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501st New ARC Models


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Battalion - 501st

Link to current models that are requested to be replaced - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1660159351

Content size - 32mb old, 58mb

Link to new models - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3244853789

How would this benefit the server? - 501st ARC troopers aren't seen as a proper special forces unit or in better terms they are seen as just normal troopers. Part of that is the opinion of people in the server as well as the opinion of people within the 501st that the models for ARC look bad and don't look serious. Arc troopers themselves would be able to be more individualistic while also looking more serious than before and tbh a lot cooler than before.

If the new pack is larger in size, do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server and why? - The models themselves are cleaner, more up to date, and 100x better than the old models and while they are larger I completely believe it will support ARC in being able to gain more members and keep them for a longer period of time. 

Job Name - 501st Arc Trooper

Current model - arc trooper special jobs

New model - 501st ARC

Reason for change - Arc wish to have better looking models and we are of the belief that the increase in space to store the model is not horrendously substantive to have an improved model as with an alternate skin, as well as a greater variety of editable body groups for greater characterization between troopers.

Former Senior Commander Monarch

First Unredacted Clone 501st Commander

I'll see you, starside.


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Edited by skelel

hi im jimmy

current: coolest guy around

former: Tank SHC CSM (and also enlisted) IC DME CPL 501st HVYAL, (coolest) ARCAL Hammer, COL for 10 mins, & VCMDR | DT Sarlacc SPC SF Onyx WO © 4568 Blu © 4457 Reaper 1207 Sev

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Dont get me wrong models look decent but compared to your current ones they dont look great. They look way more on the clone side then the imperial side. They look more cloney and way more chunky.

Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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+ Support
- With Two Variants of Blue/501st Models you could differentiate Normal ARC Troopers and Command Possibly
- ARC Troopers normally looked Thicker as they had Armor Plating for Extra Armor 
- The Models Look Nice
- Look a Little Better than Current Models 
- Would Give ARC New Things

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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Dont get me wrong models look decent but compared to your current ones they dont look great. They look way more on the clone side then the imperial side. They look more cloney and way more chunky.

Current: Senior Commander

Former: Second SisterNinth SisterSaber Guard IncarceratusOmega Squad 3222 AtinDT SGT
  Head Of Refinement 

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+ Support

As ARC Lead majority of my Arcs don’t like our current models as they clip a lot, are wrong color of blue, and are also not even 501st models they are “Arc engineer”

the suggested model is liked by myself and my Arc s

The armor itself across multiple gmod servers is considered one of the best if not the best models (coming from the Imperial Arc trooper models that these are based on) 

These models themselves actually look like they are 501st compared to our current models as well as I’ve checked ingame and they don’t clip

Edited by Kujo

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

  -ARCL COL Tavo,ARCL COL Fordo, and am also currently IC SGM Kujo

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+ Support


- Lore wise this model is more accurate

- Compared to the current ARC model this one looks so much cooler.

- As a 501st Officer this is something I can see people wanting to join 501st to become. Would help with not only the health of 501st, but the drive to keep logging on and rising the ranks.





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-these are tuff AF

-Closer to clone wars ARC troopers then the current models

-previously stated but these models are crazy

501st Vice Commander Kyal 
Awesome Kanye West GIF


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+ Support

Good looking models
I do agree that the current ARC models look a bit janky
I agree with the other statements said via + supports

Current: Imperial Commando's Commander Boss Creator of Epsilon Squad
Retired: Ω 1309 Niner Skirata 2x Ω 1136 Darman SkirataΩ 3222 Atin Skirata First Deputy Hazard SupervisorLast Demo Vice Lead  - IC Vice Commander 1140 Fixer 2x Admin Rusty First Ever ISB:IA Junior Operative - Last Naval Agent Gideon Hask IF2 DT V07- DT CPT EL9 - Shadow Guard VI Scythe - Shock CPT Rusty                                                             


                  "Crimson Squad has never existed"

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i mean we are clones, and every other clone thing on the server uses clone wars era models (also the models are a bit darker in game) but this blue is alot closer to 501st blue compared to the current ARC models

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

  -ARCL COL Tavo,ARCL COL Fordo, and am also currently IC SGM Kujo

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