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Posts posted by Saam

  1. 3 hours ago, Milky Way said:

    MAJOR + Support.  We need old SF back. At the moment SF only has 5 members, doing this would help the battalion and provide more stuff to do on the server. As a former vice marshal i would rejoin SF if it was reverted. Please make this happen.


  2. On 8/11/2023 at 7:32 PM, Shadow Yerah said:

    + Knows his stuf
    +Has good ideas
    -Was ad his app through reports however it was handled
    [This clearly shows impenitentness]
    Its fine they don't know commands they are rather straight forward and simple.


  3. 3 hours ago, Chrono The Changeling said:

    Major + Support

    From the interactions that I have had with them both in character and when they helped me out on the GM side by stepping in when the ground command lost the ability to use their mic in game. I have nothing but great experiences with this person and think they are great. They are calm and collected and always willing to help out where they see they can.


  4. On 8/12/2023 at 1:58 PM, BigBoyNavalTankIQandRG said:

    +Major Support
    I remember this person from before and he was an amazing person and he was a person of great corage and understanding of all rules of the server.
    Been on the server for 2-3 years and never been warned 

    would make a great GM deserves this


  5. 19 hours ago, Harr y said:

    MASSIVE + Support

    Master Chief has so much experience with leadership in DT(as he was a former command member of DT) and he did a lot for the battalion at the time, he has also shown he is dedicated to DT and has great aspirations for the future of DT, he is a very trusted member of the community seeing as he was also Fleet admiral Gallius Rax and a DT Commander, I believe that Master Chief is definitely one of the best possible candidates for the position from the reasons stated above.


    4 hours ago, Hi Joel said:

    +Mega Support
    Chief is an amazing Command, he has the experience and knows how to lead. When I was in DT back in 2022, Chief was always one step ahead with things and made sure DT was a safe place. He is the most dedicated member of DT especially returning back to it after being in High Comm for a bit. This is what DT needs a Iron Fist to lead and he is the man for the job. 


  6. On 8/6/2023 at 6:29 PM, BigBoyNavalTankIQandRG said:

    +Major Support
    Ever since i have joined Gaminglight, Brine / C37 has always been helping me since the beginning and I believe he will make a Fine DT commander.
    - He knows the duties and responsibilities well
    -Can be trusted as a VCMDR


  7. 22 hours ago, ReaperIsZero said:


    Osiris is a great officer and has even made it to the rank of Colonel, in my opinion he is the best option for a position like this. In the past his activity dropped but it hasn't happened in a very long time. I can assure you that he has got a great attitude towards this battalion as I've known him even as a Cadet, he showed me the ins and outs on what its like being an NCO/Officer. He is a great example of a leader and a trusted member of the community, a lot of people would agree on me with this!


    +Great guy
    +Suitable for the position
    +Leadership skills
    +Has the most experience in the officer team currently



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