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ChipDail - False Warn Report- Accepted


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Your In-game: Johnny Silverhand

The admin's name in-game: Chipdail


The admin's steam name (If you know it): dont know


What warning did you receive: ARDM


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 



Why do you think this warn was false:

I got warned for shooting at the police after they shot at me. I shot the guy who I thought shot at me, the guy who actually shot me was a different cop. I got frustrated that I got shot at and when I try to shoot back the guy who shot me then I got frozen by admin and started swearing in my ear which is why I swore back at him.

I feel that I shouldn't have been warned because I accidently shot the wrong person but I thought it was the same person who shot me and they were both cops and they usually work together and fight like a family. I used appearance to determine that; i.e. same player model, he was holding gravity gun (Which was the last thing the guy who shot me was holding when he ran away) and was the only who appeared not to be AFK. It was too far away to see the name of the guy when he shot me so I just went off of the others factors I just mentioned. I was not attempting random death match I just made a genuine mistake and I feel like warning me was harsh.

As for the "f*king r*tard" part that was said in response to the admin saying "I F*cking saw it" so it was just a kneejerk reaction to getting sworn at and I didn't intend to be disrespectful, I just tend to swear back when im frustrated.

Any extra information:

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-1 Could Chipdail have been slightly more professional in the sit sure. But I think what he said is on a lower level then calling someone a r***d. Also you openly admit you didn't know for sure if that was the cop who shot you. There could of been a much better way to deal with this. 


What you should of done was make a report yourself for ARDM since the Officer ran back in PD. They could of checked logs and staff / PD Command would of disciplined the Officer. 


Even going against all of that you openly lied to a Moderator in a sit saying you didn't shoot them. 


Overall with the guess of who shot you, lying in a sit, and being extremely disrespectful I believe your warn is warranted. Again I will admit Chipdail could of been slightly more professional but you took it to a whole knew level. 

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There is a lot that could be said here but I'm just going to say 100% of this would have been avoided if you had made a report for ARDM instead of taking it into your own hands.

Anyway, Both warn reasons are valid, especially the Staff disrespect. If you had explained yourself instead of shouting and being disrespectful you may have been let off with a verbal on shooting the wrong guy.


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As stated by Spade, yes, in a perfect world with perfect people, I would not have said the word was "fucking" and been more relaxed. However, I have had 5/6 other people I had to warn for RDM and Staff Diss, and you who attempted to prop minge over 3 times. Instead of actually listening to me, letting me speak, and being calm yourself, you were shouting, dissrespecting and admitting to breaking the rules. 
No matter if it is a mistake or not, and it was not a mistake, with your extensive warn history, I am not willing to let hou slack off. You ARDM'ed a Cadet AND Staff disrespected. You were punished accordingly. 

On another note, something you must remember when playing on GamingLight If anyone breaks the MOTD, it does not give you the right to do so. You do, /report and call staff; no excuses are applied. 

I also mentioned to you after the sit that if you were not to dissrespect me, I would have either given you a verbal or just staff jailed you. However, you proceeded to do otherwise. 
(If more details Are Needed LMK)

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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I feel that intention matters, and the video proves I had no intention of breaking the rules and I shot who I thought shot me. I think I could've handled things better but its not fair to classify this as ARDM and warn me for it because it's different if someone breaks a rule on purpose vs accidently breaking a rule with an explanation for that.

When Chipdail saw me shooting, instead of asking me why I was shooting, he froze me and accused me of RDM and then swore at me which made me frustrated. He said "you shot him for NO REASON" "I F*cking saw it" which is why I responded saying "No I didn't f*king r*tard", because I had a reason, it was not random.

Later when I called him up on swearing at me and then warning me, Chipdail called me "Soft", which is disrespectful. Will the same standard be applied to staff as players?

I didn't Attempt RDM, it was a mistake, and you literally disrespected me by calling me soft. So if you are saying you wouldn't have warned me if I didn't call you a retard for accusing me and swearing in a sit then why do you call me soft?


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1) The Conversation on that roof was not even a Staff sit, it just so happened, we were on that roof for some reason

2) "Soft" its not defined as disrespect, the only reason I said it, is you are playing a Video game, where people Swear, Say Slurs, dissrespect etc. I mentioned, that if you are uncapable of mentally handeling such violations, you should not play videogames. You mentioned to me, "You said Fucking and It offended me so I dissrespected you", in no way shape of form is that a reason for you actions. If your excuse for dissrespecting me is "You Said Fucking" That is invalid. 

3) "Accidentaly Breaking the Rule" is still Breaking the rule, and I mentioned that if not the dissrespect which was intentional, I would not have warned you. 

This will be my last reply as to not cause disputed in a Forum post. 

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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You called me "Soft" because I didn't like that you said a rude/offensive word in a staff sit and then warned me for saying a rude/offensive word. In this context, calling me soft was an insult - so there is a double standard here coming from you apparently.

Moderator to player: "If you can't handle the word fucking then you are too soft"

Moderator to player: proceeds to warn player for saying "fucking retard"

I acted to the best of my knowledge to return fire at the police officer who shot me, I was sure at the time that the officer who shot me ran upstairs as it looked like that on my screen. In this circumstance it was a genuine mistake.  But you swearing annoyed me and then you applied a double standard by warning me for an insult and then you insulted me yourself

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-------- Forum Diplomat Message --------
-------- Please don't reply to every message posted by others and keep arguing to a minimum --------

Personal Message:
Its not the fact you said "fucking", its the fact that you called him a "retard". You also had 0 idea of who shot you so you running into a random room that had its doors open and shooting those guys inside without you knowing is the main thing as to why you were warned. I recommend if someone does something like that, instead of taking it into your own hands and complaining about getting a correct punishment you should've called for staff.

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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Saying I had 0 idea is false, I already explained my reasons why I did that.

A police officer literally shot me, I returned fire and he ran into a building which I followed him into, that already opened up the possibility of every police officer in that building shooting at me because they are a faction. I don't actually understand how can you accuse me of RDM, police essentially opened fire on me and I returned fire, they are literally a group, everytime one shoots the others do the same.

I was sure at the time that the OFC who shot me ran upstairs as it looked like that on my screen thats why I went upstairs and I shot the only OFC who appeared not to be AFK. My reasons for what I did were entirely logical from my perspective.

The fault of this entire situation is on the OFC who opened fire on me and then ran into the PD.


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  • Head Admin


Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.


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