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Matilda - False Warn Report- Denied


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Your In-game: Grillz

The admin's name in-game: Matilda

The admin's steam name (If you know it): Matilda

What warning did you receive:  "Mass Propminging"

Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 


Why do you think this warn was false:

Because I didn't propminge. I was not affecting the experience of any player on the server, Matilda just warned me for spawning keypads on a wardrobe. I was just seeing if there is some way I can push a car because the prop goes invisible so I can't unstuck cars sometimes. 

The server allow me to spawn keypads, they cannot do any harm I don't understand why does matilda just warned me for this I checked the rules and it doesnt say anything about spawning keypads or pushing cars

Any extra information:

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Its common sense that what you did was prop minge. There was no valid RP reason for you to have pushed that car, as well as no OOC reason as the vehicle was not stuck.

One of the main arguments of your appeal is that keypads do not count as props. While not spawned through the prop menu, the keypads are still able to act in very similar ways and would be considered prop minge if they were being abused in this way. Personally I do not believe that the argument with the keypad portion is valid on Matildas end, you were still attempting to propminge via the shelf that you had spawned.


Rule reference

Found under section 1 "the basics" in the MOTD:

No prop abuse (Pushing, climbing, blocking, etc.)


Edit: Hiding the video will not help your case.

Edited by Nicc
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You admitted to trying to push the vehicle with keypads that you welded onto a car which is prop minging. You even show yourself about to do this in the clip you provided and you told me your intentions on the roof. As I said in the clip, you also didn't have any valid rp reason to be pushing the car and it was not stuck. Before this you mass spawned in keypads and Mini told me that he told you to stop with that. You also have previous prop minging warns, these are the reasons why you got warned.

Additional evidence since the video was set to private: https://imgur.com/a/x8Lujac

Edited by Matilda
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 You were told by me to stop spawning keypads in the road, as before you were just mass spawning them causing them to lag the server for a bit. I told you legitly NOT to spawn them in the road and looks like you still refused to comply with staffs orders, you could've gotton a NCWS warn also.

Edited by MiniEpic


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Prop minging is prop minging regardless of the scenario at hand unfortunately. 

Judging on staffs reply, you were asked to not do certain things with the props. To add onto this, your current clip of the evidence is currently set to private which also doesn't help matters in this scenario. 

Bottom line, if you were asked to stop, and still continued, then the warning is valid. 

EDIT: To add to this, the comment that Nicc made earlier is in fact in the MOTD: 


Rule reference

Found under section 1 "the basics" in the MOTD:

No prop abuse (Pushing, climbing, blocking, etc.)


Edited by ~ vσxιs ~

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So spawning a prop is now propminging?

I literally spawned some props. I didn't even push the car lol, but I admit I was trying to see if I can move a car with a prop because they get stuck sometimes

and nobody was even inside the car so nobody was even affected

I'd like to add that I've recently just seen people doing the exact same thing infront of admins and they didn't get warned for it

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