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Everything posted by GoblinYT

  1. +support +Super Active +Willing to help +He should deserve this rank
  2. -Support Well first don't let your brother get your password and like Matilda said
  3. -Support Bro I'm pretty sure you meant to do it Plus can someone move this to Ban Appeals
  4. o7 Bro you was fun in SL and shit peace out
  5. What is your in game rank and name.: Name: GoblinYT Rank: Crewman What is your STEAM ID? STEAM_0:1:832522415 How long have you been in Naval: 3-4 Days Now I think Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer: I want to be a Junior Officer because I can bring more people to Naval but also bring some Activity. I want to help improve naval in so many ways and keep moving up rank to rank. In all this will help me trying to get a goal I been chasing for 1 year and that is a command position. What are the duties of a Junior Officer?: Host Tryouts for the Naval and Bring up some high activity to naval How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?: I'll Host a lot of tryouts and provide clear directions for any naval when no Senior Officer+ is not on. And also watch over the Ones below and report and misconduct to my higher ups.
  6. +/- -Just now coming back +Good App +Was a recent SNRMOD But answer is -Support
  7. What the Hell no -Support -Worst App I seen in my life -Bro copied the entire thing -Just made you forums account
  8. +Support -Active -Friendly -Good Appilcation -Been in Navy for a long time -Always on Navy in his time (He needs this rank)
  9. +Support -Active -Dedicated to DT -Great App
  10. LOL Someone move or remove this
  11. You was fun in FBI and Undercover You will be missed a lot from HRT, and FBI o7
  12. Looks Cool but I think a -Support I don't think we would need this as much
  13. Enjoy a good time.
  14. +Support it would save lots of time and admin+ wouldn't have to waste time trying to do a map cleanup
  15. GoblinYT

    The End of Me

    Hi guys so you guys are like how many resignations have I done but this is the last one. I got school and stuff. Plus at some age I'm going to join the Police Force so that's a dream I'm going to say some of these people's names that helped me. ==================================================SMT======================================= @Leaky, you were so great you made me feel welcome and teached me a lot of Stuff in Staff. @Will, didn't talk to you that much but keep up the good work. @[GL]MyanDaBeast, you have some of the best events. =================================================JMT================================================== @Matilda, you helped a lot and very funny. Feel free if you want to play OW2 with me and stuff @RussTime, Great Job on Lead Admin. Keep up the great Work. ================================================================================================================================== Some Others @Craft, thanks for letting me in EMS. @Jim Pickett, Taught me a lot of stuff in staff and Event Team. @Icer, Congrauts on Staff Again. Can't wait to see you at the top. @Kleened, Great Job at Staff Interviews. @Scythe, you were so fun bro, but I'll miss you the most we could still chat in TS tho @Jack B, you bro you taught me a lot in PD, and Staff. Peace. @Ganta, Thanks for letting me in Event Team. @Shell Simpson, we talked a lot and you were weird but fun at the same time. (Bro, you want to play a Game) @Cinder, Bro Me moving to your server yippie. I wish you the best and hope you all PoliceRp @Zakaruba, you were so Chill, Goodluck. Thats all and me is also moving to a new server. I will say Hi to y'all but not stay in the server. If you want a Shoutout let me know
  16. Bro You was great while at it 07
  17. +Suppot +Kind +Active +Was ET before
  18. WELCOME BACK!!!!! Can't wait for you to see some new and wonderful people
  19. In-Game Name: Goblin SteamID: Rank: ET Member Reason for leaving: School Coming Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes Do you agree to contact your Manager/Head of Staff once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes Do you agree, that after you put this up, there are no "take backs"? Yes Thx for accepting me but school is coming and got to get ready won't have enough time to make events. @Ganta Thx for accepting me @Jim Pickett Thx for Training me @Leaky Teach them who is boss I won't be active as much but will be active for staff a lot school starts for me on next thursday so its sad to see me leave y'all @Icer Congrats on Event Team Others that I didn't mention sorry @Bedemin Wished I got to do events with you on event team
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