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Posts posted by Rose

  1. Denied


    Unfortunately as you are a great AO the app isn’t the best and neither is your activity. Also all thing stated in the app are processes you can already do in your current position and don’t need a promotion to begin working on the things you want to work on so just keep up the good work and we’ll consider you for the position in the future

  2. +support

    Yall are unbelievably harsh

    Great soldier

    very serious 

    follows orders well and knows how to listen

    patient with people

    yall don’t see him because his only life is DT and he doesn’t have a name he’s been here plenty long enough to be given a chance at staff

  3. +Support

    People shouldn’t be working there way up to high command positions to get higher health then everybody else and a cool gun. High Commands job is not to fight the enemy and when you have higher health then your own protection detail it’s kind of redundant having them in the first place. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, Hobbs said:

    He altered his overall appearence, changed his name and removed any sign on him being apart of the Separatist Navy. After some years of hiding, Ronnan decided that he didn't want to live this type of life so he went to the Imperial Academy and trained to become apart of the Imperial Navy because of his unending love for warships, under the new name of Hobbs.

    Ill Keep This in mind when you do something stupid enough for me to have to PK you for lul

    Good Backstory

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