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Everything posted by Emmitt

  1. @Tactical Ill give you that. I was just asking about dispatch and heard its not a thing anymore
  2. What you want to see? - Refunds at the car dealer Why should we add it? - I personally have so many vehicles I don't use because they were starter vehicles and it would be nice to sell them to upgrade to something else. I'm sure others do too What are the advantages of having this? - It would allow people to get some cash when they are in a pinch and not have so many cars they don't use even it is only half or a quarter of what you paid for it. It would be nice to get something back. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - n/a
  3. Disclaimer: every department is great
  4. Can't turn down a good Chicago style hot dog!
  5. +support Really like this idea
  6. +/- support Haven't had any run ins with this guy so can't really speak on his character. I do see him on alot though. App could be better but couldn't they all? Good luck to you!
  7. Emmitt

    Emmiits 48 hours

    I've been thinking about this for a couple weeks and decided to pull the trigger. I'd rather focus my time on EMS, state and staff. Thank you for the opportunity.
  8. +/- Support I've see you on a lot lately but considering you just came back from a 6 month break I would keep up the activity and read over the staff guidelines some more. For the Mass rdm question it would be a 5 day ban, not a verbal warning. You do seem like a good dude though! -No poll
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