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Storm Trooper model update


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Battalion/Jobs targeted: NCO Officer commander

Link to current models that are requested to be replaced (if replacing):

NCO: models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_officer.mdl
[SGT-CSM] will receive a Green Pauldron and NO Kama

Officer: models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_command.mdl 
[2LT-CPT] Will receive Blue Pauldrons with Black Trim and black Kama with blue Trim. 
[MAJ-COL] Will receive the Orange Pauldrons with a black Trim and a black Kama with Orange trim

Commander: models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_commander.md
Vice Commander: Get a Red Pauldrons  with a black trim, and a black Kama with red trim.
Commander: Get a Red Pauldrons  with a black trim along with a Black with Red trim on the other side, and a black Kama with red trim.

Additional body groups:

Helmet attachments:
Visors like clones have since we also are mainly scouts and lead them
Range finder (thing boba/Janjo Fett have)

Chest attachments:
Ammo pouch
Decoder pouch

Hip back and waist attachments:
Satchel that rests on the hip
Backpack like medical and like magma or sand Trooper
Shield generator on the back waist like the movies

How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?): This would benefit the server by attracting new recruits and improving overall morale within the battalion. The fresh look of the new models will make the battalion more appealing to potential new members, increasing the overall activity and participation within the server. Overall, this model update will have a positive impact on the battalion's growth and success.







The old model switch were you said this is linked above




-ST VICE COMMANDER               

Master Chief Game GIF by Halo


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-I think them having more armor customizability would lead to more people joining ST

-I think the ST's would look good with the Kamas and upgraded pauldrons

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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rn the models are basically all the same and boring i wanna see some more variety, may get people to stay within ST

hi im jimmy

current: 1207 Sev

former: Tank SHC CSM (and also enlisted) IC DME CPL 501st HVYAL, (coolest) ARCAL Hammer, COL for 10 mins, & VCMDR | DT Sarlacc SPC SF Onyx WO © 4568 Blu © 4457 Reaper

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