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Printer Skill Suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? - A decrease in the amount of XP it takes to reach level 99 of counterfieting.

Why should we add it? -  According to my math. From my current level 65-99 it would take 18,630,640 XP. With a maxed out printer rack that a plat player can spawn plus the bronze printers you would make 1270 XP per entire printer charge till it reaches 0. That means from my current level each day I can make a maximum amount of 152400 xp (not including double xp after 10.) Meaning it would take 122 CONSECUTIVE days of full 24 hour play times just from level 65 to reach 99. Im unable to count the total amount of xp it would take to go from level 0 to level 99 but I can assume its 20 million or around that area only further adding to the amount of days it would take. 

What are the advantages of having this? - More of a reason to base. The more money people make from skills the more they are going to base. Its a never ending cycle.

Who is it mainly for? - Crim

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Edited by Bartholomew

Ex FBI DCOS | Ex FTO Director | Ex HRT 1LT | Ex PPD Overseer | Forum Diplomat | PoliceRP Admin | Ex Event Team Co-Leader | SL Capo | Negev abuser

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Barret Deleter 28-7

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10 hours ago, Mr. Rob said:


level 99 in almost ever skill needs to be lowered 


Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
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17 hours ago, Mr. Rob said:


level 99 in almost ever skill needs to be lowered 



Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

Former: Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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23 hours ago, Mr. Rob said:


level 99 in almost ever skill needs to be lowered 



Senior Moderator | Platinum Donator | PD CPL | EMS AEMT | SWAT Sharp Shooter | Blaze Firebrand Sergeant

Former: State Trooper First Class | CERT Private

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