IIx2


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Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. 

However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!

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