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TX9's TI-23 Application


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Which lore squad member are you applying for:

DT L21

Why do you believe you deserve this position:

As a former Senior Security Officer and experienced Death Trooper i have gained a deep understanding of the inner workings of both the military and security forces onboard the ISD. My extensive experience in combat and security has solidified my skills in threat assesment, surveilling potential enemies and taking appropriate action in moments of crisis.

With my experience i am confident in my ability to excel in the role of L21. Having worked alongside other TI-23 members during my time in the Death Troopers i have built strong relationships within the team. In addition to being a team player i am also skilled in communication and decision making under pressure.

My familiarity with the server and its various systems and protocols will allow me to adapt quickly to the unique needs of L21. I am confident in my ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently utilizing my knowledge and experience gained throughout my career.

Overall i believe that my qualifications combined with my dedication and passion for serving within the Death Troopers make me an exceptional candidate for the role of L21. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills to the team.

Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23:

My extensive training and experience have equipped me with invaluable teamwork skills essential for success as a Death Trooper. Collaboration and communication are crucial components of performing the duties required of this role and my time in the Death Troopers has allowed me to hone these capabilities effectively. As a result i have learned to effectively communicate and perform exceptionally well in team oriented environments contributing to the achievement of mission objectives successfully.

I am always willing to undertake additional responsibilities and work beyond what is expected of me to ensure the task is complete. I consistently put in extra hours and go the extra step to guarantee outstanding results demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the Death Troopers. This level of dedication and commitment is an attribute i have carried throughout my time as a Death Trooper and i am confident that i can bring this ethic to TI-23 if I am granted the opportunity to join.

What does Unit TI-23 do:

Members of the Unit TI-23 are handpicked for their extraordinary abilities, disciplined professionalism and their operational success rate. Unit TI-23 is held in high regard due to their effectiveness in high pressure situations.

Each member of Unit TI-23 brings their own distinct set of talents to the table. The team is diverse in terms of their skill sets ranging from medical expertise to heavy weapons proficiency. This allows them to operate effectively in a multitude of hostile environments from urban environments to remote wilderness areas.

One of the most impressive aspects of Unit TI-23 is their commitment to VIP protection. Their ability to provide a secure environment for their VIP is the key of their success.

The squad is led by their superior commanding officer F16. He is highly respected for his leadership ability. Under his guidance Unit TI-23 has become even more effective and efficient and they continue to excel in their mission.

How active can you be:

I am an active member who can be on the job for 2-4 hours each day.

Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system:

Yes i fully understand.

Additional note:

English isn't my primary language. Forgive me if i miss type any word or don't make sense in my sentences.

Edited by Beblin
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You seem to have a good heart, as for the actual content of your application there is very little. I can see that you want the position, but as for actually taking the steps I'm not quite sure.

Keep in mind, I do not say these things to discourage you; only to inspire you and show your weaknesses. I want you to be successful, but if I pretended like these were not issues you would not improve. TI-23 is elite and you have to treat it like it is. If I don't see the effort, I can't support you getting the position.

Good luck,
- Support

Edited by Hi Joel

Former DT EX5
Former L21 of DT TI-23
Retired DT VCMDR EX5

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1 hour ago, Hi Joel said:

You seem to have a good heart, as for the actual content of your application there is very little. I can see that you want the position, but as for actually taking the steps I'm not quite sure.

Keep in mind, I do not say these things to discourage you; only to inspire you and show your weaknesses. I want you to be successful, but if I pretended like these were not issues you would not improve. TI-23 is elite and you have to treat it like it is. If I don't see the effort, I can't support you getting the position.

Good luck,
- Support


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1 hour ago, Hi Joel said:

You seem to have a good heart, as for the actual content of your application there is very little. I can see that you want the position, but as for actually taking the steps, I'm not quite sure.

Keep in mind, I do not say these things to discourage you; only to inspire you and show your weaknesses. I want you to be successful, but if I pretended like these were not issues you would not improve. TI-23 is elite and you have to treat it like it is. If I don't see the effort, I can't support you getting the position.

Good luck,
- Support


Former IQ Overseer / EX Havoc 1LT / EX Naval Vice admiral / / EX DT C37 / EX DT L21 EX DT VCMDR EX GMVIII

Current Fleet intelligence member \


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+ Support
This Application Has indeed improved As a Current Member of TI-23 If you Managed to get into the Squad Id Expect Great things from you. 
It Shows you will be Willing to do Whatever it takes to Fo fill your role in TI-23 And that you're willing to learn more.

Best of luck trooper.

Former IQ Overseer / EX Havoc 1LT / EX Naval Vice admiral / / EX DT C37 / EX DT L21 EX DT VCMDR EX GMVIII

Current Fleet intelligence member \


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Congratulations, you have been accepted for TI-23!!!
Please contact DT Command for training!
[Forgot to reply with this earlier]

Currently: DT WO TP9 | Pyke Right Hand JSR | Grand Saboteur Epsilon
Former: High Admiral "WR Senior Commander Any%" JohnDT Commander TP9|UN0|SCO | AHGM | ST VCMDR for 10 minutes | Shock CSM | K2S1 STRM Lead SC47|Whiskey 01 | Nu-7 SSGT | CI SGMSuper Administrator

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