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501st Task Force 99


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Battalion Name: 501st


Adding Job:

Job/Class Name: Task Force 99: Misty

Slots: 1

Job Scale: 1


Loadout: DC15x (rw_sw_dc15x), Dual RH17 (rw_sw_dual_dh17a), TL40 (rw_sw_tl40), smoke grenade (zeus_smokegranade), Cross Arms (cross_arms_swep), Cross Arms Front (cross_arms_infront_swep), Binoculars Dark (rw_sw_bino_dark), Jetpack (starwars_jetpack), DP23 (rw_sw_dp23), Deployable shield (deployable_shield)

Health: 700

Armor: 100

Reason for HP/Armor: Since this job is a member of an Elite Unit within 501st, we believe that it should have the ability to have a higher amount of HP compared to the other 501st jobs.

Reason for Loadout: This job is meant to be the sniper and leader of the squad, hence why they are being given a jetpack to get to high advantage points with the DC15x and more HP than the others. They will also be getting the standard 501st gun(the TL40 and DP23 since they are the squad lead) and a secondary pistol(the dual Rh17), this is because of some instances where they can't rely on their sniper in close combat situations, so instead they can rely on the standard issued 501st guns and a backup gun increase the chance to reload does not occur. 


Adding Job:

Job/Class Name: Task Force 99: Shrap 

Slots: 1

Job Scale: 1


Loadout: DLT-19 (rw_sw_dlt19), Dual RH17 (rw_sw_dual_dh17a), DP-23 (rw_sw_dp23), Thermal det (zeus_thermaldet), , Cross Arms (cross_arms_swep), Cross Arms Front (cross_arms_infront_swep), Binoculars Dark (rw_sw_bino_dark), Deployable shield(deployable_shield), E-60r(rw_sw_e60r)

Health: 650

Armor: 100

Reason for HP/Armor: Since this job is a member of an Elite Unit within 501st, we believe it should have higher HP relative to the other 501st  jobs.

Reason for Loadout: This job is meant to be the main demolition expert for the Unit. This job should have a variety of explosive weapons(the thermal det and E-60r), and decent mid to close-range weaponry(the DLT-19, DP23, and the Dual RH17) as the only thing really to defend themselves decently in a close-to-mid-range battle will be the DLT19


Adding Job:

Job/Class Name: Task Force 99: Mic

Slots: 1

Job Scale: 1


Loadout: E-22 (rw_sw_e22), Dual RH17 (rw_sw_dual_dh17a), TL40( rw_sw_tl40), DP23(rw_sw_dp23) Cross Arms (cross_arms_swep), Cross Arms Front (cross_arms_infront_swep), Binoculars Dark (rw_sw_bino_dark), Hacking  tools(hack_enabler), smoke grenade(zeus_smokegranade)

Health: 650

Armor: 100

Reason for HP/Armor: Since this job is a member of an Elite Unit within 501st, we believe it should have higher HP relative to the other 501st  jobs.

Reason for Loadout: This job is meant to be the main Tech specialist of the group, hence why they don't have much fire power compared to the other members but they are equipped with more tactile things like smoke grenades and hacking tools to assist in being able to hack the terminals.


Adding Job:

Job/Class Name: Task Force 99: Zuke

Slots: 1

Job Scale: 1.065


Loadout: Z-6I (rw_sw_z6i), Dual RH17 (rw_sw_dual_dh17a), TL40 (rw_sw_tl40), DP23( rw_sw_dp23), Heavy Shield (heavy_shield), Cross Arms (cross_arms_swep), Cross Arms Front (cross_arms_infront_swep), Binoculars Dark (rw_sw_bino_dark), Portable Turret(lfs_portableturret)

Health: 750

Armor: 250

Reason for Job Scale: Within lore Zuke is very tall and chunky(due to his armor), so we believe he should be just a tad bit taller than the other troops while also not being ridiculously tall as it doesn't block/doesn't stop them from going through doors. 

Reason for HP/Armor: Since this job is a member of an Elite Unit within 501st, we believe it should have higher HP relative to the other 501st  jobs.

Reason for Loadout: This job is meant to be the main Breacher/Heavy specialist of the squad. This job should have decent heavy weaponry as well as a specialized Heavy weapon to take down large groups of enemies and a tool to help breach.


 Description (Optional):Task Force 99, also known as SCAR Squadron, is an elite squad in the 501st Legion of the Galactic Empire. They are comprised of members with various sets of skills and are comprised of the most skilled in their respective areas.


Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, we believe this is a fair change to 501st. We believe that these changes are fair, and will not throw off the server power balance. This update will encourage enlisted to be more active and go up the ranks to be a part of this unit, not only giving them arc to join once hitting NCO but also a specialized squad that would be set apart from the rest of 501st.

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- Supoort 

how you gonna make a new job without any models…

you also don’t even have the numbers to fill another sub battalion 

Edited by Jacstur


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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- You guys will have more hp then DT enlisted and DT NCO alongside having equal hp to a DT Officer
- That armor for zuke is wayyyyyyyyyyy to much that's practically on par with IC alongside the model scale will make you taller then IC and DT
- This in my opinion seems like a copy of TI and Crimson squad alongside Omega Squad.
- This could kill your other sub branch known as ARC this would not only take away from ARC. But I also do not believe you guys are in a stable place to ask for a new sub branch atm I mean this with no disrespect intended, It's just my viewpoint.
- Misty seems like a copy of V07 from TI-23. Personally I do not think this sub branch would be a good idea in the view point of IC CMD and TI And DT Command.

Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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  • Head Admin

- No models
- You guys already have Jump, Heavy, ARC and Phase Zero. I dont see a reason to be adding another sub branch
- Like AX4 said it seems like a copy of TI, Crimons and Omega Squad
- I dont see a reason to why you should have 3 Sub Branches and also have your tiers jobs aswell

| ImperialRP |

Current | High Inquisitor | Head Admin | Forums Diplomat | ImperialRP SMT
Former Sovereign Protector Senior Commander

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As for ARC, ARC have more members than we do slots and with the amount of 501st members wanting arc it won't die anytime soon. 
but more things for the 501st we have plenty of members who can't afford tier jobs and want to do more than ARC and HVY (the only 2 free things) 

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

  -ARCL COL Tavo,ARCL COL Fordo, and am also currently IC SGM Kujo

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I personally +Support this given they get good models for it as 501st does need some more spice that isn't behind a paywall


501st 1LT, Phase Zero VL, ARC Trooper


DT Regulations Officer, DT LTCOL, DT SV02, SF Vice Marshall, SHG Senior Guard, Havoc SFC, Shock 1SGT, SF Cobra Squadron Vice Lead, SF SWO Lyttan Dree, Inferno Head Agent IF33, SF ENGL, ST ENGL, ST Major, Shore VLD, STRM Operator, DT LTCOL, DT SV02

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  • Head Admin


+ Lore squad

Would be sick

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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  • 2 weeks later...

- Support.
Seems to be just ARC lore squad with MUCH better base stats. (compared to other battalions).
three sub branches does seem a bit much. AND you also got more Tier jobs then almost if not everyone else.

Whats the Lore connection for T99 to 501.

IF your gonna add this need NEW/UNUSED models to make them stand out AND so the rest of can tell the new What i assume to be another SPEC-OPS branch so We are not being killed for doing whatever.

Not a negative but.
This also adds reason for others to get more sub branches as some of battalions only have 2 sub-branch and 1 tier job. or JUST 1 Sub-Branch

Edited by Kakashi
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  • 3 weeks later...


This would give 501st a Lore squad like some other battalions have, or gives them actual lore jobs instead of just names
501st already has 5 Sub-Battalion's, whether they are a full on Sub-Branch or just a Certification Sub-Branch

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  • 1 month later...
  • Manager


Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. 

However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!

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