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Smaug's - Assistant Chief Application - Accepted



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Rank You are Applying For: Assistant Chief


In-Game Name: Smaug/Desk Lamp

SteamID: 76561198157809427

Current Rank: DF Co-Commander

How long have you been in your current rank?: 101 weeks (7/23/2022)

What timezone are you in?: EST

How many Warns do you have?: 2

Permission: Ducky

Why should you be promoted (251 words Minimum): 

I am a strong candidate for the position of Assistant Chief, as I have years of experience in both low and high command, I have been actively involved in the community for years, and I have maintained a good reputation throughout the community.

     I have extensive command experience in multiple departments including SWAT TL, PD Low command, and currently Delta Force Co-Commander, being in command in those departments I've dealt with almost every situation imaginable, and having done such I have learned how to handle those situations properly and fairly. While working alongside Ecott in Delta Force for a long time we have been able to bring Delta Force up to a high standard and have maintained that standard, as Assistant Chief I will bring PD up to a higher standard and maintain that standard.

     Having been a part of the server since late 2016 I've been through the server's many highs and lows and I hope to help bring back those old highs in PD that were once here by being a strong command member. While being a long-time community and command member I have learned how to adapt to the server's changing environment.

    While being in the community I've been able to create many friends in the community some of which have expanded outside of the community. As a command member, I strive to provide the most welcoming environment I can provide to all players, to ensure they feel welcome into the community.

    In conclusion, I am a strong candidate to become Assistant Chief due to my, command experience, being a long-time member, and having a good reputation in the community.


You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

Edited by Smaug
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Posted (edited)

+ Support

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- Professional 

- Hard working

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- Funny

Youve got this Smaug I wish you the best of luck in your application! 👍

Edited by Ecott

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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+ Support

- Very Mature

- Very Active

- Professional 

- Hard working

- Dedicated

- Helpful

- Funny

Youve got this Smaug I wish you the best of luck in your application! 


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+support im a bit late but goat shit 


 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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