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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. you got recked injoker. #Iamthesniper XD
  2. well ARU is being removed/changed
  3. +support Was in channel with him the while time Didn't even consult him. Can't warn higher staff without permission.
  4. @Febreze can you send me link to fix the textures. Plz its just black and purple.
  5. This is spuds. They yet you make families and they reached it. This is how PD knew their threat level.
  6. Lol. On military RP I said that I cut someone's tongue of then had them write down info for the RU next attack strategy.
  7. we are only doing it to SNR. Then LT+ can promote up to what they can while patrolling. Also what rank are you? Also it is 2 hours. Its that people don't notice that they are are whitelisted. But didn't know that it's only 2 hours to be promoted to SNR.
  8. Get Proof of the chat. Screenshots. Or until Aaron or eternity tells their side. Until then I am +/- support.
  9. Just because of time warns don't get removed. Also + support of you thought it was code 4 and alot of officers left the area.
  10. better if there was more proof, like a video. But injoker is a good for. He is fun. But i know he wouldn't
  11. . Ya everyone has been having theses problems. Even me. Just haven't posted.
  12. Chief_

    Bust of the day

    XD. To late though. Have to apply for CPT
  13. Chief_

    Bust of the day

    ???? There was more stiff. There was like 10 printers 5 bitcoin miners and 7 weed plants. lol.
  14. +Support -got mad cause they got assumed of crushing server so they got mad/triggered. It happens to most people. He sends sorry.
  15. +Support -got mad cause they got assumed of crushing server so they got mad/triggered. It happens to most people. He sends sorry.
  16. omg why you have to be so rude to blaze. He is a good man.
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