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Serial Killer's RFA Application

Ivory Partnaite

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In-Game Name: Serial Killer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147793584

Current Research Rank: Advanced Researcher

Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only): 




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Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): I'd spy on them, plotting out their schedule and plans. Once I've gained enough intel, I'll wait for a footman to wander off to somewhere where I can kidnap him without anyone noticing. I'll force some information out of his mouth, dispose of him and steal his outfit to infiltrate their ranks. I'll act like one of them while slowly gathering information about their operations. Depending on how they're storing information on the SCP foundation, I'll either burn their documents, delete their documents on a computer, or if they're using a specialized program to hack into the foundation and take info then I'll take a copy of the program and send it over to AIAD to develop a firewall to block it out and then delete their files. After the mission is over I'll report to the Operations Overseer.

There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): I'd suggest putting a D-Class in an empty containment cell while we put giant public announcement speakers to play the D-Class's name on loop. But the speaker would have to be just loud enough to cover the distance of passible terrain on the island but not loud enough to disturb the civilian town nearby. I'd have MTF or other personnel operating the speaker while I dress up as a citizen and kidnap any non-combatant civilians to a soundproof location (most likely underground in the foundation) and use amnestics on them to wipe any possible memory of the anomalous subject. If the assignment was to terminate the anomaly, I would do the same thing but put the D-Class over an acid pit so when the anomaly teleports it falls into a pit of corrosive acid.

An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react?
(100+ Words):
I'd use a news drone to get a birds eye view of the campsite to locate entry points, hiding spots, key objects and any other points of interest. I'd arm up and stealthily make my way towards the center of the camp, using a mirror on a stick to peek corners. I wouldn't interact with the laptop because there might be a failsafe to lock the PC and hide the IP address. I'd look at the documents and look for clues for a location that might be the mysterious IP address. If I don't find the IP on the documents then I'd have a squad of AIAD division members to help me browse through the laptop and find the IP address there. If all goes to rye, my last resort plan would to use signal jammers to block any connection and steal the data from the jammers.

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serial killer is one of the best researchers fr fr no cap very cool man with  very cool screams of terror!!!!

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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After review, the Research Field Agency has decided to deny you, as you are deemed an unfit for the position of Field Agent. You may apply again in two weeks.

The Double Barrel Bandit...

Former Ranks: RRH Analyst Echo-39 - G9 Wendigo GF5 - Elite Medic - Deputy Head of Medical Research D5 2nd Lieutenant - Deputy Head Raptor Operative - GOC Private x2 - CI Sergeant - O1 Specialist x2 (first O1 enlisted) - Event Team Executive AWPD Office Manager - RAU Advanced Unit - Advanced Medic - RFA Secretary of Investigations and Counter Intelligence - RAU Sentinel Unit - D5 Sergeant Major Head of Research - CI Captain - EOI Capulet - E4 Goon

CCs owned: Class D Special Forces - Horizon Initiative Legion I II and III Horizon Initiative Apollyon Unit

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