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Ivory Partnaite

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Everything posted by Ivory Partnaite

  1. In-Game Name: Serial Killer Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147793584 Current Research Rank: Advanced Researcher Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): I'd spy on them, plotting out their schedule and plans. Once I've gained enough intel, I'll wait for a footman to wander off to somewhere where I can kidnap him without anyone noticing. I'll force some information out of his mouth, dispose of him and steal his outfit to infiltrate their ranks. I'll act like one of them while slowly gathering information about their operations. Depending on how they're storing information on the SCP foundation, I'll either burn their documents, delete their documents on a computer, or if they're using a specialized program to hack into the foundation and take info then I'll take a copy of the program and send it over to AIAD to develop a firewall to block it out and then delete their files. After the mission is over I'll report to the Operations Overseer. There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): I'd suggest putting a D-Class in an empty containment cell while we put giant public announcement speakers to play the D-Class's name on loop. But the speaker would have to be just loud enough to cover the distance of passible terrain on the island but not loud enough to disturb the civilian town nearby. I'd have MTF or other personnel operating the speaker while I dress up as a citizen and kidnap any non-combatant civilians to a soundproof location (most likely underground in the foundation) and use amnestics on them to wipe any possible memory of the anomalous subject. If the assignment was to terminate the anomaly, I would do the same thing but put the D-Class over an acid pit so when the anomaly teleports it falls into a pit of corrosive acid. An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react? (100+ Words): I'd use a news drone to get a birds eye view of the campsite to locate entry points, hiding spots, key objects and any other points of interest. I'd arm up and stealthily make my way towards the center of the camp, using a mirror on a stick to peek corners. I wouldn't interact with the laptop because there might be a failsafe to lock the PC and hide the IP address. I'd look at the documents and look for clues for a location that might be the mysterious IP address. If I don't find the IP on the documents then I'd have a squad of AIAD division members to help me browse through the laptop and find the IP address there. If all goes to rye, my last resort plan would to use signal jammers to block any connection and steal the data from the jammers.
  2. Combining Maxwellist Studies and SCP-049's "patients", I have created this document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rEjkYZ89zupB_-yQK_yqCMSvytPsCDQ2P4rLZET25XM/edit?usp=sharing
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13c5SXGBktjnCq_jaCM2gwCl8fOQbNYpAlc2QjurEIjU/edit?usp=sharing
  4. Lore Rank/Name: Serial Killer SCP #: 5208 Test Idea: Give SCP-5208 different firearms to see how well he can adapt to new weaponry Background Research: I looked up the country of origin of all the firearms they'd be receiving for the quiz. Hypothesis: SCP-5208 would do poorly on the quiz due to only sticking with their typical firearms. Observations (what happened?): SCP-5208 passed 100% on the names quiz, failed with a 0% correct on the country of origin scores, and did poorly on firing the weapons. Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images): N/A Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): My hypothesis was somewhat correct, they got the names all right which surprises me, but failed the origin and did poorly in the firing range. Overall I can conclude SCP-5208 is not a threat if it stumbles apon one of our armories.
  5. Lore Rank/Name: AR Serial Killer SCP #: N/A Test Idea: Temporal Looping with Thaumaturgy and elevators, I incorporated invalid physics to an elevator causing it to break normal temporal constructs and essentially make a "timeloop" in an elevator. Test 1: I grabbed two D-Class and put them in the elevator, while putting items within two different elevators from two different parallel universes and combined them into one elevator. Test 2: I did the same thing but with one D-Class, I had an engineer put traffic cones in front of each elevator door in LCZ. Test 3: The third test involved tricking a special education D-Class into thinking he was already in a time loop with a pocket watch and brainwashing. Background Research: I previously found an oddity in the elevator which when the elevator is interacted with in a certain way, it breaks time and space. Causing people to merge with each other, odd teleporting, random deaths, etc. Hypothesis: Time loops were imminent and I knew time would surely break. Observations (what happened?): Test 1: This caused the D-Class to merge with a security guard, me merging with the security guard, and the other D-Class merging with the door. Merging with the door causes instant death and disembowelment. Test 2: I pinned the D-Classes cuffs to one elevator from one universe, while the D-Class was being teleported to the other elevator. This caused the D-Class's cuffs to go through the elevator wall and pull him into the wall, slamming his whole body. I also merged myself with a security guard and caused a time loop that lasted fifteen minutes, which caused other people to get stuck in the elevator. The amount of people was estimated to be around four to five people stuck in one chaotic elevator test. Test 3: I then put him in the elevator, which summoned a Sarkic Cultist and a griffin in the elevator. A bunch of other people got stuck in a time loop in the elevator, some people died by getting chopped in half by the elevator door. Everyone was screaming in fear and confusion while I was laughing manically. Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images): N/A Reason for Testing: To find a better way to contain Keter SCPs, that is to say putting Keter SCPs in a temporally paused field, making it so they're trapped in time and space.
  6. In-Game Name: Serial Killer Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147793584 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): User How long have you been playing on the server?: Three years ago, one week in total. Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: Yes How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): 19 from more than a year ago, at most two years ago. Some of them I don't even remember or know how I got. Why do you want to join event team? In general, I like making things. I've made multiple E2's and builds on Garry's Mod ranging from giant human heads, to hotdog stands, to whole maps made from plastic, to huge themed DarkRP bases. Here are some of the examples of things I've made: Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: Even though I've gotten a lot of warns in the past, specifically nineteen. I still like the server, sometimes I've gotten drunk and did a little trolling. But I can promise I wont abuse the role, I've been event staff and a gamemaster on a bunch of different SCP servers including Parallax SCP:RP (Shutdown), Deep Gaming SCP:RP and some others. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes, I know the syntax such as *, ^, etc and how to navigate the menu. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): Alright, this is what I came up with. So the server is alerted of a huge crash noise, the ground is shaking like an earthquake. Outside, a large boulder can be found. Behind this boulder reveals a cave containing a dimensional abnormality, which on contact: transfers anything in a few meters to Three Portlands. Which ironically also has an earthquake causing a dimensional abnormality. The Three Portlands Police Department is directed by the council to confine the area of effect, containing the residents and buildings surrounding it, which happens to be containing an Ambrose fine dining location, a privately owned book store owned by The Wandsmen and some other odd commercial buildings. The Three Portlands council wants to close off this portal due to it's position being extremely close to both a Chaos Insurgency base and SCP:F site. Perhaps some undercover agents could investigate Three Portlands and maybe even take some anomalous items from the area. Or maybe SCP:F, CI and 3Ports will go to war for territory and control.
  7. General Suggestions Post name: SCP-5208-GL NLR Change What are you suggesting? - Change the NLR based on amount of SCP-5208 are on. It'd be: 1 = 5m, 2 = 5m, 3 = 10m, 4 = 10m, 5 = 15m. How would this change better the server? - SCP-5208 only has 500HP and 200 armor with not so great guns, MTF can easily kill them. And for a 15 minute wait? That's BS. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - More difficultly for MTF. Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCP Mains and SCP-5208 players. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  8. You cant report someone if you don't know their names. It doesn't show up on the logs and you need to look directly at someone to see their name, you can only see their level other wise.
  9. Switch the elevator with stairs. How would this change better the server? - 1. This would help fat fucks lose weight. 2. This would stop annoying ass Goomba Stomping. 3. Give GenSec more time to do shit. 4. D-Class would rather spend time planning an escape then make a Japanese subway of a staircase. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 1. Piss babies would get angry walking eight flights of stairs each death. Who would this change mostly benefit? - D-Class victimized of getting their necked stomped on and broken. GenSec that are being flooded with D-Class.
  10. Imagine making your text bigger to make it more visible to make it seem more important. Says the one disliking my booing.
  11. What are you suggesting? - The old Defcon System. How would this change better the server? - It looked better and everyone was used to it. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Server Veterans Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - What the fuck is this shit?
  12. 1. Its a skeleton though. 2. Yes, rolls should be a thing. I feel like it should be if the victim rolls higher than sixty it can report it/attack it. Its contained like SCP-049 I believe. Its a skeleton that cartoonishly takes peoples skin and wears them. So its basically like a SCP Slueth. Its job is too uhh... I think its just to take peoples skin, yeah. Just takin' and collectin' skin. I have negative reputation, that sucks. I think that's because I've gotten fired from every job and have been banned for a day just for mass disrespect.
  13. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-5091 "Sir Skeleton" 2. Link(s) to player models: models/player/skeleton.mdl ( Half Life 2 Skeleton Model ) 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: A Disguise Swep, SCP-173 Swep ( Renamed to SCP-5091 Swep ) 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 100HP 50AP 5. Why should we add this SCP? It would basically add an SCP Sleuth to the game, it would also be loved by people who like to be spies but cant get the rank in CI. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: A skeleton that can speak 1800s English and is able to walk properly, it can forcefully rip peoples skin off and wear it perfectly completely disguising it as the victim.
  14. I -support the people who negatively supported this idea. +Support
  15. I was demoted from being a JR for ERP which I never did. I was saying that SCP-999 was raping my D-Class without me telling them too then after that I suggested a test in a Mass test for a cross-test between SCP-049 and SCP-999. That's not ERP from my point of view.
  16. In-game Name: Ivory Partnaite SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147793584 DiscordID: Ivory Partnaite#4653 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I am pretty decent, I know most of the commonly known SCP's and what they can do. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Because the foundation took all my jobs and I will ruin the foundation. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I have an engineering degree at the College of San Diego How active can you be? A couple hours at midnight at random days unless I am called on by discord. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.
  17. We need to add Hank, he is the best SCP. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3oypeg1jlj800lw/SCP-3467-J.jfif?dl=0 That's an image of Hank.
  18. The only purpose of this SCP is to be fat, balding and to be bullied. That's the point, he is useless. Like jerry from Rick & Morty or Skeeter from South Park. But it would effect RP because everyone is way to serious and need to calm down a little and laugh. He isn't really an SCP though, he's a janitor who is a failure at life and never does his job. Also, SCP-527 doesn't have keycard access. It adds RP, he can be a janitor if you yell at him enough, SCPs can use FearRP on him, it adds a whole new test subject, it adds KFC Buckets to the server... Thats about it.
  19. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-3467-J 2. Link(s) to player models: Maybe https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=416939663&searchtext=playermodelFat 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1442855946&searchtext=KFC , Keycard Access One, Zero's Trash Cleaning Swep and possibly a Swep that allows him to cry/scream like a little girl. 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have?: 75HP and no armor 5. Why should we add this SCP? Because it could add a whole new aspect of RP, he can easily be held under Fear RP and can do stuff for SCPs because he's a chicken shit. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: A grown man who works for Janitorial Personnel and eats chicken when ever he isn't working, which is a rare event. 7. Extra information: Please don't it make a job that you need a rank for, just make it level five access. That seems like the right level to be weaker than D-Class. Also do note that he cant use guns, seeing him with a gun can get him tied up and bullied because SCPs cant use guns.
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