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Posts posted by WxvySpixe

  1. grade: A


    Total: 21/25 

    Creativity: 3/5

    Usefulness: 4/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 4/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: I like the implants but try to something different like recommand them better organs or something that makes them resist to the acid that some scps shoot at you.  This is good work tho. 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command

  2. Grade: S


    Total: 25/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes:  This is a really good test and I like that you put the failure in here as well. I want more like this from the project and great job 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command

  3. grade: C


    Total: 15/25 

    Creativity: 4/5

    Usefulness: 4/5 

    Writing: 2/5 

    Presentation: 2/5 

    Realism: 3/5Notes: I like that you made the eyes yourself but your writing is awful. Add more detail too it 

    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  4. grade:A


    Total: 22/25 

    Creativity: 4/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 4/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 4/5

    Notes: I like these implants alot. I wanna see more of them also try giving them muliple implants like arms as well. 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  5. grade: C


    Total: 15/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 1/5 

    Writing: 2/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 2/5

    Notes: The test is interesting but I don't think it's very useful. Also I think there should be more detail. It doesn't really help medical in anyway. It was a fun test but they still need to benifit medical in some way 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command

  6. On 4/13/2022 at 6:31 PM, Lafleur said:

    + Support

    + Active

    + Always fun to speak

    + Trusted

    + Nice ranks

    You are someone I appreciate and I would trust you with Level 5 Clearance. Your ranks in Medical are great as you are the equivalent of a WO and future Doctor I hope. I edited my application as you now changed to an Engineer application and you would be more than fit for the position. @wXc GameHunter @Voxial If you wanna change your reply as I changed mine feel free to change or keep it the same way.

    Good luck on your application,

    -Quebec 13


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Spixe

    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:465087455


    3. What is your Rank? EM

    4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 2

    5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 4

    6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 7.5

    7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)? I think I should be medical command because I have a lot of ideas for medical (especially MR). I love medical and everyone in it and I wanna make it better and safer place for them. I know I have a couple of warns and strikes but most of them were from me first joining the sever and I have grown and learned from those mistakes. I also think I could make it a funnier place for everyone like little medical events and competitions for it. I feel like Im well known though out medical and help out were I can. I'm feel like i'm fairly on and have decent hours on medical.

    [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.]

    8-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do? I would ask them to go back to medical and explain why they are not allowed in there. If they refuse I would warn them 

    8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? I would give them a tour of d-block and tell them about defibs. I would also go over the SOP with them and than ask them a couple of questions about it. If they answered correctly I would give them the job 

    8-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? If they did it in self defense I wouldnt do anything but if it wasnt I would first give them a verbal warning and if they did it again I would warn them 

  8. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and EM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

    Observations (can be a video or audio): D class: Breathing is hard man  Me: I'm gonna build you some new lungs    (I had Trizium there)

    The dboi read the book and got astsma from it. We put him in the surgeon room and got to work. I decided to try and build some new lungs and it went great. In the middle of the surgury 106 took our security and ran off. We continued and I took out a lung one at a time and changed them with the ones I built. It went great and he felt like a new man. Said he's breathing was amazing.  



    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:yes 

    What did you learn?: That I am good at building things 

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: We gotta start teaching how to build lungs

  9. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and EM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

    Observations (can be a video or audio): D class:Me no breath good Me:I'll help you man     (I had Mask there) The d boy read the book and got asthma. We went to cure him and we thought 999 could help us. We gave 999 candy and took apart of him so the dboy could sniff it. As soon as he did it a EOI disguised as a FM handcuffed our escort and freed the dboy. The Dboy shoot me so I put him down. The EOI got away.



    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Idk

    What did you learn?:EOI are stupid

    How Can This Benefit Medical?:We need more security 

  10. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and EM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

    Observations (can be a video or audio):D class:MY LUNGSSS Me:I got you new lungs man  (I had Mask there) He read the book and got lung cancer. He was coughing up blood and it was hard for him to breathe. We took him into medbay and tried to treat him. We decided to give him some new lungs and luckly there was some lungs in the freezer. We had a bit of a rough time putting them in but it worked and he is now healthy. 



    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

    What did you learn?: All we need to do is replace lungs if they have it and they will be good to go

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: We gotta stock up on lungs

  11. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and EM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

    Observations (can be a video or audio): D class:AHHHHHH (on fire)    Me: Damn hurry FM (I had Mask there) The D class got asthma and then read it again and got set on fire. A FM got defibs but it was to late. 



    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Would have if he didnt read it twice 

    What did you learn?: Fire Bad

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: We gotta be fast with fire patients 

  12. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and SM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

    Observations (can be a video or audio): D class:FIX MY LEGSS     Me: I got you my guy

    (I had Mask and god there to help) The d class got arthritis and couldn't jump so we took him to the surgery room to see if we could help. We had a idea to see if lean would fix his bones so we gave him a shot of it. It unfortainly didn't work. I thought it would be good to give him new legs. God tried to spawn in some legs but only spawned in some wooden legs. So I cut them off with assists of Mask and put the wooden ones on. They worked so good that he went into the ceiling. 



    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: yes

    What did you learn?: That we can help arthritis by changing out the body parts 

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: We have learned how to cure arthritis

    • Like 1
  13. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and SM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

    Observations (can be a video or audio): D class:AHHHHH    Me: Dang

    Detailed description of what happened during the test: The D class read the book and had a cardiac arrest. I tried saving him but failed



    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: no

    What did you learn?: Its hard to save someone with cardiac arrest 

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: We can try to learn to save people with cardiac arrest

  14. In-game Name: Spixe

    Rank: RMS and SM


    Idea: Curing a d class from the Bell

    Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class ring the bell and cure it

    Hypothesis: The D class will ring the bell and we can cure him from seeing things


    Observations (can be a video or audio): D class: *playing a song and rings bell a lot*.    Me: Please stop

    Detailed description of what happened during the test:  (RMS Surgeon Maskfilm and RMS RMS Supervisor Bully  helped) D class rang the bell a whole lot of times. We take him to the surgery room and we start with some glasses god gave us. They did not work so we decided to take out the part in his brain that creates fear. We failed so bad at that his brain was all mess up but he didn't see the thing any more


    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: kinda

    What did you learn?: That curing someone from the bell only works if you mess up there brain

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: He can help with brain surgery.  

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