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Found 6 results

  1. Recently my Garry's Mod has not been saving advert keybinds and I know a few other players have this problem so I am just going to put this here to help anyone who is also experiencing this issue as this has stopped the problem for me. 1. Goto Steam, and right click on Garry's Mod. 2. Select "Properties..." 3. Select "LOCAL FILES" and select "Browse..." 4. (Now you are in the Garry's Mod local files) select "garrysmod" 5. Select "cfg" then open "autoexec" 6. Put the commands/binds you want then click save (CONTROL + S) on "File" and you may exit out. I put an example below of my keybinds.
  2. Greetings everyone! I am Zero you may or may not know me but who cares? I am gonna mainly discuss D class Survival, Rioting, and escaping tips. This is mainly intended for newer/inexperienced D class but veterans may learn something! IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER TIPS OR TRICKS PLEASE POST IN COMMENTS! Alright with that all out of the way lets go! SURVIVAL TIPS As D class CONSERVE YOUR HP. D class has the lowest hp and armor in the server so making sure you take that into account. Ways to conserve hp is stuff like spam crouching to dodge when approaching, Going unexpected routes to surprise your enemies, Or striking at unexpected intervals. Stay to the shadows. As previously mentioned D class do not have a lot of firepower or hp. Even with armory you can only go up to 100/100 as a standard D class. Maybe more hp as other classes but you are still weaker. So in the end front to front confrontation with even one MTF will usually end in a lot of casualties. Stick to side routes and hide if you know MTF are going your way. You may be in a bright orange jump suit but that doesn't mean you can still be easily found. Use stuff that blocks all vision if possible to hide with the most effectiveness. Don't be an open and predictable target. When you can don't be in the open and going in a predictable direction. If they can see you clearly going in a predictable direction you will easily be mowed down with ease. Dodge, duck, and cover! Expose the least amount of you while being a pain to hit. RIOTING TIPS The more the merrier. As d class you usually have a lot of people along side you. If possible encourage them to fight along side you. Even a bunch of uncoordinated D class are still a major threat to security. Rush all at once from different angles. But most importantly: DO NOT GET DISCOURGED. Keep fighting and shorten their numbers. Use every tool available. Every weapon has a use. Even the wrench is enough to kill a Enlisted-NCO. Fists still do 10 dmg which is enough to get them killed a lot faster by others. Sledge hammer is great for hitting those tougher opponents. A fully charged headshot with the sledge does a strong 140 dmg! That's plenty for a melee weapon. If you are a donator you know your tools well so feel free to use those as much as you want. Fight with the strong! D class custom classes have good weapons on them but they also have a 1 min NLR which means they have to use each life well. If you fight with them and distract enough so they can shred their numbers your riot will be a lot easier. Even if they are dead keep up the fight and lower their hp so they are easy picking for the custom classes. KEEP THE PRESSURE. regular D class have no NLR so that means they can keep attacking and not letting security have a break. Use this to your advantage and keep the pressure. ESCAPING TIPS Stick with the experienced. The more experienced D class usually know where they are going. Follow them and learn the layout of the land. Most of the time they also have a keypad hacker so sticking with them is smart and will help you in your escape. Follow or switch to a Escape artist. Escape artists spawn with a keypad cracker so they can open keycard locked doors which is a requirement to escape. Escape artist is level 30+ so a good amount of people have access to it. Another person with a keypad cracker is usually a D class custom class and the D class pro and D class Expert. Follow them and make sure they stay alive! Take long route home. If you go down the most popular route you are easy picking to MTF and security. Go a side route if possible to not draw attention to yourself. A found D class is a dead D class. CI ARE YOUR FRIEND. If you see some lovely lads with guns and they are shooting MTF/security they are not shooting you they are most likely the Chaos insurgency there to help you break out. They can shoot you if you attack them or annoy them so Don't be a pain to them. Follow them and they will most likely lead you to surface and to sweet sweet freedom. Class D can be a very fun class if you play your cards right. Follow some of these tips and some in the comments and you will surely escape this freak zoo. I hope to see you guys fighting and escaping along side of me. Cause some hell lads -Zero
  3. Step 1: Secure the Keys! Step 2: Ascend from Darkness! Step 3: Reign Fire! Step 4: Unleash the Horde! Step 5: Skewer the Winged Beast! Step 6: Wield a Fist of Iron! Step 7: Raise Hell! Step 8: FREEDOM!!! (This guide is brought to you by Reznov)
  4. Step One: Analyze how many GenSec are in upper d-block Step Two: Once you analyzed how may GenSec are in upper say to yourself is it really worth it Step Three: If you said yea it is well lets get right to it gather your posse and go for the highest ranking member first as the lower ranking members will crumble Step Four: If you have made it through try to get to the armory (make sure you have a keypad cracker) Step Five: At armory buy armor and a health kit Step Six: Next for the guns pretty much any shot gun or Assault rifle buy only one you wont need to buy all (because you will probably die) guns *TO* buy Negev,Sawed Off, Deagle Step Seven: If you died go right back to step one all the point in d-class it to riot and have fun because lest be honest who wants to get restrained by some lame researcher not me Well I will leave you with this "The Harder The Battle The Sweeter The Victory" Yours Truly ~ Emperor Drip
  5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jTT7aLfOG0FiQBZpVeB98OxKuQTGvgVJde-h-sfsQPY/edit?usp=sharing I created this list according to the SOP, if anybody of the higher ups recognizes some errors, please notify me and i will change it accordingly, because sometimes the SOP wasn't 100% clear, for example 457 is in LCZ, but is a Euclid/Potential Keter and the SOP states: Associate Researchers can test on any LCZ SCPs (457 is located next to the gas-chamber-room and thus in LCZ), also counting for 527 which is roaming in LCZ so does he also count, since he has no own containment chamber?
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