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Posts posted by WxvySpixe

  1. Minimum Requirements for a Trauma Engineer Application:


    Trauma Unit SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18KHPtlI_SH7xl3OKHNF3XnatYGBFSln85a__IDxBK7A/edit?usp=drivesdk

    Be a Senior Medic+ or Maintenance Professional+

    No active strikes (excluding meeting\quota strikes)

    No demotions within the past 2 weeks (consecutive 14 days) 

    Get permission to apply from 1 Command or more in your respective branch (Surgeon+ or Operations Supervisor+)

    Have a Great reputation 

    Active on Medical and/or Maintenance

    Knowledgeable of the Medical and/or Maintenance SOP



    Application Format:

    What is your In-Game name?


    What is your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?


    What is your rank? (Medical and/or Maintenance)


    How many strikes do you currently have?


    How many warnings do you have on GL? (Post a screenshot of your warnings)


    Who gave you permission to apply?


    Why are you a good fit for Trauma Engineer (75+ Words)?



    Scenario Questions:

    Q1: An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize?


    Q2: SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are enroute to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize?


  2. Hey guy, I decided to resign from D5 and focus on Medical. It was great to be apart of this branch and I loved it so much. I have a few meations but not a lot 
    Trizium: Your gonna be the next VCMDR I just know it. Your doing great things for D5 
    Gamehunter: Your gonna be the runner up behind trizium, next G9 head tho 
    Kevlar: second best d5 hcmd, good at fortnite
    Pikachu: Your cute ASF bro, imma miss you're CTF events you did the best ones. 
    Scotched: Your Lame 
    Bye D5!!!!! Ill see you guys around site!!

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  3. So what happened is cyanide made a sit for RDM. When I took it he was very upset and was not okay with it. He was very upset he lost all his stuff and had to walk back. The clip that is shown is just cyanide saying it would be a joke if he didn't have to buy all his stuff back and walk back. Considering that the reporter was clearly upset I found it was appropriate for a formal warn.


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  4. 16 minutes ago, Hex-G said:


    This branch update is great. Just because they are fleshing out a sub-branch they already have does not mean "they are loosing RP" or "becoming more combat focused". 2 of the 3 jobs already exist and are simply getting changed into a new sub-branch with 1 new job. Security basically did the same thing with Juggernauts. This update will allow for Medical to have the best of their combat jobs be limited to medical only instead of Security and MTF having different cross branch jobs (hence why CCU is getting 10 slots). Overall a very good move that Security and MTF have both approved of.


    3 hours ago, PryingTree said:

    RnD can utilize, it isn't killing RRH special ability if other branches can do them. Not only that, but the medical research utilizations are unique and different to RRH (to an extent). Medical and maintenance are suppose to work with RRH engineers, we work closely to them. It even states that in our SOPs. Hoovy approved it after a lot of discussion of which we talked about the pros and the cons of this addition. I can not speak for Hoovy, although in my opinion, If Hoovy was fine with it, then I highly doubt he will allow this branch update to kill off activity for his branch. Hoovy is a smart person who has thought through about this update.



    This update has brought a lot of creativity with it's new sweps and weapons/jobs. With the utilizations, they have weekly changes of which will bring activity to medical research and new RP possibilities. 


    With the 115 people in the medical branch, there is only 32 people in the CU Sub division. This update will hopefully bring more activity for the Combat Unit branch, and even though the 'Combat Unit' is "supposedly" focused on Combat, it really isn't. Combat units are suppose to escort and protect medical personnel. Which is part of the reason why we cut off MCU and RCU and focused the Combat Unit subdivision to medical. Security is mostly protecting D-block but they have a sub division that focuses more on recontaining SCPs and dealing with threats in LCZ. The "They are able to wipe out entire armies of intruders and unknown personnel without a trace" is just a exaggerated description, this medical job is to help deal with mass 610 breaches and bio-hazardous SCPs. So it is to help people in LCZ when there is no other job active that is immune to these threats. When there is red for over an hour, how are medical personnel suppose to RP when it is code red and 610 is hoarding LCZ constantly ruining RP of utility? Also there is two other jobs FOCUSED on RP, like AMR and AFM. We wish to add RP to medical, more than there already is. So this branch update is suppose to help that issue. 

    Side Note: We only added 1 new CU job.

    +support. I hope this clears up and helps you understand.

    I feel like this update is gonna help medical in so many ways 

  5. grade: S


    Total: 25/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 5/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: Welcome back! Also comes back with a great test!! 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  6. grade: B


    Total: 20/25 

    Creativity: 5/5

    Usefulness: 2/5 

    Writing: 5/5 

    Presentation: 4/5 

    Realism: 4/5

    Notes: I'm not sure how helpful it is for a SCP to be faster. Next time try giving a MTF or a gensec more legs. Other than that good test!


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

  7. grade: B


    Total: 20/25 

    Creativity: 4/5

    Usefulness: 5/5 

    Writing: 4/5 

    Presentation: 2/5 

    Realism: 5/5

    Notes: Good test but it was a little basic on the presentation. Give some color to it or something that pops. 


    If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command 

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