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Noah Lee

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Posts posted by Noah Lee

  1. Your In-game: Noah Lee

    The admin's name in-game:


    The admin's steam name (If you know it):

    [GL] David

    What warning did you receive:

    NLR | ARDM

    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):

    Why do you think this warn was false: I Believe it was false because I was driving down the road and i went to stop at a stop light and i started get RDM'd yes i disrespected the RDMer i was angry over getting randomly RDM'd for sitting in a car. during the sit apparently logs showed that i instigated this fight^?????????????????? i was just sitting in the damn car yo. and i broke "nlr" after the guy was killed to simply retrieve my car because i was right there. if Phill you believe its valid enough to keep the NLR warn so be it, but ARDM is joke.


    Any extra information: On top of all of this i requested HA Zerg to teleport to the sit, and when they advised me i was going to be receiving this warning, i specifically stated i had video of this very situation, and it was said "okay and" neither of them caring that i had video proving that i did not "ARDM | NLR" and still pushed the warn any ways... Also HA Zerg stated "Because i am not a senior admin or higher that i cannot go back to get my car after being RDMed"

  2. 1 hour ago, Tomato said:

    This is going to be a long post so bare with me for the time being.

    GL has gone almost pay to win and is catering almost exclusively to combat rather than proper RP. The admins and Zeeptin are actively censoring those who speak up against them making money.

    This all began yesterday when Ash was banned from the discord for having an opinion about the current state of the donations for GL. Ash was promptly told that he/she had an uneducated opinion and was banned when they spoke against the donation incentives. Zeeptin personally stepped in and I was able to share some messages to him in General on the discord. These messages were dismissed and brushed off and Zeeptin requested I make a forum post about them.

    Well, Here I am.

    Gaminglight SCP-RP has shifted form a RP based server to one that revolves around combat. Donation incentives over the past years have revolved around the following set of steps. Number 1, a new weapon is added to the game that is either overpriced or overpowered (Example, any of the legendary items). Number 2, that weapon causes havok on the server and is buffed shortly after release. The cycle then repeats indefinitely. The class D are given priority on the server and are handed ample opportunities to disrupt roleplay for those who wish to actually spend their time in a branch. Meanwhile, branches like Research and Medical suffer to the point where they are actively suppressed and forced to hide in bunks the whole day due to the near constant riots and unsettling in D Block. Can anyone recall a time on this server in recent memory where it was code blue and research, medical, and other branches could actually get RP done without getting murked by class D? I cant. Class D are given weapon after weapon to use against security. Now I know what you may be thinking, "The weapons are not JUST for class D. Anyone can buy them" and this is true, but from what I have seen, a majority of weapons bought on GL are used in class D riots. 

    Why is combat prioritized over actual RP? Why are new weapons rolled out month after month and SCP's barley added. Why are Class D encouraged to not join a branch and keep playing as class D?

    It's simply, Class D make GL money.

    The server caters towards the random person who buy's Gmod, doesn't know what an SCP is, joins the server, doesn't know how to change a job and stays as class D, gets killed so they buy a weapon or two and they play for a month until they get bored and leave or eventually get banned for being racist. That is who this server caters to. Not the people who put effort into the server and spend hours of their time trying to make it better for others. This server has turned into team deathmatch with a sprinkling of SCP's on the side. Instead of putting effort into the models and fixing the horrible lag by mending the map, it's easier to put a weapon in the store that does too much damage, charge way to much for it so people think it does more, and sell it to class D. It's lazy. When is the last time a new model was added to the server that wasn't just ripped off from another game? For Christ sake we have a doofenschmertz model. Is it that hard to just come up with a dude in a science outfit?

    This is ignoring the outrageous prices for a custom clan/model. Or the Fortnite dances.

    Every weapon added makes the server feel like just another combat server and pushes the very ideals of the RP side away, making the server feel empty and hollow for those looking to RP.

    I can hear the complaining now. "Tomato, you have no idea how to run a server! You don't know how much it costs to run a GMOD server in 2022. We shouldn't talk about money open like this!". Well, why not? Why is money on the server such a taboo topic? Why proudly flash on the homepage of the forums that someone donated if it's such an issue? I have been a loyal player on this server for 3 years. I have put over 2600 hours of my life into this server. I feel like i should have some idea where the money is going to other than the pockets of the owners. Even if that is not the case, I feel like all that donation money should have some reflection on the server.

    But it doesn't does it. The server is still unoptimized. There are so many useless props on the server that serve no purpose. I cant go from LCZ to HCZ without getting massive lag spikes. God forbid the server count get above 100 players because then the lag is unbearable. How is that acceptable in 2022? If this was 2008 then yea I could see that maybe it would be hard to run a GMOD server. All that donation money coming in and the server runs like its being powered by a hamster on a wheel. There is a reason we make jokes about that. It's because its true.

    And the truth will get me banned. 

    By the time you are reading this I will probably be banned for having an opinion. Keep in mind, I have not insulted anyone or called anyone anything derogatory. I have not threatened anyone or done anything to get banned, but I probably will be. This server and it's owners do not like those who speak up against their ways. Frankly that is not only insulting but also scummy. Unfortunately, I have to bring up the money trail in order to get any attention. It's not like we can just reach out to Zeeptin on the discord (why even be in the discord if you are not going to interact with anyone on the server). If I am banned, it just shows that we are not allowed to have an opinion on this server at all. As a business owner and a public figure, you should be able to stand up to criticism and not throw down the ban hammer the second an opinion is made that you do not like. This is the only part of this post where I am directly referencing someone.

    Zeeptin, let people speak their minds without fear of being removed.

    This is to say, as long as they are actively trying to better the server. If they are just walking around calling the admins the R word then yea, ban them. But if they are concerned about the state of the server and worried about the direction it is heading, then hear them out. Even if nothing is done at all, just let them speak their mind.

    Here are some steps that can be done to fix the server.

    1. Fix the lag. I don't care how it's done just fix it. Get better computers to run it. Hire people to optimize the map. Get rid of useless props. Something needs to be done.

    2. Remove useless SCP's and add more interesting ones. I will be happy (as I'm sure others will) to suggest fun and new SCP's to include on the server.

    3. Go out of your way to encourage Class D to join a branch. Make it as easy as possible to join a branch from the menus. Advertise it in big bold letters on walls. Something.

    4. Don't rush it. Take your time and do this properly. Don't just rush out a new SCP in a week and hope that keeps us quiet. 

    To anyone who has an opinion on this and wants to speak up, do so in the comments here. Don't target people or call names, just voice honest criticism about the server and suggest what can be done to make it better.

    I want this server to thrive. I want to see 128/128 players every day. However, if the server keeps heading in this direction, it's better off to just remove everything but gensec and class D and let them duke it out until everyone gets bored and leaves forever. 

    Also, this is a totally unacceptable response to someone on the discord (see attached image).





    Boy Howdy did you hit everything right on the head, but the one thing i do wanna focus on, that alot of people are picking up on, "Gaminglight SCP-RP has shifted form a RP based server to one that revolves around combat"  This server has been going this way for a long time and thats one of the reasons that i left back in the day i was tired of the constant TDM, and alot of you are just going to ignore my view because who i was or what group i was apart of but it is what it is, i remember telling @Demon Dice(Soul) that i wasn't happy on the server for a long time because of this, and its still a shame that its never been fixed to this day, yet alone gotten worse. *Second point* I haven't played on this map a ton but even on the previous map as soon as we started getting over 100 players and we introduced any player spawned props from ETs etc the server would crap it self, and from the word i heard that when switching to this map it was meant to be so "optimized" and so good but here it is yet another map on this server and the server ultimately dying over 100 or 110

    • Gaminglight Love 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Duncan McOkiner said:

    they were removed from the server, hence this suggestion



    The Rescue truck and the bearcat are still in the server, if you dont see them in your dealer contact SA+ to get it readded.

  4. What you want to see? - add more clarification to the tryout rule. Government cannot have text screens or props advertising their department unless it is the day before a tryout. -> Government cannot Advertise tryouts by using props, text screens and in chat, unless it is the day before the tryout.

    Why should we add it? - because it was confusing and this will remove and confusion that may be it.

    What are the advantages of having this? - less confusion due to the current stance of the rule, it doesn't state that adverts are not permitted a head of tryouts when speaking with SMT they are prohibited. 

    Who is it mainly for? - everyone

     so as the rule states as is, is that you cannot use TEXT screens or PROPS to advertise a tryout unless it’s the day before the meeting, it states no where that you may not use chat to advertise your tryout ahead of time, and when we went to SMT to get clarification we were told that you may not use chat even though the rule does not state that and we are simply asking for the rule to be rewritten

  5. 25 minutes ago, [GL] Mikey said:

    In my POV, you can see and hear AmethystRibbon approach my car and yell, "Turn off the dang siren," after which she hits my car, causing me damage. I don't think you can blame lag for anything like this because I was backing up when she swung her knife into my car for no reason. Yes, it could have been an accident, but why would you swing your knife in the middle of the road as a car approaches? It's the same as discharging a gun on a busy highway while cars are crossing and hitting one by accident. You didn't mean to shoot the vehicles, but you did it nonetheless. I believe that is a valid warning, and I will wait to hear SMT's decision.


  6. So i was the original person that pushed for this warning, in this video you can see her make the 911 call, as one of first person on scene, when arriving to these things its typically the person fleeing the scene that does it, and when i pull up she adverts in global adverts (non dark web) practically emitting to the crime, stating that i had to choose the fleeing criminal, that jumped off the cliff and ran or go save the officer, there for would be running from me, and i would be chasing her.

    and as a Side note are you still permitted to hang people off building or cliffs anymore, Cosmo stated that it was, and if thats the case and if echo did hang him off the building, then she should have the warning for FailRP for hanging the OFC off the side of the house, not shown in this video. 

    • Like 1
  7. So ill quote out a things. 

    1 hour ago, Pryse said:

    On top of than there is a staff member called Billy S which he is in the same clan as that guy I raided and that means he knew that base was fail.

    I just checked and the group or family that i am apart of, and the family that we are mainly allied with Billy has no affiliation with it by any means.

    1 hour ago, Pryse said:

    What did the player do: These 2 clips below show the name of the owner of the base and the base which is fail according to this rule : "If you are using fence props, the material must be see through so both parties". Except from that he left the server when I killed him as you can see in the first clip.  The second clip shows the fail base.

    the base that i was using, is a similar base that i used to use back in the day, or a small make up of it, it could have been made illegal with the server rules ever developing, if so ill take the warn.


    1 hour ago, Pryse said:

    Except from that he left the server when I killed him as you can see in the first clip.

    As soon as i got killed my internet just decided to die, not sure why i had some storms going thru earlier this morning and it may have had something to do with it, who knows.

    • Laughing 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Herrman said:


    You are a good person but I feel you are too immature, With you minging for hours at a time, RDMing random people but them not reporting you. I just feel you wouldn't do well while dealing with situations from hearing about how you deal with things inside of your family. 


  9. -Support
    Locus i really do think you are doing a good job at command, but i dont think you are ready for Major
    Its kinda difficult to explain or put into words ill just put down 

    -When you are the cause of issues you are very quick to blame someone else for your fuckups -driving on the wrong side of the road and when someone hits you you threaten to go to their command. and other smaller issues you say "wanna keep talking shit" and run away.

    • Thanks 2
  10. On 10/18/2021 at 9:14 PM, Sprink said:


    Just because you waited your NLR doesn't mean you didn't still hop onto d-class to kill Security and MTF after you died in the raid.

    This has been stated as a no no at multiple CI, MTF, and Command Meetings.


  11. 15 minutes ago, Toasty said:

    - support

    While its a good idea the reason I - support is because it will most likely cause lag. From knowledge is have on how sweps work in GMOD is that the script will have to constantly keep checking if the player is looking at 096 and that will require the swep to be constantly ticking and it will cause lag since the scrip is going to have to be constantly be updating, that's the reason why fire makes the server lag since its always checking to see if the player is on fire or not. If they manage to make the swep in a specific way to have in not require to constantly tick then it would be a great idea and I would of + supported it. I might be wrong since I'm not an expert with GMOD sweps, this is just based on my knowledge of them.


  12. 9 hours ago, islandtoad said:


    there are current guidelines in place so only command can get it


    4 hours ago, Orange 🍊 said:

    Because the Barret M82's are 20k in the armory, doesnt mean a sniper job is useless or unspecial.
    The only reason everyone has the etheral currently is becuase of the hype around it, give it a week and everyone will be broke and uninterested in buying any more etherals.


    9 hours ago, islandtoad said:

    If the quartermaster sells it to people that aren’t allowed to have it they would be black listed from the job

    Also I believe it’s cpt+ in every branch which is a pretty hard rank to get


    • Like 1
  13. 18 hours ago, Flooded said:


    -Lied about having 0 warns, even though as a D-Class he goomba stomped someone right infront of @STONKSMAN's face.

    -In my opinion, kinda a minge

    -I havent seen him on that much.

    -You dont give formal warnings for MRDM, thats a documented warning, and a 5 day ban.

    -You dont blacklist someone for MRDM and cursing at you, blacklists are given for Doxxing.

    -Failure to meet the 150 word requirement. 

    I think your better off playing more and adapting a less mingy behavior before applying again



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