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  1. Battalion name: Storm troopers Job Name: STRM ECLIPSE Current Loadout: rw_sw_dlt20a | rw_sw_tl50 | rw_sw_dual_dc17ext | weapon_armorkit | booster_bacta_kit | gmod_flashbang | rw_sw_bino_dark | dradio | keys | wos_inventory | activity_logger | cross_arms_swep | cross_arms_infront_swep | bkeycard Add: bacta_kit lfs_speederbike Remove:booster_bacta_kit Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions): "Updating the bacta kit, as this one is super slow, will help when fewer medics are on. In lore, STRM have speeders, which will help them keep up with other spec ops that have jetpacks." Job Name: STRM SKIRMISHER Current Loadout: rw_sw_dc19 | rw_sw_huntershotgun | rw_sw_dual_dc17ext | gmod_flashbang | deployable_shield | rw_sw_bino_dark | dradio | keys | wos_inventory | activity_logger | cross_arms_swep | cross_arms_infront_swep | bkeycard (edited) Add: lfs_speederbike Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions): In lore, STRM have speeders, which will help them keep up with other spec ops that have jetpacks." Job Name: Storm Commando Current Loadout: rw_sw_dlt20a | rw_sw_dual_dc17ext | rw_sw_dc19 | gmod_flashbang Add: lfs_speederbike Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions): In lore, STRM have speeders, which will help them keep up with other spec ops that have jetpacks."
  2. Battalion name:Storm troopers Job name storm trooper - Current model: Link to the current model and size (if applicable):models/gaminglight/player/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_enlisted.mdl - New model: N/A Link to the new model and size (if applicable): Reason for change: - Current loadout: dradio keys wos_inventory bkeycard rw_sw_bino_white rw_sw_e11 rw_sw_e11_noscope - Add:N/A - Remove:N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): - Current health: 200 - New: 300 - Current armor: 100 - New: 200 Reason for health/armor changes: as other jobs have a lot of health when st enlisted nco officers go on the front lines as that's their purpose they die instantly and this will help out st with getting more people Description (optional): Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: as stated above all the other jobs have a lot of health so to give st enlisted 300 hp and 200 armor over 200 and 100 will help out st alot Job name storm trooper NCO - Current model: Link to the current model and size (if applicable) models/gaminglight/player/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_nco.mdl - New model: N/A Link to the new model and size (if applicable): Reason for change: - Current loadout: dradio keys wos_inventory bkeycard rw_sw_bino_white rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_e11t rw_sw_dlt19 cross_arms_swep tfa_gl_be_22 activity_logger - Add:N/A - Remove:N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): - Current health: 300 - New: 350 - Current armor: 150 - New: 250 Reason for health/armor changes: as other jobs have a lot of health when st enlisted nco officers go on the front lines as that's their purpose they die instantly and this will help out st with getting more people Description (optional): Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: as stated above all the other jobs have a lot of health so to give st Nco 350 hp and 250 armor over 300 and 150 will help out st alot Job name storm trooper capitan New job name Storm trooper officer - Current model: Link to the current model and size (if applicable) models/gaminglight/player/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_officer_a.mdl models/gaminglight/player/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_officer_b.mdl - New model: N/A Link to the new model and size (if applicable): Reason for change: - Current loadout: dradio keys wos_inventory bkeycard rw_sw_bino_white rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_e11t rw_sw_dlt19 cross_arms_swep tfa_gl_be_22 activity_logger rw_sw_scoutblaster rw_sw_dp23 - Add:N/A - Remove:N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): - Current health: 350 - New: 400 - Current armor: 150 - New: 250 Reason for health/armor changes: as other jobs have a lot of health when st enlisted nco officers go on the front lines as that's their purpose they die instantly and this will help out st with getting more people Description (optional): Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: as stated above all the other jobs have a lot of health so to give st officer 400 hp and 250 armor over 350 and 150 will help out st alot
  3. Job Name: death_trooper_sarlacc_company Current Loadout: rw_sw_z6i, rw_sw_rk3, rw_sw_e11d, deployable_shield Add: rw_sw_dispencer Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions): This change entirely suits the purpose and function of sarlacc company as it’s DT’s heavy equivalent and enabling them to supply the battalion with ammo at any given time with help give the tier job it’s identity and let it stand out among the DT jobs. Job Name: death_trooper_ti23_medic Current Loadout: rw_sw_dual_rk3 , rw_sw_e11d, booster_bacta_kit, weapon_armorkit Add: bacta_kit (discussed with Medical Command) Removed: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions): This has been thoroughly discussed with MC command by AL0 and they’ve said they’re fine with us having the bacta kit with our current restrictions on its use. Even in the field the bacta kit will only increase the speed of which we render aid instead of us running into situations where his healing is ineffective at all. Job Name: death_trooper_ti23_ engineer Current Loadout: rw_sw_nade_impact, zeus_thermaldet, alydus_fusioncutter, rw_sw_e11d, rw_sw_dual_rk3, tfa_nmrih_wrench, deployable_shield, rw_sw_pinglauncher, rw_sw_dlt19, alydus_fortificationbuildertablet Add: Datapad (Engineering Access) rw_sw_dispencer Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions) As an engineering member its expected that they’re able to complete engineering tasks. The dispencer will allow him to give ammunition to his squadmates while in operations. Job Name: death_trooper_ti23_marksmen Current Loadout: rw_sw_dual_rk3 , rw_sw_e11d, rw_sw_e11s Add: rw_sw_nt242, rw_sw_dc19le, rw_sw_nade_smoke Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions) This would give V07 a heavy sniper for going “Loud on Operations”. The meaning of this is for heavy conflicts, to have a slightly more heavier damaging sniper could be beneficial to the squad and all operations hosted by TI-23. As well as the utility, DC-19LE (not seekers gun) carbine will assist V07 in his tasks and operations while aboard the base and on missions by opening up more options for engaging hostiles whatever the range. Job Name: death_trooper_ti23_squad_lead Current Loadout: rw_sw_dual_rk3 , rw_sw_e11d, booster_bacta_kit, alydus_fusioncutter, rw_sw_e11s, rw_sw_huntershotgun Add: starwars_jetpack, rw_sw_pinglauncher, gmod_flashbang, weapon_armorkit, rw_sw_dispencer Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions): As the squad lead, he currently has nothing that his other members have that really specialize them. He does have some like the booster bacta, fusion cutter in shotgun, but we believe giving him the following above will better suit him while also allowing him to control and lead his squad in a better way never done before as he is able to fill in or assist at any given role without swapping; should there be a absence of a squad member of an overwhelming situation for another. Job Name: death_trooper_ti23_cqc Current loadout: rw_sw_dual_rk3 , rw_sw_e11d, rw_sw_huntershotgun, gmod_flashbang, heavy_shield Add: rw_sw_nade_smoke, rw_sw_tl50, deployable_shield Remove: Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions) C37 is our CQC specialist but with his current loadout he can struggle to complete his tasks. To fix this we are proposing to give him the Smoke grenade to give him cover if he needs to retreat, the TL50 for close combat encounters to better assist him in combat, the deployable shield to help him have cover in harsh and deadly situations or encounters. Overall this new kit will better allow him to serve his CQC role more dynamically by increasing the equipment he has access to for different engagements. Made by Salt/XO1 - Alpha/AL0
  4. Navy Model Changes Battalion name: Naval Job name: Naval Crewman Naval Enlisted Naval Junior Officer Naval Senior Officer Naval Security Officer Naval Admiral Model path: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1767636949&searchtext=zephyr+ Current model: models/crewman/inferno_squad_crewman.mdl ( Naval Crewman ) models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_ncov2/swbf_imperial_officer_ncov2.mdl ( Naval Enlisted ) models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_lieutenantv2/swbf_imperial_officer_lieutenantv2.mdl ( Naval Junior Officer ) models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_lieutenantv2/swbf_imperial_officer_lieutenantv2.mdl ( Naval Senior Officer ) models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_colonelv2/swbf_imperial_officer_colonelv2.mdl ( Naval Security Officer ) models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_admiralv2/swbf_imperial_officer_admiralv2.mdl ( Naval Admiral ) New model: models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/female/female_fleet_four.mdl models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/female/female_fleet_one.mdl models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/female/female_fleet_three.mdl models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/female/female_fleet_two.mdl models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/male/male_fleet_one.mdl models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/male/male_fleet_two.mdl Reason for change: Description (Optional): Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Adding these models to the server will improve the roleplay RP which navel is founded on, if we add these models into the game for Navy, it won't only help naval give out better RP but add diversity and more gender-neutral roles for the server. Allowing Naval to use these models will give the members, possibility to make their naval characters more like them IRL will show that not only naval cares but shows the server itself cares and adds a “we want you here environment”. We are including everyone so we can all enjoy the branch together and bring naval together more on a deeper level then just RP and gaming. Also, these models are already on the server and just needed to be added to the content pack. Also just need to transfer the current pins over from the current models to the new ones.
  5. Link to new pack(s): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2642378056&searchtext=artillery How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): It would help with Events & Trainings | It adds new Additions to the Server Artillery Types With this new Artillery there would be 3 types - Gas - Incendiary - High Explosive Camera Views There is now 2 Camera Views with this Artillery System - Directly Above the Barrel - Overhead Map Type with Angles & Distance and a Camera Above the Area you want to Fire Do you believe the benefits exceed the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?: Yes, i think its a good addition as it as a Straight Fire & Top View which people want like a map thing for Mortar and Air Strikes. How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?): It will help mostly Tank Troopers or Anyone that is using a Mortar
  6. Battalion name: High Command Job name: High Admiral - Current model: models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_ensignv2/swbf_imperial_officer_ensignv2.mdl - New model: models/player/bunny/zephyr_fleet/male/male_fleet_two.mdl Link to the new model and size (if applicable): N/A (Already on the server) Reason for change: Currently the model for the High Admiral is the same as for a standard Naval Officer, which can lead to some confusion at first glance. With this model change, we'll be able to give the High Admiral it's own uniform, in this case we decided to pick the brownish option as all others are already used by either one of the Navy Battalions or signalize the rank of Grand Admiral. All options that we need from the body groups are available with the new model as well. This change/suggestion was approved by Emperor Palpatine/Jabronie
  7. What would you like to see: The double tapping to enable seat weapons removed. How would it help the server and/or the player base: The feature is not used and is usually considered Fail RP (at least it always was as far as I can remember) to sit down since you can't be damaged except by very select weapons and attacks. Also if you have it enabled and don't realize it, it will cause issues trying to fly. Overall I don't think it's something we need or use on the server other than when people want to mess around cause or abuse the not being able to be hurt part of it. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes.
  8. Battalion Name: Imperial Commandos Link to the current model and size (if applicable): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523962419 Link to the new model and size (if applicable): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2365779240 Job name: Crimson Squad: Reaper New Job/Class Name: Epsilon Squad: Vale Current model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Reaper.mdl New model: models/defcon/loudmantis/shadows/vale.mdl - Current loadout: Keys, Cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, rw_sw_bino_white, alydus_fusioncutter, cross_arms_swep cross_arms_infront_swep salute_swep, com_dc15p_red_, dradio, activity_logger, bkeycard, zeus_flashbang Add: heavy_shield, cc2018_dc17msg_red, and zeus_thermaldet Remove: zeus_smokegrenade Reason for change: Epsilon Squad is replacing the weirdly placed Crimson squad in a way that differentiates them from Omega Squad which was a long lasting problem while also making it its own independent squad. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Epsilon is going to be a hostage negotiations squad and more cqc breaching focused. This brings a whole new focus for IC and the server as a whole Job name: Crimson Squad: Gren New job name: Epsilon Squad: Witt Current model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Gren.mdl New model: models/defcon/loudmantis/shadows/witt.mdl - Current loadout: Cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, rw_sw_bino_white, alydus_fusioncutter, cross_arms_swep, cross_arms_infront_swep salute_swep, com_dc15p_red_, dradio, activity_logger, bkeycard, zeus_flashbang, zeus_smokegrenade Add: cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fortificationbuildertablet, and zeus_thermaldet Remove: cc2018_dc17ms_red Reason for change: Epsilon Squad is replacing the weirdly placed Crimson squad in a way that differentiates them from Omega Squad which was a long lasting problem while also making it independent. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Epsilon is going to be a hostage negotiations squad and more CQC breaching focused. This brings a whole new focus for IC and the server as a whole. Witt will be the engineer of the squad Job name: Crimson Squad: Blu New job name: Epsilon Squad: Riggs Current model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Blu.mdl New model: models/defcon/loudmantis/shadows/riggs.mdl - Current loadout: Cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, rw_sw_bino_white, alydus_fusioncutter, cross_arms_swep, cross_arms_infront_swep, salute_swep, com_dc15p_red_, dradio, activity_logger, bkeycard, zeus_flashbang, and zeus_smokegrenade Add: cc2018_dc17msg_red, rw_sw_z6i, rw_ammo_distributor, heavy_shield, weapon_grapple, and zeus_thermaldet Remove: cc2018_dc17ms_red, starwars_jetpack, zeus_smokegrenade Reason for change: Epsilon Squad is replacing the weirdly placed Crimson squad in a way that differentiates them from Omega Squad which was a long lasting problem while also making it its own independent squad. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Riggs will be acting as a heavy weapons expert we think its fair that with the addition of the Z6i we exchange the jetpack for the grappling hook the grappling hook makes it so that if riggs were to have any mobility he wouldn't be able to use the Z6i Job name: Crimson Squad: Maroon New job name: Epsilon Squad: Plank Current model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Maroon.mdl New model: models/defcon/loudmantis/shadows/plank.mdl - Current loadout: Cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, rw_sw_bino_white, alydus_fusioncutter, cross_arms_swep, cross_arms_infront_swep, salute_swep, ship_maintenance_tablet, cc2018_dc15p_red, dradio, activity_logger, bkeycard, zeus_flashbang, zeus_smokegrenade Add: cc2018_dual_dc15p_red and zeus_thermaldet, rw_sw_valken38x Remove: cc2018_dc17m_red, zeus_smokegrenade, and cc2018_dc17ms_red Reason for change: Epsilon Squad is replacing the weirdly placed Crimson squad in a way that differentiates them from Omega Squad which was a long lasting problem while also making it its own independent squad. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Plank will be more of a gunslinger relying on his pistols and DMR-esque Valken 38 x more then the rifle so it will not be in his kit
  9. Job Name: Medical Droid - medical_droid Current Health: 450 New Health: 200 Current Armour: 250 New Armour: 150 Current Load Out: rw_sw_relbyk23 & rw_sw_dlt19s Add: rw_sw_rk3 Remove: rw_sw_relbyk23 & rw_sw_dlt19s Reason for health/armor changes: it is entirely unreasonable for this job to come with such high health and armour. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes. as its role as a heavy passive RP job would never call for it to engage in combat. As it stands the droid's current health is higher then up to MC Officer AND even higher than our spec ops sub-branch Para aswell as our Assault unit which makes very little sense from both ingame and RP stand points. Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): The changes to the job’s kit will be entirely inconsequential, The medical droid is only ever used during passive RP situations and even in the event one would deploy on a mission IF it was requested it is likely they would be protected by another battalion/MC escort. In RP it wouldn’t make sense for a medical droid to be armed with our main blaster rifle nor for them to have a blaster no other medical or even imperial battalions for that matter have. The RK3 light blaster would be the best fit so the class isn't completely defenseless. Job Name: Pararescue Division - medical_rescue Current Health: 350 New Health: 500 Current Armour: 150 New Armour: 200 Reason for health/armor changes? Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Pararescue’s health currently is barely above our NCO, On par with our PVT/T1+ Donator job and is 100 less than the MDX Units. This health increase would help them fulfill their duties in the field behind and on the frontline; This would also put them close but still behind the lowest Spec Ops health pools which makes sense seeing as though we are a majority of the time either leading or attending SOC operations that more often than not call for us to engage in combat on top of our medical duties. Job Name: Medical Assault Unit - medical_assault_trooper Add: rw_sw_rk3_dual Job Name: Research Division - medical_research_division Current loadout: rw_sw_se14cc and rw_sw_cr2 Add: rw_sw_umb1 + rw_sw_s5c Remove: rw_sw_cr2 + rw_sw_se14cc Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): I believe that this has many benefits to not only providing research with a viable self defense weapon (Incentivizing Researchers to be able to stay on the job rather than being forced to switch to AUT/Para/Main Battalion Job) it ALSO fits them absolutely perfectly as it matches their aesthetic and RP function as it appears a more futuristic and experimental weapon; stepping away from the CR2 already used by navy and criminal jobs to introduce fresh weapon diversity. Job Name: medical_trooper Current loadout: rw_sw_dlt19s Add: rw_sw_se14cc Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): This is a entirely justified addition as almost every job on the server has at least some form of secondary, In this case the SE-14c is medical standard secondary so it only makes sense that they have access to it. Job Name: medical_sergeant Current Loadout: SE-14c, TL40, DLT-19s + Squad Shield Add: rw_sw_e11t Remove: rw_sw_tl40 Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?) : MC command has decided we'd like to keep the TL40 for our combat oriented jobs (AUT/Para) and officer+ to add some diversity to the medical rank job progression instead of the same load out all the way up. In terms of combat this switch will have not very noticeable impact on the overall combat ability has the E11t is a solid replacement Job Name: medical_vice_commander & medical_commander Current Loadout: (same) rw_sw_se14cc , rw_sw_dlt19s , rw_sw_tl40 , rw_sw_dp23 Add: rw_sw_dispencer_allammo Reason: as command jobs are suppose to take aspects of their other battalions jobs, this change would simply add an element from AUT that has become essential to medicals performance in the field allowing command members to support their own troopers/other battalions without having to switch jobs constantly to access it Reason: as command jobs are suppose to take aspects of their other battalions jobs, this change would simply add an element from AUT that has become essential to medicals performance in the field allowing command members to support their own troopers/other battalions without having to switch jobs constantly to access it
  10. Battalion name: Imperial Commandos Job name: Omega Squad: Niner Current model: models/player/sample/rc/omega/omega.mdl New model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Omega_Niner.mdl Reason for change: Omega models were beyond outdated compared to IC models Current loadout: cc2018dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17msg_red, gmod_flashbang, alydus_fusioncutterq, cc2018_dc17ms_red, com_dc15p_red, rwsw_nade_thermal, rw_sw_nade_impact, deployable_shield, activity_logger, datapad, cross_arms_infront_swep, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_bino_white, dradio, ship_maintenance_tablet, hack_enabler Add: cc2018_dc17m and cc2018_dc17ms Remove: cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, and ship_maintenance_tablet Reason for change: The changes being made to the blue DC-17m Rifle and DC-17m Sniper blue make it perfect for Omega and its operations Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes Omega currently lacks the tools for one of their main operations and lacks quality models like the rest of IC. This changes that. Job name: Omega Squad: Darman Current model: models/player/sample/rc/omega/omega.mdl New model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Omega_Darman.mdl Reason for change: Omega models were beyond outdated compared to IC models Current loadout: cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fusioncutterq, com_dc15p_red, rwsw_nade_thermal, rw_sw_nade_impact, deployable_shield, activity_logger, datapad, cross_arms_infront_swep, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_bino_white, dradio, ship_maintenance_tablet, cc2018_dc17maa, hack_enabler, rw_sw_dispencer_allammo Add: cc2018_dc17m Remove: cc2018_dc17m_red and ship_maintenance_tablet Reason for change: The changes being made to the blue dc-17m rifle make it perfect for Omega and its operations Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes Omega currently lacks the tools for one of their main operations and lacks quality models like the rest of IC. This changes that. Job name: Omega Squad: Atin Current Model: models/player/sample/rc/omega/omega.mdl New Model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Omega_Atin.mdl Reason for change: Omega models were beyond outdated compared to IC models Current loadout: cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fusioncutterq, com_dc15p_red, rwsw_nade_thermal, rw_sw_nade_impact, deployable_shield, activity_logger, datapad, cross_arms_infront_swep, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_bino_white, dradio, ship_maintenance_tablet, booster_bacta_kit, weapon_armorkit, weapon_squadshield_arm, hack_enabler Add: cc2018_dc17m Remove: cc2018_dc17m_red and ship_maintenance_tablet Reason for change: The changes being made to the blue dc-17m rifle make it perfect for Omega and its operations Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes Omega currently lacks the tools for one of their main operations and lacks quality models like the rest of IC. This changes that. Job name: Omega Squad: Fi Current model: models/player/sample/rc/omega/omega.mdl New model: models/player/republiccommandos/RC_Omega_Fi.mdl Reason for change: Omega models were beyond outdated compared to IC models Current loadout: cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fusioncutterq, cc2018_dc17ms_red, com_dc15p_red, deployable_shield, activity_logger, datapad, cross_arms_infront_swep, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_bino_white, dradio, ship_maintenance_tablet, hack_enabler Add: cc2018_dc17m and cc2018_dc17ms Remove: cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, and ship_maintenance_tablet Reason for change: The changes being made to the blue dc-17m rifle and DC-17m Sniper blue make it perfect for Omega and its operations Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes Omega currently lacks the tools for one of their main operations and lacks quality models like the rest of IC. This changes that. All models are a part of this pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2392361490
  11. Battalion name: Death Troopers Job name: All Model path: - Current model: N/A Link to the current model and size (if applicable): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2585707042&searchtext=Deathtrooper 219.542 MB - New model: models/player/markus/moedit/deathtrooper/male/deathtrooper_01_male_mesh.mdl models/player/markus/moedit/deathtrooper/female/deathtrooper_01_female_mesh.mdl Link to the new model (if applicable): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3282194192 176.470 MB Reason for change: Not only can this can benefit DT in many ways. It will help DT a lot in the long run. This will make DT feel fresh and new. We have not had a model change for regular DT for about 1-2 years now. I truly do think if we were to go back to these models it would help peak people's interest in DT a lot more. These models look a lot more sleek and lore-accurate. Alongside these factors, these models are much more preferred than the current ones we have. Our current ones don't look all that metallic kind of like plastic or carbon fiber. I think if these were added it would make people fear DT a lot more. Alongside this, it will help DT blend into the dark and become more of an elite special forces unit. Currently, it's pretty hard to blend in as easily as we would like to but these will make it a lot easier to do so. I have done the calculations regarding these models currently the Seeker model we have from the same pack is 34 MB’s and compressed. Basing my math off of that if we were to go with these we could save 40-50 MB’s and help reduce server lag. The seeker addon that is already on the server will need to be removed. This pack includes the seeker model so theres no point in having 2 seeker models on the server. Extra Request and a note: We also need the Scale increased to 1.072 for all DT Jobs please Preview of the new black model: https://i.imgur.com/WqUjIPL.png
  12. What do you want to see? After a map restart, once the server gets back online, the map should automatically perform a cleanup. Why should we add it? I have noticed issues with server restarts. After each restart, the consoles disappear, which is very frustrating as it requires an admin+ to fix it because they need to perform a cleanup. What are the advantages of having this? It eliminates the need for an admin+ to manually perform a map cleanup. Who is it mainly for? Everyone Links to any content: N/A
  13. Instead of doing /me RP and roll, and then advert. We have it so there is an /act RP that will automatically do " Name: [ACT] Turns off console [Roll] " instead of doing /me it just does the roll it self, taking the /roll command and putting the roll coding into /act so in the brackets it automatically rolls and the text is green if the roll passes and red if it does not. /act RP Text " [ACT] RP Text [Roll] "
  14. What do you want to see?: Placeable Particle Effects Why should we add it?: This is a little effects addons for primarily for Game Masters and their events, I like doing events and making all sorts of different things look interesting to the atmosphere of the event and adding in a Placeable Particle Effects addon would be cool to see as it would allow GMs to get creative say if they trooper touches this electrical relay and he gets zapped a gm can smite him or something just add creative ways to make people have fun and laugh. What are the advantages of having this?: The addon doesn't really have any downsides even in the ways of performance, I've used this addon before with high intensity player count and it doesn't do anything as of harming performance and gives the Game Masters something to make their events look special. Who is it mainly for?: The Players Amusement and the Game Masters Creativity to like an Error or Damage with the Engine or something, placing down a electrical current line on one of the main conduit pillars in the engine room would give players a more sense of "Oh hell." Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1551310214
  15. Battalion - Royal Guard Current Models - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3071008312 (88 mb) Replacing Models - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3282194937 (116 mb) How would this benefit the server? - This suggestion is more of an update than a replacement; it only adds and modifies things that were previously missing or inadequate from the original pack. This addition will allow for guards to have more customization in their appearance, something that we feel was missing when we first originally introduced these new models back in November. The biggest complaint that we got about the current models was the lack of customization, and that's what this addition seeks to rectify. Here is a list of each change that was made to the models: The droid now has it's textures included within the addon instead of being separate. The cape is now a bodygroup, meaning it can be removed. Each model now has c_arms. The head is now a bodygroup which can be toggled between a helmet or a human face. (We have plans to use this for the purpose of expanding RP potential). Minor surface prop changes. If the new pack is larger in size, do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server and why? - These additions are all things that either A) Don't substantially impact file size or B) Were done with full intent of being used to enhance the roleplay experience of Royal Guard. Not to mention that the file size isn't all that crazy for a battalion-wide (minus saber guard) model pack. _ JOB MODEL CHANGE_ Job Name - Imperial Guard Cadet (royal_cadet) Current Model - models/player/starwars/mistersweetroll/imperialguard.mdl New Model - models/player/sw_empire/royal_guard.mdl Reason for Change - Now that the cape can be removed, there is no need to use this model. (No other jobs need to be changed because the same model paths should apply to the updated pack).
  16. Other Suggestion Format: What do you want to see?: Addition of 2 Features to the Squad Shield in use by medical personnel. 1st) the ability to turn off the squad shield. This is extremely helpful for when we need to move up, stop obstructing an area and allow friendlies to shoot past, bring it down so vehicles can pass and to make it easier to take it down if we accidentally place it or misposition it. It also just makes sense for us to be able to manually turn it off instead of having to wait the timer out. The cooldown would still work how it does normally by taking the Up time and doubling it as the cooldown. for example if you have it up for 10s then take it down there's a 20s cooldown 2nd) add a menu for selectable duration times, for example have the base be the 30s it is now, then 45s then 1m being the max. Why should we add it?: increases the funtionality and appeal of the squad shield and adds quality of life features that improve how we can use it in the day to day events etc. What are the advantages of having this?: Increases the versatility and uniqueness of our equipment aswell as opens more possibilities for how we can/do use these. Who is it mainly for?: Medical and Associated Squad Medics. (Positively Affects All Other Battalions Though) Links to any content: N/A?
  17. Battalion Name: ISB:IA Job/Class Name: inferno_squad (Inferno Squad): Add slot to Inferno to accommodate ID-10, who will only be able to stun, do demolitions, elastic retrain, and hack. ID-10 is mainly for ISB:IA Command so that they can engage directly in Inferno roleplay without the need to hop on a person's position. Model Path: Replace current IF models with these new Inferno Squad Models - Current model: Iden Versio: models/player/markus/ot_inferno_squad_iden_versio/ot_inferno_squad_iden_versio_playermodel.mdl Gideon Hask: models/player/markus/ot_inferno_squad_hask/ot_inferno_squad_hask_playermodel.mdl Del Meeko: models/player/markus/ot_inferno_squad_del/ot_inferno_squad_del_playermodel.mdl - New model: Iden Versio: models/nada/IdenVersio.mdl Gideon Hask: models/nada/GideonHask.mdl Del Meeko: models/nada/DelMeeko.mdl ID-10: models/nada/RealisticDio.mdl Reason for change: With how Inferno looks as it currently is, they look very much grayed out and not with proper color and with these new models it makes them appear darker and more solid black and red, which is more Battlefront II accurate, and the only major media Inferno Squad is in, not including the limited comics they’re in rather their appearance being more gray and faded. But it also adds tubes to connect their helmet and gearbox attachment for flight and hazardous air environments adding further roleplay and potentially new things in the future, Iden also gets ID-10 on their back for a new body group. This model also removes the ability to appear as a “headless horseman” and also removes the ability for the squad's members hair to go through their helmet as it is all now just one body group option, which is a great improvement from the current model. This goes for all the models within this pack. These models are just generally of better quality and look much nicer compared to the current ones in use on the server. Weapon Kit: - Current loadout: - Add: - Remove: Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): Health: - Current: - New: Armor: - Current: - New: Reason for health/armor changes: Description (Optional): Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why? Yes, this way official Inferno Squad will be distinguishable from Custom Classes and look more authentic rather than being grayed out and lacking proper color with black and red. With the current looking more like gray and a of faint red in comparison Approved for post: Sav - ISB:IA Chief Garrick Versio (Commander) [LOA] | High Command: Jabronie Edited per request of Jabronie
  18. Battalion Name: 501st Job Slots: 6 Job/Class Name: 501st ARC Jatne Model: Imperial ARC Lieutenant (models/halves/imparc/501st.mdl) Loadout: Binoculars (Black) (rw_sw_bino_dark), Keycard (CL4) (bkeycard), DP 23 (rw_sw_dp23), Jet Pack, Dual DC-17 Extended (rw_sw_dual_dc17ext), Westar M-5 (rw_sw_westarm5), DC-15X (rw_sw_dc15x), Mandalorian Hand-Rocket (rw_sw_manda_rocket), Flash Grenade (rw_sw_nade_flash), Radio (dradio), Cross Arms (cross_arms_swep), Cross Arms (Infront) (cross_arms_infront_swep), Hacking Tools, Battalion Activity Logger (activity_logger), Datapad (Hacking) (datapad). Health: N/A New Health: 625 Armor: N/A New Armor: 200 Description (Optional): A senior job for the ARC Trooper Sub Branch of the 501st, or as it’s Mando’a name describes, the best of them. This will be a job open to ARCs that reach a rank of ARCLT+. (Ideally capable of Whitelisting to standard ARC as it’s to be used by its leadership, as well as its whitelist only to be given by 501st Vice Commander+.) Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, with new changes to the PZ Sub Branch and new changes in progress for our Heavy Sub Branch, we felt we could round out the bunch with a new update for our special forces sub branch, bringing them new options and more interesting kit options. In regards to the health and armor, these values are all but identical to the present ARC Trooper values, only a 25 hp rise from that of the current health pool and no change to the armor. Battalion Name: 501st Job/Class Name: 501st ARC Trooper Weapon Kit: Current loadout: Radio (dradio), DP 23(rw_sw_dp23), Jet Pack, Westar M-5 (rw_sw_westarm5), Binoculars(white) (rw_sw_bino_white), DC-15X (rw_sw_dc15x), Dual DC-17 Extended (rw_sw_dual_dc17ext), Thermal Detonator (zeus_thermaldet), DH-17 (rw_sw_dh17) Add: N/A Remove: DH-17 (rw_sw_dh17) Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): The ARC Kit at current feels moderately cluttered with everything it has, and ideally with the removal of the secondary pistol, which is itself already a secondary, it will suffice for undoing this. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: This removal doesn’t harm the job in any real way, as well as removing a rebel weapon from the kit.
  19. What do you want to see?: I would like to see our version of how arrests are made and processed. This system would work through a two-step arrest. The first step would be like it currently is, hit the subject with an arrest baton. But instead of sending them straight to jail for 10 minutes, they'd be sent into holding for up to two minutes. This gives the arresting party enough time to go to step two or if the arrest was an accident, release the subject much quicker. The second step is as mentioned that the arresting party selects an RFA, which would send the subject to the proper arrest time. Depending on the severity of the crime, I'd make it so that the different times vary. For example: Loitering/Trespassing = 3 Minutes General Theft = 5 Minutes Murder = 15 Minutes These are just mere examples to get my point across, severity correlates to time. Bail will still be a thing. Proper times will have to be picked before implementation so as not to make sentences too long. Perhaps SHOCK would be the right battalion to ask here, as they mostly deal with arrests. Why should we add it?: By creating this system, we would have something truly unique to Gaminglight. Not only this, but I believe that it would discourage people from committing more serious crimes as they'd risk a longer sentence. It would also bring some fresh wind into how arrests are processed. What are the advantages of having this?: As mentioned above, this addition would provide our server with another very unique thing, which could bring more players towards ImperialRP. It would also encourage more activity in security-themed battalions as they would now have something new to get familiar with. Who is it mainly for?: Security Battalions/classes
  20. What do you want to see?: Adding a squad system Why should we add it?: It gives players the ability to utilize this system in many ways. What are the advantages of having this?: Being able to identify locations of other users that are in the squad, the option to disable friendly fire, pinging specific locations. Who is it mainly for?: Everyone Links to any content: Now this isn't the exact squad system I was thinking about but if you were to have a look at the link, it'll give you the basic fundamentals of the squad system and how it could benefit users. I'm not suggesting this content package exactly as it is only meant to give you an idea of the Squad System itself. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2686130557&searchtext=squad+system
  21. What do you want to see?: I want to add 9 additional tools for GMs to utilize while building and running events to make event making even easier. Why should we add it?: I believe that it is important for GMs to have quality-of-life tools available to them when preparing an event. It reduces the time it takes us to build event locations and makes it so we can do it even better than we normally could without some of these tools. Making event set-up easier and quicker will lead to more events being hosted since it takes less time to prep something up. But that's not everything. These tools can also be used to make events more immersive because of their capabilities. What are the advantages of having this?: Normal players wouldn't notice anything except for improved quality of events. For GMs, it saves hours of work and lets us make builds even more impressive. ◂ Easy Bodygroup Tool Lets us change bodygroups of players with a toolgun. Useful for setting up event characters because right now you cannot change bodygroups after using !setmodel command. ◂ Smart Weld Lets us weld props together more effectively. Also contains area-weld that speeds up the welding process immensely. Useful when we want to make sure we don't accidentally move a prop out of its place and ruin the whole build in the process since welding prevents a prop from being moved unless the object it is welded to is also unfrozen. Trust me, that happens way too often, especially when building on 200 ping. ◂ Sub Material Tool Renders traditional material tool obsolete and provides ability to change individual materials of an object. Want a different texture for eyeballs? Sub Material Tool lets you do that! ◂ Model Manipulator Lets you replace object's model with another. You can swap models of NPCs for something that wasn't made an NPC like some models in the content pack. Basically !setmodel but in a toolgun. ◂ Ladder Tool Lets you spawn functional ladders with a toolgun. Ladders can be of any height. ◂ Prop Shadow Remover Sometimes props bug out, causing them to be unusually darker. This tool fixes that. ◂ No Collide Everything Lets you no collide anything with everything. Useful when moving large objects around with a physgun. I'd say second most useful addon on this list. ◂ Extended Spawnmenu Lets you browse sounds and materials in the spawnmenu. Crucial for sub material tool since with this addon you can grab materials' paths. ◂ Smart Snap Basically an advanced precision move. It snaps an object on a grid to another object for extreme precision building. Also saves a lot of time while making your builds clean-looking. Most useful addon on the list imo. Who is it mainly for?: GMs and JMTs / SMTs Links to any content: Easy Bodygroup Tool [Click] Smart Weld [Click] Sub Material Tool [Click] Model Manipulator [Click] Ladder Tool [Click] Prop Shadow Remover [Click] No Collide Everything [Click] Extended Spawnmenu [Click] Smart Snap [Click]
  22. Battalion Name: Imperial Commandos Job/Class Name: Imperial Commando Hazmat New Job/Class Name: Imperial Commando Hazmat Senior Reason for change: Addition of normal hazmat job & gives normal hazmat a goal to reach plus makes equipment less abusable Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: It would be fair because we plan on moving the rank requirement of Hazmat down to SPC and considering the current kit for this job it’d be best for this job to be restricted to SGT due to its gear. Job/Class Name: Imperial Commando Trooper Model Path: models/player/republiccommandosmp/rc_demo.mdl New model: models/player/republiccommandosmp/rc_white.mdl Reason for change: Helps differentiate between normal troopers and specialized troopers Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, because the basic trooper has no specialties besides the basic spec ops things, so they shouldn't be represented with demolition armor and instead represented by a fully white set of armor. Job/Class Name: Imperial Commando Officer - Current loadout: bkeycard, activity_logger, rw_sw_bino_white, cc2018_dc15p_red, cc2018_dc17m_red, keys, datapad, cc2018_dc17ms_red, cc2018_dc17msg, cc2018_dual_dc15p_red, alydus_fusioncutter, ship_maintenance_tablet Add: N/A Remove: cc2018_dc17ms_red, cc2018_dc17msg, ship_maintenance_tablet Reason for change: We want to encourage usage of the other specialization jobs, so we have decided to remove the weapons that are from the specializations. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: It is fair and will benefit the server because the officer job is one of the most overpowered jobs in our battalion due to the fact that it has almost each weapon from each specialty New Job/Class Name: Imperial Commando Hazmat Model Path: - Current model: models/player/republiccommandosmp/RC_Demo.mdl Weapon Kit: - Current loadout: bkeycard, activity_logger, rw_sw_bino_white, cc2018_dc15p_red, cc2018_dc17m_red, keys, cc2018_dc17maa, datapad, cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fusioncutter Health: - Current: 550 Armor: - Current: 300 Description (Optional): The Imperial Commando Hazmat division is tasked with bomb planting and defusing while also dealing with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: This addition will take away the need to have a SGT+ restriction within hazmat because it takes away the dioxis and incendiary grenades from their starting kit.
  23. What do you want to see?: I’m proposing for Pyke to get a tiered job that would focus on close quarters combat, equipping them with a powerful shotgun, low fire rate but high damage rifle, and an electro staff for melee combat. This is essentially Governor Frosty’s idea for Sentinel but tweaked in areas where it seemed necessary to work with the current state of Pyke and the server. Having this be a tier job would encourage any Pyke members to become a donator, as there was little to no reason to before. The biggest change from Frost's vision is this basically becoming a Pyke Protection Operation, where they follow in the image of DT/RG and focus on guarding a VIP during operations. Job Name: Pyke Sentinels (Criminal Class Tier 2 Job) Here is the kit I am proposing: Health: 775 Armor: 175 Weapons: - Hunter shotgun - a180 - rw_sw_el16hfe - weapon_pyke_electro_staff - rw_sw_bino_desert - dradio - Inventory Pickup -Crafting Storage -Battalion Activity Logger Model Path: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2543271286 Why should we add it?: This will bring a lot more attention to Pyke as this will fill an empty part of its untapped potential. This will also help with the balancing between the Empire and the Criminals as Sentinels will allow us to stand a better chance to IQ, as well as give Pyke an option for PPO (Pyke Protection Operations) in a close quarters environment. What are the advantages of having this?: This will add potential to their guarding. This will also encourage Pyke to be more heavy on defense rather than offense. Also with Sentinels being a CQC class it will help Pyke gain some "Anti-IQ" tactics. Who is it mainly for?: This will be a Tier 2 job so mainly for Pyke but if they have T2 anyone can use it with a short certification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battalion Name: Pyke Job/Class Name: Pyke saboteur Model Path: models/gaminglight/pykes/pyke_officer.mdl Weapon Kit: Current: dradio , rw_sw_bino_desert , sw_pyke_a180s (silenced), sw_pyke_a180 (silenced,), rw_sw_dlt20a (silenced), weapon_pyke_electro_staff Remove: weapon_pyke_electro_staff Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): Sentinels would be the new close quarters guarding class for Pyke, so Sabo, with their lower health and armor, would no longer need to put themselves in danger to guard any sort of operations. Description (Optional): With the hopeful introduction of Sentinels, Saboteurs will back away from the close quarters guarding niche, and let Sentinel fill that slot. The entire point of Saboteurs was that they are a mid-long range class, and the only reason the electro staff was added to Sabo was as a compromise to disagreeing parties.
  24. Battalion Name: 501st Job/Class Name: 501st Heavy Current loadout: TL-40 (rw_sw_tl40)), T-21 (rw_sw_t21). DH-17 rw_sw_dh17, Z-6I (rw_sw_z6i) Add: DP-23 (rw_sw_dp23) Cross Arms (cross_arms_swep), Cross Arms (Infront) (cross_arms_infront_swep) Remove: T-21 (rw_sw_t21). DH-17 (rw_sw_dh17) Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): We presently feel the addition of a shotgun and subsequent removal of the T-21 and Sidearm DH-17 would positively benefit the usage and combat effectiveness of the Heavy Job, this kit is relatively standard to other Heavy jobs, such as Shock’s Heavy Specialist, as well as allowing officers running our heavy branch to utilize the Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: This will further allow our heavy troopers to engage as the phalanx of our battalion which is stated to primarily deal in frontline operations. Additionally, it will allow for further RP from our heavy troopers to utilize the available sweps.
  25. Weapon Kit: Battalion Name: High Command Job/Class Name: Grand Admiral Thrawn - Current loadout:Keycard, Binoculars(white), Voice amplifier,arrest baton, dt-12, keys, unarrest baton, dc-19le, e11d, integrated storage device, dp-23, elastic restraint, attention special, cross arms, cross arms (infront), e11-s, radio, datapad, objective - Add:rw_sw_dlt20a, rw_sw_tl50 -weapon_officerboost_normal - Remove:rw_sw_e11s, rw_sw_dc19le Job/Class Name: Grand Admiral - Current loadout:Keycard, Binoculars(white), Voice amplifier,arrest baton, dt-12, keys, unarrest baton, dc-19le, e11d, integrated storage device, dp-23, elastic restraint, attention special, cross arms, cross arms (infront), e11-s, radio, datapad, objective - Add:rw_sw_dlt20a, rw_sw_tl50 -weapon_officerboost_normal - Remove:rw_sw_e11s, rw_sw_dc19le Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):I believe this loadout is a fair update to a rather outdated kit, it brings weapons and abilities from the lower ranks we were previously and enables us to continue to stand a fighting chance and buff our guards, unlike the former kit we currently have.
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