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Posts posted by Saam

  1. 1 hour ago, Fabian Fox said:


    - Would like to be able to have the freedom to move across a room without being melted by NPCs that are not supposed to be able to hits with such accuracy.

    - Gives GMs the ability to work with different difficulty of NPCs for Event diversity.


  2. Hello,

    I took that sit because I witnessed the incident. I issued a verbal warning to Agent Kallus regarding his FailRP and told them, 'If this happens again, I will have to warn you for FailRP.' If you believe I handled this situation incorrectly, I am willing to acknowledge my mistake, but I believe I handled it appropriately. Let's await responses or a decision from the SMT.


  3. 9 hours ago, Harr y said:


    I have seen Turqous grow from a scoundrel all the way to a sentinel, he has shown excellence in the pykes specialties, activity and dedication, and overall conduct of work. Turqous is the best choice for Pyke not because he is the only other person who could apply, but because he has shown all the traits I've said above which is currently what Pyke needs


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