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Posts posted by WxvySpixe

  1. In-Game Name:Spixe

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:465087455

    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank):Gold

    How long have you been playing on the server?: february

    Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines Yes

    How many warns do you have? (Screenshot):4 Warns.thumb.png.c59c23d23e4199fa93a4cd058e8d11e7.png

    Why do you want to join event team? I wanna bring more fun things for people to do and make the sever get more people. I also wanna bring some fun for the people that play at off hours. 

    Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: I have been reading the ET guidlines and getting to learn them. I am also very trusted with in medical with the role of supervisor. I know I have a couple of warns but I feel like I have learned from those expesically since most of them were from when I just got into GL

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific): I wanna do like a FNAF event based around the people guy coming into the site and 'helping' GENSEC but he will try to get people to stuff into robots and he has to try not to get caught. How it wold work is that the purple guy would have to lure someone into a room and stuff them. He than would roll if he rolled high than the stuffing worked, if he rolled low than the person would get mangled. If he gets caught than he needs to try and escape. The robots can fight for him if he gets caught but only if they are shot first. If GENSEC or any of the foundation catches him doing this than they need to try to capture or kill him. 

  2. Name-Spixe
    Steam ID-STEAM_0:1:465087455
    Discord Name-Spixe#0806

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- DHMR, Sergeon, and SGT in CCU 

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- 4 warns 1. For RDM

    2. Failrp as a scp

    3. Had a hacking keycard as a FM 

    4. Traq abuse 

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? I wanna protect the site and have some fun with my friends. I see delta 5 on all the time and I think it would be a great thing to be in 

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? I'm very trusted in medical with DHMR and surgein. I'm also apart of event team

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?Yes

    If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!

  3. grade:S


    Total: 25/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: Great test!!! I'm glad you relized that he was deaf and blind! Good job!!


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  4. grade:A


    Total: 22/25 

    Creativity: 4/5

    Usefulness: 3/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: I like the idea and it sucks that the gu died durubg the test. But if the painkiller in the macine are the same as normal ones than the usefulness is that we dont pay for them. Maybe something else in the macine is very helpful tho.


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  5. grade: S


    Total: 25/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: I love that you did this with drugs and mixing it with scps. Also like how you showed a clip, it shows me how everything turned out. I would love to see more clips like that. Great job Aspen!!!! Keep up the good work!! 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  6. In Game Name: Spixe

    Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:1:465087455

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer

    Current RP Ranks Held: DHMR and Supervisor in medical. Sgt on CCU, SSGT in D5

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 4 image.thumb.png.db1d255e9eb4031717decf02229b39ab.png

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I love medical and expecilly medical reserch stuff. I'd love to be a part of RRH so I could do more with medical and MR. I think it would be cool to escort people as well and have fun with each other. I also think that RRH in general are very fun and cool to play and I would like to play on it. I also wanna do more things for maintance with repairs. 

    Why should we accept you: I have command experience in both medical and medical research. I also know that I have a couple of warns but I believe that I have grown and learned from those mistakes. I also believe that I have also became more responsible since I've joined event team and command. I feel like I'm trusted within the medical command and within medical branch. I'm also very active within the game and behind the scenes with medical command and MR. I'm also very aware of the maintance rules and I think I could help with anything that needs fixing. My aim and pvp skills are not all that bad and I believe I could keep my VIP safe at all times. I believe I could be a great asset to RRH as a engineer.


  7. grade:


    Total: 25/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: I think this is a great test and its very helpful. We have to many people on the site thats addicted to things. Great job!



    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command

  8. Total: 22/25 

    Creativity: 4/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 3/5

    Notes: I like how y’all are doing this scp cross stuff to make gensec and MTF stronger. I would like to have more pictures or some clips of the projects in action. Great test. 

    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 


  9. grade:S


    Total: 25/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes:  Great job Aspen, this is a great test and I love how you included how he defeated the CI. Love all these implant test also I'm gonna promote you to MS great job.


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  10. grade:A


    Total: 23/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 4/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 4/5

    Notes: Pretty good test. I'd like to see more stuff like this, good job 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

    • Thanks 1
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