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Posts posted by Snarlax


    No staff action will be taken. I will speak to Rhenic and the other Yukis about the situation at hand

    Thank you for the report!

  2. I'm asking a forum diplomat to lock both posts or hide them until smt review as it's cause a lot of issue with players

    Not happening. This is staying open until SMT reviews it :D

  3. Its in response to members were claiming that the yukis rdm and result i came out with rules of engagement  


    and your correct valid defense? sir might i add that i have done more for this resolving conflict i dont want to hear it  you haven't worked to ease the tensions hence document creations and my yukis be held to staff standard at all times  

    this document had been up for a while as much attention as it has received and even Nolan review the document and said its "detailed i can say that" if it violated any rules im sure he would of said something i encourage you to read over it though :)


    Unless you wanna give me some way to prevent people from "making staff reports over the littlest of things" your words not mine

    also its to cover me because people ask why i never issue gang strikes

    But your rules of engagement dont matter in the server. Thats not what determines if something is RDM or not. If your document said “Yukis are allowed to kill anyone who walks within 10 feet of them”, it dosent mean its not RDM




    - support


    First,  just this comment, alone yukies is extremely disrespectful we have names extremely active on the forums and we have names over our heads and have video.... There's no Psychical way you could get our name wrong so that's player disrespect on the forums I will be making a back up of this for the future ref as the amount of disrespect and you wonder why you guys are being shot at....



    Why are you making a post on the forums there was online staff? This post is to attempt to slander my family name. ( i say it a bit butthere'ss staff on...)


    Thirdly, the video first video containing the drive-by at 00:15 You proceded to stop and record an even where shots were fired in your car while attempting to abuse ingame physics, Also, you had room to get out of the area. At 00:18 you proceded to pull out an awp to the yukis that an extreme hostile They are protected under my  Family Info (http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/21167-yuki-family-info/ )


     the Rules of  Engagement (https://bit.ly/2GxMNIP )




    please refer to page 2 section 1 of the document and section 2


    "Inherent Right of Self-Defense. A Yuki has the authority and obligation to use all necessary means available and to take all appropriate action to defend that yukis home or way of life and other yukis in the vicinity from a hostile act or a demonstration of hostile intent."


    Hostile Intent:

    The threat of imminent use of force by a foreign force, terrorist(s), or organization against the Yuki ’s and national interests, Yuki’s forces and, in certain circumstances, Yuki nationals, their property, Yuki commercial assets, and other designated non-Yuki forces, foreign nationals, and their property. When the hostile intent is present, the right exists to use proportional force, including armed force, in self-defense by all necessary means available to deter or neutralize the potential attacker or, if necessary, to destroy the threat. A determination that hostile intent exists and requires the use of proportional force in self-defense must be based on evidence that an attack is imminent. Evidence necessary to determine hostile intent will vary depending on the state of international and regional political tension, military preparations, intelligence, and indications and warning information.


    At 00:32 my Yukis have full authority granted by the Rules of Engagement and my personal discretion to blow your ass off the map


    I would like to note this video is accurate 



    Rhenic is like the Jets air to air combat or in the case "jumping" he's an expert at close range combat



    Deathzone is like the Mobile Attack force he swept you off your feet like you were his prom date 

    Fourthly, I would like to note at 00:35 he proceeded to lock his own car while two members had guns at him and proceeds to pull out a weapon (shotgun)
    Fifth, You can't use another person's video for an rdm report the person who recorded it must make it themselves and i would like to note that the video doesn't have audio evidence so there's not a sufficient evidence int he matter to make a factual ruling and when posting videos like this please include 1 min before and after any circumstances to prevent he said she said.


    Dont spread those documents around acting like they are actual rules for GL. That doc isnt a valid defense for anything...

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