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Trial Moderator
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GoblinYT last won the day on September 25

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About GoblinYT

  • Birthday 02/01/2011

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. +Support So Nice Always helping Great fit for the rank Nice App was an Admin on server before
  2. Accepted After Intense Review Your Application to be ungrounded has been Accepted! Please Talk to Resin in TS for a full talk with your mother Welcome to the Ungrounded Clan
  3. +/- I like the suggestion would be cool for people+ But the lag would already increase the lag we got now-
  4. I think all bunks for Trainee's should have a sign that says 1: Please join the Discord at https://discord.gg/MumSvXRU 2: Change your name to Regiment Name TRN Name. Ex. Royal Guard TRN Goblin 3: Head to https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads/#ts3client and download the 64-Bit version 4: Wait patiently until NCO+ come to train you I think this should be added so that when an NCO+ go to train a Trainee the Trainee already has some of the stuff already and it can save lots of time
  5. Sorry for being a party pooper:(
  6. First of all, Don't make this stuff on the forums just tell your command about this we all don't need to know this!
  7. What is your in-game name?: Goblin What is your steam name?: GoblinYT What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:832522415 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I was a GL PRP Moderator. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) First started GL on 2023 in October. What date did you make your forums account? March 1, 2024 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gamemaster How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Have you donated? Not at this time What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at. Yes, I have You will be tested on it: yes Timezone: EST Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): I think I deserve this rank cause I am active on Star War's RP and have experience. Which this can boost up my career with GL Staff and the community. I am well known around the server. I have read the Staff Guidelines and MOTD also I think I have the respect to take SITS and I would always treat them with respect and make sure a punishment is given. I am also very, very, active on GMOD even tho I have 660 Hours I think on GMOD and I started GMOD in 2022. Also I see in Star Wars some stuff is on but is AFK so I think I can bring some Staff Activity and bring up the SIT Count. I am also very aware with the ULX/Commands and very dedicated to Staff. I will be very quick with Staff Sits if needed and if not I will take my time with the people that is in-need. I met rulebreakers before on server and have warned them. Very know around the Map's so I know where the places are. In a sit I will bring them somewhere and begin there. I also want to contribute to this server. I also will be active on Forums, TeamSpeak, Discord and answer any questions. When and if anyone that is new join, I will show them around the server and also make sure they read MOTD. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: First, I would bring him/her up to the sit and tell them why they are being reported. Then if they keep cursing at me I will get a higher up to gag/mute so they can't curse at me in Chat and in Voice. They I would then see if they have a clip if they do check that and see if they did. If they don't have clip I will check LOGS and check who did he Mass RDM. And if they did I would Warn for Mass RDM and then warn for Staff Disrespect then get a Admin+ to ban for 5 days.
  8. +/- You might be Active in DT and stuff but I have seen you in-game unprofessional, Disrespectful, Not always listening and stuff And is always getting arrested! -Support overall!
  9. +Support -Active -Always Rping -The most active I seen so far -Have experience from command
  10. I don't think y'all are listening to what I'm saying Read the suggestion
  11. If you don't use jetpacks we don't use T4's
  12. +Support I think this is a good suggestion as in it will make combat fair. I have been seeing some raids that people are using jetpacks and they can just float/hover above the air which I think some people don't like and makes combat so unfair and gives them a hard time. Pyke Soldier II
  13. -Support I have seen you before and had a bad time with you. I don't think you can fit this rank. Need to become mature enough. Good Luck tho!!
  14. +support I think people could really enjoy this!
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