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About bobawhy

  • Birthday 05/12/2008

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  1. @Jrshaferwont let me reply to your message but thanks dawg lol
  2. Hello everyone, not gonna make this long asf like some resignations because I don't really need to, but yea I'm resigning. I really can't balance school, my girl, and my friends all at once. And unfortunately, im going to have to choose those things (my life) over Gaminglight. In all honesty, I came back to this server on dead memories of the past couple years, and I can't even play for more than 30 minutes and also have fun. I get home from school everyday to the pop on the server being 8-20 people, and that's really not enough for me to keep grinding this shit. I might come back this summer idk. Time for everyone's favorite part of the resignation, to see if they got mentioned!: Jaune: your a real one ily bbg (To CI HCMD: please give this man RND head he deserves it way more than I ever did.) Laggy: Walking skill issue ngl Cintal: Please revive research and make it cool again bbg. Jrshafer (And CI kinda): I know I said I would be doing cool shit with RND, and other shit, but it really aint worth it man. Saint: Glad I could clear up the whole ghosting you thing. (Fuck you ellipsis, you're a bitch) Acee: I know youre alr resigned but lowkey helped me break the Gaminglife grindset. Markus: you and laggy and all of yall a bitch for capturing me on E4, yall mfs setup a whole navy seal operation to get me. (Nah im jp lmao) Ryota/Versa: EOI was fun, glad I got to be apart of it with you. Im sure theres more people, but thats really all I can think of. Anyways love all of yall.
  3. Exactly, all the newer, more played servers have /LOOC atleast.
  4. What you want to see? - The addition of /it and /LOOC Why should we add it?/What are the advantages of having this? - /it: /it would be great for RP. The people who know about it on SCP-RP, use it heavily in RP Situations. The addition of /it could be used in many RP scenarios to increase the RP of that situation. (Example: "/it A gun is seen in Bobas trunk" would translate in chat to: "A gun is seen in Bobas trunk". Its like /me without the persons name. /LOOC: If you are in an RP situation, and need to leave, instead of just saying it you can use /LOOC (Local Out Of Character Chat). There's many different ways /LOOC can be used, you need to leave, just talking to someone OOC instead of using /OOC, etc. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. This benefits everyone. Links to any content - (Its on the other GL servers {SCP-RP and I believe Imperial-RP}, I assume you could just get them from there too.) /LOOC: https://garrysmods.org/download/60245/localooc-chat-looc /IT: (Unable to find)
  5. +Support I lost 7 billion on a DarkRP server to a coinflip once, like 5 months of straight grinding. With that aside, this is a fantastic idea.
  6. What you want to see? - The Cannabis addon removed and the "Pothead" Skill changed to the other Weed addon. Why should we add it? - The Cannabis doesn't really give much money at all, and people only really use it to get the Xp for the "Pothead" skill. It would be cool to make more money when you sell your weed at the weed buyer if you have the skill upgraded. What are the advantages of having this? - Making more money whenever you sell your weed at the weed buyer, and removing the addon that not many people use. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content - N/A
  7. Blud is NOT gonna find a girl friend, he gon be back playing gaminglight in like 3 months tops. o7
  8. pancakes get mad soggy, you are eating soggy bread.
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